MINUTES OF THE Council Meeting
HELD AT THECouncil Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg
ONWednesday 11 November 2015
The meeting commenced at 7pm
Cr Samantha Ratnam (Mayor), Cr Lita Gillies (Deputy Mayor),Cr Sue Bolton,
Cr Helen Davidson, Cr Meghan Hopper, Cr John Kavanagh, Cr Lambros Tapinos,
Cr Michael Teti (9.04pm), Cr Lenka Thompson, Cr Rob Thompson, Cr Oscar Yildiz JP
Chief Executive Officer – Nerina Di Lorenzo
Director Corporate Services – James Scott
Director City Infrastructure –Grant Thorne
Director Social Development – Arden Joseph
Director Planning and Economic Development - Kirsten Coster
Manager Governance – Lidia Harding
Executive Assistant Mayor and Councillors - Monica Bucciarelli
Cr L Thompson moved, Cr Hopper seconded that -The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7 October 2015 a be confirmed subject to the review of the video footage in relation to DCS85/15 Sale of encroached land adjoining 276Barkly Street, Brunswick (Black Street Carpark) (D15/234533) confirming that CrTapinos abstained from voting on this item.
Cr L Thompson moved, Cr Hopper seconded that –
The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 26 October 2015 be confirmed.
PET24/15Petition from residents regarding tree planting for Grantham and Heller Streets, Brunswick (D15/343850)AA Petition has been received containing 78 signatures requesting Council to plant tree in Grantham and Heller Streets, Brunswick
Cr Tapinos moved, Cr Hopper seconded that -
Council resolve:
1.The petition be received and noted.
2.The petition be referred to the Director City Infrastructure for consideration.
3.Any proposed action is emailed to all Ward Councillors and Councillors Responsible For, allowing seven clear days for Councillor feedback.
4.The first named signatory to the petition be advised of this action.
PET25/15Petition requesting Moreland and Darebin Council to consider building a bridge over Merri Creek (D15/366353)
A Petition has been received containing 1374 signatures requesting Council to consider building a bridge over Merri Creek.
Cr Tapinos moved, Cr Hopper seconded that -
Council resolve:
1.The petition be received and noted.
2.The petition be referred to the Director City Infrastructure for consideration.
3.Any proposed action is emailed to all Ward Councillors and Councillors Responsible For, allowing seven clear days for Councillor feedback.
4.The first named signatory to the petition be advised of this action.
Reports from Committee to Council:
RCC23/15Moreland Arts Board Meeting 14 October 2015 (D15/335162)The minutes of the Moreland Arts board meeting held on 14 October 2015 are provided for Council’s information.
Key Items Discussed:
2016 Counihan Gallery in Brunswick programRecommendations for Moreland Art Collection – art acquisitions
Review of festivals and events model
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded that -
The report from Committee to Council be received and noted.
RCC24/15Moreland Libraries Advisory Committee (MorLAC) minutes for 11 August 2015 (D15/333164)
The minutes of the Moreland Libraries Advisory Committee (MorLAC) meeting held on 11August 2015 are provided for Council’s information.
Key Items Discussed:
Library’s digital literacy programLibrary ambassador program
Promotion campaigns
Library activities to mark the centenary of the anti-conscription campaigns in 2016
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Gillies seconded that -
The report from Committee to Council be received and noted.
QT89/15Mr Justin PassaportisMr Passaportis asked Council as a representative of GoGet if it would consider deferring its decision to adopt the Car Share Policy considering that GoGet is working towards having 500 bays in Moreland by 2020 and that it will be the only Local Government authority outside the central business district to charge operators a fee more than a residential parking permit for each bay?
QT90/15Mr Gregory Giraud
Mr Giraud asked Council as a representative of Hertz if it would consider deferring its decision to adopt the Car Share Policy considering that car share operators and key stakeholders in the review process have not been consulted about the proposed policy? This will give officers and the operators a chance to further consider the proposal.
