MSc in InvestigativeJournalism

Postgraduate Diploma in Investigative Journalism

Postgraduate Certificate in Investigative Journalism

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 19.1.]


19.127.1Regulations 19.1.1 and 19.1.2 shall apply.

In addition, applicants shall normally have studied journalism or a related subject as part of their first degree.

Duration of Study

19.127.2Regulations 19.1.5 and 19.1.6 shall apply.

Mode of Study

19.127.3The courses are available by full-time and part-time study.


19.127.4All students shall undertake an approved curriculum as follows:

for the Postgraduate Certificate – no fewer than 60 credits

for the Postgraduate Diploma – no fewer than 120 credits

for the degree of MSc – no fewer than 180 credits including a dissertation or portfolio

Compulsory ClassesLevel Credits

P3 925Investigative Journalism: History & Theory520

L3 922Investigative Research520

P3 926Manufacture of Consent520

Students for the Postgraduate Diploma and Degree of MSc only:

Compulsory Classes

P3 944Investigative Journalism and the Law520

P3 945Investigative Journal: Project520

Optional Classes

No fewer than 20 credits chosen from:

P3 955Media Ethics520

QQ 932Covering Globalisation520

The list of Optional Classes in Regulation 19.127.174.

Students for the degree of MSc only


ES 928Dissertation560


ES 921Journalism Portfolio560

Examination, Progress and Final Assessment

19.127.5Regulations 19.1.25 – 19.1.33 shall apply.

19.127.6Progress may be dependent on satisfactory performance against prescribed criteria in the earlier part of the course.

19.127.7The final assessment will be based on performance in the examinations, coursework, the dissertation or portfolio where undertaken and, if required, in an oral examination.


19.127.8Degree of MSc: In order to qualify for the degree of MSc in Investigative Journalism, candidates must have performed to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners and must normally have accumulated no fewer than 180 credits of which 60 must have been awarded in respect of the dissertation or portfolio.

19.127.9Postgraduate Diploma: In order to qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Investigative Journalism a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the taught classes of the course.

19.127.10Postgraduate Certificate: In order to qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in Investigative Journalism a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 60 credits from the taught classes of the course.



19.127.20(Numbers not used)

MLitt in Renaissance Studies

Postgraduate Diploma in Renaissance Studies

Postgraduate Certificate in Renaissance Studies

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 19.1.]

The Course is offered jointly by the Universities of Strathclyde and Stirlingand the awards are made in the name of these two Universities. The regulations are drawn up consequent upon a Memorandum of Agreement which has been approved by Senate. The course is jointly administered by a Course Committee appointed by the two Universities.

The taught components of the course may be delivered at either University. One of these Universities will be designated the Institution of Primary Registration. Students will be subject to the course regulations that have been adopted by both Universities and to any other general regulations of the Institution of Primary Registration.


19.127.21Regulations 19.1.1 and 19.1.2 shall apply.

Duration of Study

19.127.22Regulations 19.1.5 and 19.1.6 shall apply.

Mode of Study

19.127.23The courses are available by full-time and part-time study.


19.127.24All students shall undertake an approved curriculum as follows:

for the Postgraduate Certificate – no fewer than 60 credits

for the Postgraduate Diploma – no fewer than 120 credits including all the classes in List A

for the degree of MLitt – no fewer than 180 credits including all the classes in List A and a dissertation

List ALevelCredits

QQ 913Questioning the Paradigms of Renaissance

QQ 914Forms, Practices and Contexts of Renaissance
Cultural Production530

QQ 933Research Skills Class520

List B

QQ 945Paradigms Lost: The Other Renaissance in

Students for the degree of MLitt only:

QQ 950Dissertation560

Examination, Progress and Final Assessment

19.127.25Regulations 19.1.25 – 19.1.33 shall apply.

19.127.26Progress may be dependent on satisfactory performance against prescribed criteria in the earlier part of the course.

19.127.27The final assessment will be based on performance in the examinations, coursework, the dissertation where undertaken and, if required, in an oral examination.


19.127.28Degree of MLitt: In order to qualify for the degree of MLitt in Renaissance Studies, candidates must have performed to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners and must normally have accumulated no fewer than 180 credits of which 60 must have been awarded in respect of the dissertation.

19.127.29Postgraduate Diploma: In order to qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Renaissance Studies, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the taught classes of the course.

19.127.30Postgraduate Certificate: In order to qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in Renaissance Studies, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 60 credits from the taught classes of the course.

MLitt in International Journalism

Postgraduate Diploma in International Journalism

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 19.1]


19.127.31Regulations 19.1.1 and 19.1.2 shall apply.

Duration of Study

19.127.32Regulations 19.1.5 and 19.1.6 shall apply.

Mode of Study

19.127.33The courses are available by full-time study only.


