Leadership Training Session 2

Officers’ role in evangelism

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church

Roanoke, VA

January 30, 2010

Dr. Tony Campolo

Leadership Training Session 2

Topic: Officers’ role in evangelism

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church

Roanoke, VA

January 30, 2010

  1. Hebrews 6:5
  2. Question to Tony: “What about the “New Years resolution people”?”
  3. Answer: There are always going to be people who come in just for a little inspiration. Jesus spent three years just to create disciples and to send them out to create more disciples. There are people who read one chapter of the Bible just for inspiration with the mindset of “A chapter a day to keep the devil away.” We have to motivate those types of people into action.
  4. “You can’t carry out the Great commission until you first carry out the Great commandment.”
  5. You must first communicate to the people in the neighborhood that you really care about them.
  6. Evangelism is recruiting people for a movement, inviting people to become participants with the other people of God in changing the world into what it ought to be.
  7. Jesus didn’t come with a message saying “I have come to get you into heaven when you die” but to declare that the Kingdom of God is at hand”
  8. The church should be interested in winning people to Jesus and facilitating social justice
  9. Mentions Charles Finney a Presbyterian and his passion to serve and work for the anti-slave movement and the women’s suffrage movement, the problems of his day.
  10. Matthew 25- On the Day of Judgment, Jesus will ask; “when I was hungry did you feed me, I was naked did you clothe me, I was sick did you care for me, I was sick did you care for me, I was cast out did you take me in? What you do for others you do for me,”
  11. Story about the homeless man in Philadelphia who offered Tony, a stranger, a sip of his coffee because when God gives you something good you should share it with people, and only asked for a hug in return.
  12. The Bible says that if any man says that he loves God and doesn’t love his neighbor, he doesn’t really love God
  13. Real spirituality is that which bears fruit for the Kingdom of God.
  14. The world should look like what is said in Isaiah 65:17-25. We all should have the same vision for the Kingdom.
  15. Talks about “Ignatian spirituality,” centering prayer, and stillness.
  16. Talks about the second kind of prayer in Ignatian spirituality, the prayer of examen. Examine yourself, how God has used you during the day and where you have fallen short during the day and give it to God.
  17. Ephesians 4 says “Whatsoever things you have done that are good, whatsoever things you have done that are profitable, whatsoever things you have done that are excellent, Whatsoever things you have done of good report, think on these things and then continue to do them”
  18. Paul says to forget those things which are behind and press on to the mark of the high calling
  19. Third kind of prayer, Lectio Divina, to read scripture in a group, sit, close eyes, and wait for the Holy Spirit to explain the meaning of that scripture to you, and shares with the group what they believe the Holy Spirit has revealed to them in the scriptures.
  20. Tony prays, end of session

Session 2 ends at 2:50:54

Tags: Hebrews 6:5, communication, evangelism, Kingdom of God, Charles Finney, Presbyterian, anti-slave, women’s suffrage, Matthew 25, homeless, Philadelphia, coffee, love, Isaiah 65, Ignatian spirituality, centering prayer, stillness, Ephesians 4, Lectio Divina, scripture