ASEBA (Achenbach) Summary Report


DOB: AGE: years months


QUESTIONNAIRE COMPLETED: 1.Teacher ( ) (date ) 2.Parent ( ) (date )

Scorer: School Psychologist

CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) / TRF (Teacher Report Form)
Syndrome Scales
Syndrome Scales / T Score / Range / Syndrome Scales / T Score / Significance
Anxious/Depressed / 75 / Clinical
Withdrawn/Depressed / 100 / Clinical
Somatic Complaints / 53 / Normal
Social Problems / 65 / Borderline
Thought Problems / 53 / Normal
Attention Problems / 65 / Borderline
Rule-Breaking Behaviour / 63 / Normal
Aggressive Behaviour / 58 / Normal
Internalising Behaviours / 76 / Clinical / Internalising Behaviours
Externalising Behaviours / 61 / Borderline / Externalising Behaviours
DSM-IV-TR Symptom Scales
(Requirements are met if T Score ≥ 60 or Total Symptom Count is “probably met”)
1. T Score / 2. Total Symptom Count / Criteria Met / 1. T Score / 2. Total Symptom Count / Criteria Met
ADHD Inattentive / 79 / 8/9 / 1. Yes
2. Yes / 85 / 7/9 / 1. Yes
2. Yes
ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive / 52 / 8/9 / 1. No
2. Yes / 79 / 7/9 / 1. Yes
2. Yes
ADHD Combined / - / - / Yes / - / - / Yes
Conduct Disorder / 56 / 1/13 / 1.No
2. No / 44 / 0/15 / 1.No
2. No
Oppositional Defiant Disorder / 60 / 0/8 / 1. No
2. No / 67 / 3/8 / 1.Yes
2. No
Screener Items
Anxiety / 2/4 items of concern / 1/4 items of concern
Depression / 1/4 items of concern / 2/4 items of concern
Critical Items
Severe Conduct / No concern / No concern
Assessment of Validity – Inconsistency Index
Ratings consistent/valid / Ratings consistent/valid
