Notifying an employee that he/she is being reduced in force or targeted for reduction in force is difficult for the manager and the employee. Emotions from employees may range from shock, disbelief, or acceptance to crying, negotiating for their job, or angry outbursts. It is important during the notification meeting to be professional and remain focused on the task.

This checklist is a guide for managers and supervisors to follow in preparation for a reduction in force (RIF) notification meeting. It is not intended to cover every item that needs to be accomplished or addressed during the meeting. Managers and supervisors are strongly encouraged to contact Employee Relations before using this form.

Instructions: Place a check in the first column when action items are completed.

Here / Action Item / Status
Review the University’s RIF policy and plan
Meet with Employee Relations and Legal Affairs to discuss proposed RIF
Develop RIF proposal using template provided by Employee Relations
Complete the RIF matrix, to include the names (no nicknames) of all the department employees, titles and Employee ID numbers. Highlight the positions recommended for elimination.
Develop a “current” organization chart (highlight positions proposed for elimination and a “post-RIF” organization chart showing what the organization will look like after the RIF is approved.
Submit draft RIF proposal, matrix and organizations charts to Employee Relations and Legal Affairs for review.
Meet with Employee Relations and Legal Affairs to discuss and finalize the RIF proposal.
Route finalized RIF proposal and obtain signatures from Human Resources, Legal Affairs, Vice President and President.
If RIF is approved, obtain letters notifying employees of RIF from Employee Relations.
Obtain script from Employee Relations and practice script for discussion with employee(s)
Anticipate questions from employee(s) and develop answers; share with human resourcesas appropriate
Seek answers to questions you are unsure about from immediate manager and/or human resources
Assess potential safety risks and implement strategy to minimize risks (such as having a second manager or human resources representativepresent during meeting and a police officer close by)
Identify state property to be collected from employee (such as keys, ID badge, computer, state vehicle, uniforms, cell phone, pagers, etc.)
Assess impact of losing staff on workload and remaining employees; develop plan to redistribute work, if applicable
Schedule face to face meeting with affected employee(s) including logistics (location, date, place, etc.)
Here / Action Item / Status
RIF Notification Meeting
Meet with affected employee(s) privately in a neutral location, if feasible
Keep meeting length between 30 – 45 minutes
Get to the point – inform the employee he/she is being RIF or targeted for RIF; use the prepared script
Give employee the reduction in force notification letter and a copy of the agency’s/university’s RIF policy
Be professional
Direct employee(s) to Human Resources for benefits overview and consultation
Coordinate return of state property
Treat employee with dignity and respect
Answer questions to the extent possible
Here / Action Item / Status
Post Notification Meeting
Allow employee(s) time off to seek other employment
Communicate what can be shared with remaining staff about the RIF
Be visible and accessible to employees
Arrange for termination of computer access, e-mail, voicemail, etc. to coincide with employee’s separation date; (earlier if a safety risk is determined)
Ensure the department administrative staff have processed the Job Record Data Change form of SharePoint
Refer any employee to theEmployee Assistance Program if they are having trouble coping with the RIF
Reassign workload to remaining staff, if applicable

Keep the following points in mind when notifying an employee of an impending RIF:

  • Do not argue or be confrontational
  • Do not get defensive
  • Avoid discussing other employees who may be affected by the RIF
  • Do not minimize the impact of the RIF on the employee
  • Do not make assumptions about what will or will not happen
  • Do not make promises you cannot keep
  • Do not take implied or voiced threats lightly; document and report what was said to your manager and/or Human Resources immediately


  1. UTSA Handbook of Operating Procedures, Chapter 3.05, Reduction in Force for Classified Employees.
  1. UTSA Employee Assistance Program, Deer Oaks. Username and password: utsa
  1. Human Resources – Employee Relations, 458-7891