11C Understanding the Gospel Story

Task 20: The Resurrection Accounts in the Synoptic Gospels

Complete the gird below using the text book pages 35 & 36. Grid by Anna Heffernan

Questions / Matthew 28: 1 - 10 / Mark 16: 1 - 8 / Luke 24:1 – 11
Common Factors
1. Give the name of the person whom all evangelists record as having gone to the tomb?
2. What did the women discover about the stone near the tomb?
3. Where was the body of Jesus?
4. What were they told about Jesus?
5. What were they told to do after that?
1. Name the people who came to the tomb?
2. What did they bring?
3. Why did they go there?
4. What time of day was it?
5. What natural phenomenon occurred?
6. Who did they meet at the tomb?
7. What did the people they met do?
8. What were they like?
9. Who rolled the stone away?
10. What did the people at the tomb say to the women?
11. What did the women do?
12. Did anything unusual happen on the way?
13. Did the apostles / disciples / brethren believe the women?
14. Read 1 Corinthians 15: 12 – 19, 35 – 49 briefly summarise it in your own words.
15. Why do you think the Resurrection is important for Christians?

The Resurrection Accounts in the Synoptic Gospels: Suggested Answers

Questions / Matthew 28: 1 - 10 / Mark 16: 1 - 8 / Luke 24:1 – 12
Common Factors
1. Give the name of the person whom all evangelists record as having gone to the tomb? / Mary Magdalene / Mary Magdalene / Mary Magdalene
2. What did the women discover about the stone near the tomb? / Stone had been rolled away / Stone had been rolled away / Stone had been rolled away
3. Where was the body of Jesus? / Was not there / Was not there / Was not there
4. What were they told about Jesus? / Jesus had risen from the dead / Jesus had risen from the dead / Jesus had risen from the dead
5. What were they told to do after that? / To go out & to spread the news that Jesus had risen from the dead / To go out and to spread the news that Jesus had risen from the dead / To go out and to spread the news that Jesus had risen from the dead
1. Name the people who came to the tomb? / Mary Magdalene and other Mary / Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of James and Salome / Mary Magdalene and Joanna, Mary mother of James and the other woman
2. What did they bring? / Not mentioned / Spices / Spices
3. Why did they go there? / To see the Sepulchre / To anoint Jesus / Not specified
4. What time of day was it? / Toward dawn / When sun had risen / Early dawn
5. What natural phenomenon occurred? / Earthquake / Not specified / Not specified
6. Who did they meet at the tomb? / Angel / some guards / Young man / Two men
7. What did the people they met do? / Angel rolled back the stone and sat on it / guards trembled / Young man sat on right of tomb / Two men stood by them
8. What were they like? / Looked like lightening, with raiment (clothes) white as snow / Guards like dead men / fear because of quake / young man dressed in a white robe / Two men dressed in dazzling apparel
9. Who rolled the stone away? / The angel / Not specified explicitly / Not specified explicitly
10. What did the people at the tomb say to the women? / v  Not to be afraid
v  Jesus not there as he had risen
v  Go to tell disciples this and that Jesus gone to Galilee
v  They would se Jesus there / v  Not to be amazed
v  Jesus not there as he had risen
v  They were asked to see the place Jesus had lain
v  Go to tell disciples & Peter this and that Jesus gone to Galilee
v  They would se Jesus there / v  Why do you seek the living amongst the dead?
v  Remember what Jesus had told them
v  Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men
v  Be crucified and on third day to rise.
11. What did the women do? / v  Departed quickly with fear & great joy.
v  Ran to tell disciples the news / v  Went out and fled from tomb
v  Said nothing because they were afraid / v  They remembered his words
v  Returning from the tomb they told the 11
12. Did anything unusual happen on the way? / v  Jesus met & greeted them
v  They took hold of his feet and worshipped him
v  Told them not to be afraid to go to Galilee and meet him there. / Not in Mark / Not in Luke
13. Did the apostles / disciples / brethren believe the women? / Not mentioned / Women did not tell anyone / The apostles did not believe the women
14. Read 1 Corinthians 15: 12 – 19, 35 – 49 briefly summarise it in your own words.
v  Any sensible summary acceptable
15. Why do you think the Resurrection is important for Christians?
v  Meting of disciples with Risen Christ changed them from being afraid to being courageous people.
v  Jesus’ Resurrection showed that everything he said & did was true.
v  Jesus’ Resurrection is the greatest sign of the reign of God.
v  The disciples realised that the Resurrection was significant not only for them but for people in all places and in all times.
v  The true meaning of human life is shown in the life, death & Resurrection of Jesus - we will be raised from the dead to the fullness of life just as Jesus was.