19.127.34All students shall undertake an approved curriculum as follows:

for the Postgraduate Diploma – no fewer than 120 credits

for the degree of MLitt – no fewer than 180 credits including a dissertation

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

P3 949Journalism in English: Writing and Professional


P3 950Producing Media520

P3 951Specialist Journalism Project520

P3 952Journalism and Society520

Optional Classes

P3 954Scots Law for Journalists520

The list of Optional Classes in Regulation 19.127.174, List A in Regulation 19.127.184 and the Compulsory Classes in Regulation 19.127.43.

Students for the degree of MLitt only:

P3 928Dissertation560


ES 921Journalism Portfolio560

Examination, Progress and Final Assessment

19.127.35Regulations 19.1.25 – 19.1.33 shall apply.

19.127.36The final assessment will be based on performance in the examinations, coursework, the dissertation where undertaken and, if required, in an oral examination.


19.127.37Degree of MLitt: In order to qualify for the degree of MLitt in International Journalism, candidates must have performed to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners and must normally have accumulated no fewer than 180 credits of which 60 must have been awarded in respect of the dissertationor portfolio.

19.127.38Postgraduate Diploma: In order to qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in International Journalism, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the taught classes of the course.


to 19.127.40 (Numbers not used)

MLitt in Journalism

Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 19.1]


19.127.41Regulations 19.1.1 and 19.1.2 shall apply.

Duration of Study

19.127.42Regulations 19.1.4 and 19.1.5 shall apply.

Mode of Study

19.127.43The courses are available by full-time study only.


19.127.44All students shall undertake an approved curriculum as follows:

for the Postgraduate Diploma – no fewer than 120 credits

for the degree of MLitt – no fewer than 180 credits including a dissertation

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

P3 947Practical Journalism 1 – Content520

P3 948Practical Journalism 2 – Production520

P3 950Producing Media520

P3 954Scots Law for Journalists520

P3 955Media Ethics520

Optional Classes

No fewer than 20 credits chosen from

L2 909Qualitative Methods520

L2 913European Political Economy520 L2 914 European Governance 5 20

L2 915Contesting Global Governance520

L2 916Comparative Public Policy520

L2 917Policy Analysis520

P3 952Journalism and Society520

QQ 932Covering Globalisation520

QQ 932Covering Globalisation520

QQ 956Travelin’ Blues: Literature, Politics and


Such other Level 5 classes chosen from other courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences as may be approved by the Course Director.

Students for the degree of MLitt only:

P3 928Dissertation560

Examination, Progress and Final Assessment

19.127.45Regulations 19.1.25 – 19.1.33 shall apply.

19.127.46The final assessment will be based on performance in the examinations, coursework, the dissertation where undertaken and, if required, in an oral examination.


19.127.47Degree of MLitt: In order to qualify for the degree of MLitt in Journalism, candidates must have performed to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners and must normally have accumulated no fewer than 180 credits of which 60 must have been awarded in respect of the dissertation.

19.127.48Postgraduate Diploma: In order to qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the taught classes of the course.


to 19.127.50 (Numbers not used)

MLitt in Literary Journalism

Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Journalism

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 19.1.]


19.127.51Notwithstanding Regulation 19.1.1, applicants should possess

(i)a BA Honours degree (or in the case of direct entry to a Master’s programme, a first or second class honours degree) in English Literature or Cultural Studies from a United Kingdom university, or

(ii)a qualification deemed by the Head of Department acting on behalf of Senate to be the equivalent to (i) above.

In all cases, applicants whose first language is not English, shall be required to demonstrate an appropriate level of English.

Duration of Study

19.127.52Regulations 19.1.5 and 19.1.6 shall apply.

Mode of Study

19.127.53The course is available by full-time and part-time study.


19.127.54All students shall undertake an approved curriculum as follows:

for the Postgraduate Diploma – no fewer than 120 credits, including 40 credits from List A

for the degree of MLitt, no fewer than 180 credits, including a dissertation

Compulsory ClassLevelCredits

QQ 939Research Skills in Literature, Culture and


Optional Classes

List A

P3 940Journalism and Cultural Politics520

P3 941Journalists in Film and Literature520

P3 942The Literature of Journalism520

List B

The list of Optional Classes in Regulation 19.127.194.

Such other Level 5 classes up to a maximum of 20 credits chosen from other courses offered by Department of English Studies or by another department in the University as may be approved by the Head of Department offering the class and the Course Director of the course on which the student is registered.

Students for the degree of MLitt only:

P3 943Dissertation560

Examination, Progress and Final Assessment

19.127.55Regulations 19.1.25 – 19.1.33 shall apply.

19.127.56Progress may be dependent on satisfactory performance against prescribed criteria in the earlier part of the course.

19.127.57The final assessment will be based on performance in the coursework, the dissertation where undertaken and, if required, in an oral examination.


19.127.58Degree of MLitt: In order to qualify for the degree of MLitt in Literary Journalism, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 180 credits of which 60 must have been awarded in respect of the dissertation.

19.127.59Postgraduate Diploma: In order to qualify for the Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Journalism, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the taught classes of the course.

19.127.60(Number not used)