EAP 1520CSyllabus

High Intermediate Reading For Non-Native

Speakers Of English

Session: Fall 2011

Section: W08-CRN 17195

Days, Times, Locations:Tues. and Thurs. 7:00p.m.-8:15 p.m., Room 3-118

Professor:Leticia Cardona-Rubio, M.A.TESL

Office:By Appointment


E-mail Address:

Office Hours:TBA

Required Texts: Reading for Results, Flemming

Vocabulary Power, Dingle

Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

Materials: Blue or black ink pen

No. 2 pencil

8 ½ X 11 size paper


Suggested Additional Materials:

A college level English learners’ dictionary

White-out correction tape

Index cards


A small stapler

All students must have the textbook by the refund request deadline onSeptember6TH, 2011.

Anyone not planning to buy the book needs to withdraw from the course before this date.

Prerequisite:Demonstration of required level of English proficiency or minimum grade of “C” in EAP.

Corequisite:EAP 1540C unless exempted

Course Description/Objective:Students develop ability to comprehend longer texts on a variety of academically-related topics by applying appropriate reading strategies.

Competencies:1) improving English vocabulary, 2) locating key concepts, 3) reading critically, 4) reading a variety of materials, such as texts, periodicals, journals, and electronic materials 5) reading to enhance personal life, and 6) developing effective study habits. Required lab work is a homework component of this course. Minimum grade of C required for successful completion.

EAP 1520 Policies: Required lab work is a component of this course. A departmental final exam is required. The final exam will be 25% of your final grade in this class. In this course, a minimum grade of “C” is required.

Other Objectives: In addition to specific EAP objectives, the course will reinforce the following competencies wholly or partially.

Valencia Competencies: Valencia has defined four interrelated competencies that prepare students to succeed in the world community: (1) think, (2) value, (3) act, and (4) communicate. The college catalog outlines these. The activities in this course will further develop your mastery of the four core competencies.

CLAST Competencies:

IIIA-B.Listen with literal and critical comprehension.

IVA.Compose oral messages suitable to topic, purpose, and audience.

IVB. Transmit ideas and information in effective oral language which conforms to the conventions of Standard American English.

Classroom Policies:

* If you have questions regarding policies and procedures for this course please consult the catalog as all issues will be resolved following the Valencia College Catalog.

Attendance & Tardiness: Excellent attendance is expected from all students. Every student is expected to attend every class and to be on time.Students will be penalized on their final grade for excessive tardiness and can be withdrawn from class. Arriving late to class or leaving early disrupt the learning process for everyone else in the class. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late or leave more than 15 minutes early will be considered absent. Students who have three absences will be given a warning. Students with more than three absences can be penalized one letter grade for each absence over three and may be withdrawn by the instructor. Absences due to extraordinary circumstances, such as medical and personal emergencies, will be dealt with on a case-to-case basis. Ultimately, the instructor will have the final say on how to handle any absence. Always notify the instructor by phone or via email before any anticipated absence. Class attendance is required beginning with the first class meeting. If you do not attend the first class meeting, you may be withdrawn from the class as a “no show.” If you are withdrawn as a “no show,” you will be financially responsible for the class and a “W” will appear on your transcript for the course.

Participation: Students must come to class prepared by having done the homework, readings and lab work assigned by your instructor. You cannot participate fully if you do not come to class prepared. In-class participation is expected from all students and is a percentage of your final grade. Participation includes paying attention, taking notes, actively engaging in class activities, having a positive attitude, not talking out of turn, and actively listening to the instructor. In-class participation is expected from all students and is 20% of your final grade. Additionally, participation will be the deciding factor for “borderline” students.

Unless you have spoken to me about an emergency situation before class, cell phones should always be turned off; texting and other disruptions from cell phones will count against your participation grade. Personal laptops must also be put away before class begins.

Late/Makeup Work: When work is due, it is due promptly at the start of class.When I collect assignments I will ask you to sign the designated envelope for that assignment.Once I have collected papers and put them away, you will not have the opportunity of turning in your assignment. You may only drop off assignments in the Communications Department if you have made special arrangements with me. No late work will be accepted.Also, do not work on assignments for other classes in our EAP 1520C class.There is no makeup work. All homework assignments must be done on size 11 x 8 ½ paper, be labeled properly (name, date, course, and assignment name in the upper-right-hand corner for hand-written assignments and in the upper-left-hand corner for all typed assignments using a 12pt. font size and a Times New Roman font), and be stapled in the upper-left-hand corner. I will not accept assignments that do not follow these requirements.

Academic Honesty: Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism, the act of copying someone else's work and putting your name to it, is a form of cheating. If you copy someone else’s work and put your name on it; that is copying or plagiarizing. While you might complete some of the writing assignments in this course outside of class, all assignments must be your original work. Many of the assignments in this course allow you to work in small groups, but most assignments will require individual effort. Unless I explicitly state that you may work with other students on an assignment or a test, you should assume that you should complete the assignment on your own. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated. If your name is on an assignment, it must be your original work. Keep your eyes on your own paper during quizzes and tests. If you’re not sure if something is permitted, ask your instructor. Academic dishonesty can result in expulsion from the college.Go to to read the college policy on academic dishonesty.

Required Lab: Weekly lab is required in all EAP courses.

Students with Special Needs: Any student with special needs that may affect his/her progress in this course should notify the instructor as early in the semester as possible.

No Classes:

Labor DaySeptember 5, 2011

Thanksgiving November 24, 2011

College NightOctober 6, 2011

Important dates:

Refund Request Deadline September 6, 2011

Withdrawal Deadline for a “W” November 4, 2011

Midterm Exam:

Midterm October 4, 2011

Comprehensive Final Exam:

Final Exam December 13, 2011

Evaluation and Grading Scale: EAP courses use a ten-point scale, with “C” as the minimum passing and advancement grade for each course.

Grades that satisfy the EAP course requirement:

A90 – 100%

B80 – 89%

C70 – 79%

Grades that do NOT satisfy the EAP course requirement:

D60 – 69%

F 0 – 59

Determination of Final Course Grade:

Lab Work 5%

Homework, Class Activities, Chapter Exams,

and Quizzes 40%

Participation 20%

Midterm Exam 10%

Final Exam 25%

College-wide Midterm/Final Examinations: The final is a college-wide departmental, comprehensive exam.

Classroom Contacts: You need to exchange phone numbers with at least three students in the class so that you can obtain assignments and keep up with course work if you are absent from class.

Names and phone numbers of classmates you can call for help:

Student # 1

Name: ______

Telephone: ______

E-mail address: ______

The best time to call: ______

Student # 2

Name: ______

Telephone: ______

E-mail address: ______

The best time to call: ______

Student # 3

Name: ______

Telephone: ______

E-mail address: ______

The best time to call: ______

*Disclaimer:Changes in the syllabus may be made at any time during the term by announcement by the professor. A revised syllabus may be issued at the discretion of the instructor.

EAP 1520C Syllabus Page 1 of 4 Cardona-Rubio, Leticia