ClintonHeights Fire Department Minutes of Line Officers Meeting – February 24, 2005

Officers in Attendants:

Chief Mehalich

Assistant Chiefs:CaptainsLieutenant


PhillipsRacine Hendricks


Past Chief Burns & Past Assistant Chief Fiato

Minutes from the Previous Meetings:

Minutes from the January meeting were presented.


  1. Emergency Notification for Hess Terminal
  2. Information regarding pump testing for apparatus
  3. FASNY Credit Union is available to all members
  4. A new building is going up to the rear of Regeneron, possibly a five-story bldg
  5. Parade at LebanonValley Fire Department
  6. Town of East Greenbush 150thAnniversary, will donate to book

Chiefs Report:

  1. OSHA Make-Up NLT 03/01/05
  2. Mask Fit Test due, NLT 03/01/05
  3. Relayed that the department drill on Ice Rescue went very well, appreciate the support.
  4. Discussed the use of Boat 1 from AverillPark
  5. Direct that only current officers will be authorized to wear collar brass on the department issued uniform. A discussion ensued. Past Chief Burns relayed, he would comply, as it is a directive, but only under protest(?). LT Hendrick commented on the state of the department when a member can wear a service stripe, but a Past Chief cannot wear collar brass.

Assistant Chiefs Report:

A/C Cherubino


A/C Phelan

  1. Reported that the department is working with CSC regarding information about the building. Chief will set something up with CSC.
  2. The KnoxBox at Garelick Farms is operational.
  3. Discussed the policy regarding the drivers of the apparatus on mutual aid calls. Driver should stay with trucks.


CPT Phillips:

  1. Reported that we need two new Ice Rescue suites. Two from the pending grant, and two replacements. A discussion ensued.
  2. Questioned qualifying people in Ice Rescue. Discussion ensued; CPT Phillips will put together a plan.

CPT Tracy:

  1. Fire Act 2005 rules are posted, we need input.
  2. Presented the new Globe Gear and discussed the differences. A brief discussion ensued.

LT Hendrick:

  1. Discussed department paying for physicals for members who do not answer calls. Specifically, Robert Stark, Sr. gets a physical yearly, but gives little back. A discussion ensued, and Chief Mehalich opined that he authorizes and supports Robert Stark, Sr. getting a physical as he also assists on the town FETG and when he is in town, he assists. A lengthy discussion ensued.

LT Hazzard:

No Report

LT Racine:

No Report

LT Sousis:


LT Hart:



No Comment

Committee Reports:


  1. Received a FEMA grant. We need input on 2005 grant.

Training Request:

  1. CPT Phillips and LT Hazzard would like to go to Syracuse.
  2. Past Chief Burns and Past Assistant Chief Fiato to attend a WMD Seminar on March 09, 2005.

Old Business:


Re-write SOP / SOGAllDue 07/01/05

Prices for Projector BulbLT Hart

Marching BandLT RacineBand out of town. Fiato to meet w/ daughter for assistance; could be free

New Business:

  1. Completed drill schedule April (Attached)




Meeting adjourned at 1950; next meeting isMarch 24, 2005, at the department office.