Eric O. Springsted, President

908 Bellevue Avenue

Trenton, NJ 08618

January 6, 2011

To the Members of the Society:

The new year brings the same old announcement that it is time to renew memberships and subscriptions. Dues and subscriptions remain the same as last year and a form is included with this letter. I also ask that people be timely in remitting dues and subscriptions, especially subscriptions to Cahiers Simone Weil as these need to be delivered to the French Association. It is helpful to everybody to have this done as early as possible.

I remind everybody of the upcoming colloquy at the Pacific School of Religion of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA on May 6-7, 2011. The colloquy will concentrate on Weil’s political and social thought. Last year the members suggested that in order to do that people think about the issue under the rubric of “Politics and Anti-Politics.” Members are invited to think about criticisms of Weil’s political thought, especially that it is not really political. As usual, all timely proposals will be considered.

Please submit proposals to Inese Radzins via email: by January 15, 2011.

News of interest includes the world premiere showing of Julia Haslett’s documentary

film, An Encounter with Simone Weil IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) on November 20th. The film traces director Julia Haslett's journey to understand the controversial French philosopher and activist Simone Weil (1909-1943) whose life and work confront us with the rare moral vitality of a woman willing to die for her convictions. More info can be found on their website: and by watching the trailer, The film has been reviewed and discussed in Indigo Magazine, a journal of the humanities for young people published in South Korea.

Jane Doering’s book Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force has been published by the University of Notre Dame Press.

A translation of Sylvie Weil’s book Chez les Weils has also been recently published as At Home with Andre and Simone this last fall by Northwestern University Press.

I also remind everybody of the AWS website which Lucian Stone has done such a good job of keeping up to date. It contains a number of links including the very important one under “bibliography,” which gives access to Saundra Lipton’s and Debra Jenson’s impressively huge and growing bibliography of works on Weil. The website address is:







E-mail address:

Membership...... $12 ______

Membership (student) ...... $6 ______

Subscription Cahiers Simone Weil...... $62 ______

Contribution...... ______

Total: ______

Make checks out to; The American Weil Society

Mail to:

Dr. Eric O. Springsted

The American Weil Society

908 Bellevue Ave.

Trenton, NJ 08618