UMass Amherst | Residence Education

2016-2017 Resident Assistant Self-Evaluation

Resident Assistant’s Name: Supervisor’s Name:

Building: Floor: Semester:

The scale used for this evaluation is as follows:

E = Exceeds Expectations: The staff member is exceeding expectations and nearly maximized the potential with this skill or task. They demonstrate a consistent mastery and expertise in performance.

M = Meets Expectations: The staff member is consistently meeting expectations with this skill or task. They demonstrate consistent proficiency and effectiveness in performance.

N = Needs Improvement: The staff member is meeting expectations most but not all of the time with this skill or task. Their performance is generally adequate and they demonstrate competence in many aspects of the skill or task, but some improvement is still needed to consistently meet expectations.

D = Does Not Meet Expectations: The staff member does not meet expectations with this skill or task. They fail to demonstrate competence in this skill or task and major changes are needed in this area in order for the staff member to continue in this position.

Living Learning Plan & Community Development

/ D / N / M / E
Individual Connections: Knows the names of all residents on their floor/wing.
Individual Connections: Is approachable, available, and visible to residents on their floor/wing.
Individual Connections: Develops meaningful relationships with all residents on their floor/wing.
Individual Connections: Connects with every resident on the floor/wing in individual interactions and adheres to the frequency expectations outlined in the Living Learning Plan (LLP).
Individual Connections: Engages residents in conversations that are thoughtful, reflect care, and engender respect and trust.
Individual Connections: Completes roommate agreement with each roommate pair by the set deadline.
Floor Connections: Facilitates creative floor programs that adhere to frequency and content expectations outlined in the LLP and address both Student Affairs & Campus Life (SACL) learning outcomes and floor needs.
Floor Connections: Facilitates engaging and effective floor meetings that adhere to the frequency and content expectations outlined in the LLP and provide opportunities for social connections.
Floor Connections: Provides all residents with creative door decorations and adheres to the frequency expectations outlined in the LLP.
Floor Connections: Develops bulletin boards that adhere to the frequency and content expectations outlined in the LLP, that are presentable and have backing paper changed each month, and that creatively and thoughtfully address both SACL learning outcomes and floor needs.
Cluster Connections: Encourages community and campus involvement by attending at least one House Council meeting and assisting with initiatives such as house council recruitment, RHA activities, RSO participation, etc.
Cluster Connections: Effectively collaborates with cluster team to facilitate creative and impactful cluster-wide programs and initiatives that adhere to frequency and content expectations outlined in the LLP.
UMass Amherst Connections: Advertises and takes residents to one University wide initiative based on student needs and in adherence to frequency and content expectations outlined in the LLP.
Living Learning Plan: Develops advertisements that are creative, meet timeline expectations, and help ensure high turn-out at various floor, cluster, and university events and activities.
Living Learning Plan: Logs all LLP initiatives (Individual Connections, Floor Connections, Cluster Connections, and UMass Amherst Connections) into ThinkTank following the expectations outlined in the LLP.

Helping Skills, Resource Referral, and Student Support

/ D / N / M / E
Demonstrates support for and serves as an ally to diverse and underrepresented students.
Assists residents with social, personal, and academic needs, and conducts appropriate follow-up as needed.
Makes appropriate campus resource referrals to residents in need.
Promptly mediates roommate, suitemate, apartment, and community issues appropriately.
Maintains privacy of personal issues and confidentiality where appropriate.

Duty, Conduct, and Crisis Management

/ D / N / M / E
Spends visibility time interacting with residents and being an active/visible part of that community.
Completes thorough and timely rounds as directed by the expectations, senior staff, and on-call staff.
Uses rounds to assess community needs, check-in with residents, and make connections.
Promptly responds to community issues (vandalism, cleanliness, noise, safety, etc).
Knows, communicates, enforces, and follows the Code of Student Conduct.
Is firm and fair when handling community standards/conduct situations.
Follows all emergency and crisis management procedures and protocols.
Follows all expectations related to staff keys, master keys, and lockouts.
Disseminates pertinent information to senior staff by completing all incident reports, duty logs, and other communications in a timely and accurate manner.
Demonstrates cooperative teamwork while on duty and when dealing with crisis situations through effective communication and collaboration with cluster staff, on-call staff, and campus partners.

Communication & Administrative Responsibilities

/ D / N / M / E
Communicates regularly and in a timely manner with senior staff about all aspects of the job.
Is honest, upfront, and demonstrates congruency between statements and actions.
Attends all staff meetings, one-on-ones, and trainings on time.
Completes all paperwork and administrative tasks accurately and on time.
Checks email at least once per day and responds in a timely manner.
Checks office mailbox at least once per day and posts flyers/posters on the same day.
Plans ahead to complete responsibilities without being asked or reminded.
Is dependable and prompt in following through and carrying out assignments.

Staff/Departmental Contributions, Teamwork and Collaboration

/ D / N / M / E
Supports staff, supervisor, and departmental decisions.
Volunteers for projects, activities, and initiatives (RA Council, interviews, RA training presenter, etc).
Is prepared, attentive and actively participating in all staff functions, one-on-ones, meetings, and trainings.
Gives and receives useful feedback to and from staff members, and holds staff members accountable.
Is responsive, cooperative, and sensitive towards supervisor requests and feedback.

Personal & Professional Development

/ D / N / M / E
Demonstrates knowledge and skills around issues of equity, diversity, and inclusions.
Seeks new experiences to raise their personal awareness of issues pertinent to the RA job.
Is flexible and willing to adapt to new ways of working.

Effectively balances RA role with other responsibilities and models good time management.

Role models appropriate academic, professional, and personal behavior for residents and colleagues.

Overall Performance

Individual Strengths Leading to Successful Performance (Please provide a detailed narrative and examples, especially in all performance areas where self-evaluation indicates exceeding expectations):

Areas Needing Attention to Strengthen Performance (Please provide a detailed narrative and examples, especially in all performance areas where self-evaluation indicates either needing improvement or not meeting expectations):

Goal Setting/Action Plan: Establish a Minimum of 3 Performance Goals

Performance Area: / Goal Identified: / Steps to Achieving Goal:

Signature of Student Staff Member: Date:

Signature of Supervisor: Date: