Americans feel some sense of security to some extent. They are not afraid of wars and battles because they know that the battle is the government’s. They rest content that the government will rise to crush every terrorist uprising. The Jews also have confidence in the strength and effectiveness of their military force. They are not afraid to dwell in conflict zones.

What an encouragement this should be to believers because we also have a backing. The American army can face defeat like as at Vietnam, the Israeli army can be taken unawares and suffer some big losses. God never lost a battle. He is a man of war (Exodus 15:3). The believer can rest content that the battle is the Lord’s.

Have you been fighting your battles alone? Have you been facing the enemy in the energy of the flesh? The battle is not really your’s but God’s. Whoever touches you touches the apples of God’s eyes and will invite God’s displeasure (Zechariah 2:8; Deuteronomy 32:10). There is no need to struggle with the enemy. Let the Lord face the enemy and bring him down.

Let it be permanently imprinted in your heart that the battle is the Lord’s.


1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 32:8; Exodus 14:14; 15:3; 23:27; Psalm 24:8; 44:6,7; 2 Samuel 5:24; Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; Nehemiah 4:20; Zechariah 14:3.

The scriptures emphatically declare that “the battle is the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47) and that “the battle is not your’s, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15).

In other passages, whether directly in another form or indirectly, the unchanging emphasis of the scriptures is that “with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles” (2 Chronicles 32:8; Exodus 14:14; 15:3; 23:27; Psalm 24:8; 44:6,7; 2 Samuel 5:24; Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; Nehemiah 4:20; Zechariah 14:3). In the mouth of two or three witness, every word will be confirmed (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1; Hebrews 10:28).

When Saul of Tarsus was persecuting the early christians, he thought that he was persecuting men but Christ took the persecution personally. He took upon Himself to fight the believers’ battles (Acts 9:1-6).


1 Samuel 17:43-51; 2 Chronicles 20:3,4,14-23; 32:8; Hebrews 13:5,6; Psalm 118:6; 121:1,2; 60:11,12; 108:12,13

If the battle is the Lord’s, allow Him to fight it (1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 32:8). Many times we say that we are trusting and depending upon God but we take the problem into our hands. We need to truly rest our case with God. If God is alive, why are you behaving like an orphan? (Micah 4:9; Job 19:25).

If the Lord is your helper, allow Him to help you (Hebrews 13:5,6; Psalm 118:6). Consider the example of Jehoshaphat who requested for God’s help (2 Chronicles 20:3,4) and when it came, he received the help as sent (2 Chronicles 20:14-23). Your help will also come from the hills (Psalm 121:1,2; 60:11,12; 108:12,13).

When you are depending upon God, when He has given you the strategy for victory, you need to follow it even when it looks foolish. Consider the strategies that the Lord gave to David (2 Samuel 5:18-25), Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:14-25), Israel in Egypt (Exodus 12:1-14), the indebted widow (2 Kings 4:1-7).

God is not stereotyped in working. He can use everything and anything to fight the battle on your behalf – against the Egyptians and the Assyrians, He used the angel of death (Exodus 12:23,29-31; 2 Kings 19:34-37), against Abimelech, the Midianites, Laban and Pilate, He used dreams (Genesis 20:3-18; 31:24,29; Judges 7:13-15; Matthew 27:19), against the Philistines He used hailstones (1 Samuel 7:10,11), against Pharaoh and his army, He used water (Exodus 14:23-31; 15:4), against Saul of Tarsus, He used a blinding light (Acts 9:1-6). God uses many other tools and strategies (2 Kings 3:20-24).


1 Samuel 17:43-51; 2 Chronicles 20:14-23; 32:8; Psalm 68:1-3; 89:10; 92:9; Numbers 10:35; Deuteronomy 28:7; Joshua 23:10; Leviticus 26:8

When God undertakes to fight your battles, your life will be greatly enriched. When God fights against the terrible taskmasters of Egypt, His people experience freedom from Egyptian servitude, slavery and bondage (Exodus 14:14; 15:1-21; Leviticus 26:13). When God fights against deceitful and oppressive Laban, the enemy confesses his sinister strategy and stops his evil action and intentions (Genesis 31:24,29). When God fights against Abimelech, your wife that had been fraudulently or forcefully taken from you will be released and returned to you (Genesis 20:3-18). When God fights against the Philistines, distinctive and resounding victory is always the result (1 Samuel 7:11-14; 2 Samuel 5:18-25). When God fights against Syria, the bragging Sennacherib is silenced and the nation is enabled to enjoy her God-given peace and inheritance (2 Kings 19:34-37).

When God arises, His enemies are always scattered, shattered and battered (Psalm 68:1-3; 89:10; 92:9; Numbers 10:35; Deuteronomy 28:7; Joshua 23:10; Leviticus 26:8) and His people always enjoy deliverance, victory and dominion.