Internship Opportunities

Work Experiences for College Credit

Internship opportunities are available with the professionals of Strength From Within LLC.

This opportunity will serve an excellent experience to explore various career options within professional health and wellness careers.

Mentors will provide the following:

o  Develop skills in theories related to exercise

o  Abdominal, pilates, yoga, martial arts, weight training for:

§  Endurance, strength, power, and performance enhancement.

·  This will reflect the material that you are expected to be competent in prior to receiving your certification.

o  Please submit the certification you are preparing for, and the text that you are studying as we will work with you to design a specific internship that fits your needs.

o  Develop comprehensive understanding of the specific applications of client appropriate routines, and or programs.

Spring and summer between the third and forth years of college provide good opportunities for these internships. Students MUST plan early to arrange this specific internship. It usually takes 3-6 months lead time to arrange off-campus activities. This is important to know as we will design an internship around your needs and limitations.

Internship job description:

·  Develop educational devices geared towards exercise and wellness nutritional education.

·  Mentor shadowing (how much will be deicide by your mentor.

·  Create customized routines for special populations (high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol… etc.)

·  Develop and lead seminars.

·  Develop a business model that will assist you in defining your specific niche within exercise and nutritional

·  Develop a working resume for work in the health and fitness field.

·  Develop a business plan and application thereof.


·  Learn the proper mechanics of exercise from professionally trained exercise physiologists in a private one on one environment (optional, TBA).

·  Learn concepts pertaining to ACE, ASCM, NASM and NSCA certification exams, with a direction in creating a synergistic approach to exercise and wellness.

Interviews will be conducted during the end of the fall semester for Internship opportunities beginning in the spring of 2003.

Contact your advisor for details involving the application process.


Lee Cherry, B.S., C.S.C.S.