QT91/15Mr Sahil Bhasin
Mr Bhasin asked Council to consider deferring its decision to adopt the Car Share Policy and thanked Council for their support to date.
Cr L Thompson thanked the car share operators for coming along to represent their businesses and understands that there has been a communication breakdown regarding this issue. Council will consider the item later in the meeting and may choose to defer it at the time.
QT92/15Mr Peter Farah - Essendon
Mr Farah advised Council that he is the owner of units in Coburg North and requested Council to fix the anomalies of properties being included in the C158 Framework Plan before going through another planning scheme amendment. As an owner of the land and without any prospects of contributing to any masterplan or precincts could the C158 Plan be used to allow the facilitation to rezone the land now rather than later?
Kirsten Coster, Director Planning and Economic Development advised that it is up to Council to vote to hold off on the rezoning of the land. The report has been presented in order to run a parallel process for both the rezoning and planning scheme amendment.
Cr Kavanagh asked Mr Farah of an example of an anomaly?
Mr Farah advised that he knows of current land zoned industrial that cannot be leased.
QT93/15Mr Nic Dolby - Brunswick West
Mr Dolby asked Council if it will resist the erosion of industrial land and jobs in Moreland?
Cr Tapinos advised that Council needs diversity, so industrial land is important, that is why Council is seeking input from the community to determine rezoning options.
Cr Gillies advised that the municipality needs a well balanced society and does not only need industrial land – jobs are needed for both blue collar workers and professionals. She advised that she supports Mr Dolby’s comments.
QT94/15Ms Marilyn Moore - Pascoe Vale South
Ms Moore advised Council that she was concerned about the consultation process in relation to C159 and wanted clarification as to what span of area will be consulted with. She further asked Council if it would consider increasing the number of information sessions being held about this issue so that local residents in key redevelopment activity centres can come along which will allow for more people to provide feedback.
Kirsten Coster, Director Planning and Economic Development advised that the consultation process includes adjoining properties which will be determined together with Councillors. The forums are open to anyone who would like to come along and consideration to more sessions is an option.
Cr Bolton advised that she will be recommending that more information sessions are held.
ON16/15Ms Brydie Quinn - Northcote
Ms Quinn advised Council that the Merri Creek Bridge Group is campaigning for a pedestrian/bike bridge over the Merri Creek. She asked Council if it had any information regarding previous investigations into such a bridge as the group had heard that a quote had been obtained in the past for a bridge between Beavers Road in Darebin City Council and Kingfisher Gardens in Moreland?
Grant Thorne, Director City Infrastructure advised that he was not aware of a quote and would happy to investigate this further.
QT95/15Ms Juliet Hall - Northcote
Ms Hall asked Council if it had been contacted by Darebin City Council regarding the feasibility report for a shared overpass between Beavers Road, Northcote and CERES? She further asked if she could meet with the Mayor to discuss how to further progress this project?
Cr Ratnam advised that she would be happy to meet with Juliet.
Cr Bolton advised Council that she visited the site and got some background from the residents on the issue and urged Council to support this proposal through a future Notice of Motion.
Cr L Thompson advised that Council supports the development of this bridge in its Bike Strategy.
QT96/15Mr Mark Higginbotham - Brunswick West
Mr Higginbotham congratulated Cr Ratnam on her appointment as Mayor.
Mr Higginbotham asked Council to consider writing to the Minister for Planning regarding the need to approve regulations for car stackers being considered in planning applications as he is concerned about people getting caught in machines, the owners requiring a certificate to operate the machines and the lack of information in relation to what is an unreasonable impact being measured.
Cr Ratnam advised that Council is actively considering a guideline from the Minister.
Cr Tapinos advised that this is an important issue and car stackers are used to address what is often a problematic development to begin with.
Cr Hopper used the Nightingale application as an example of this and advised Council that she will be raising a general business item calling on Council to write to the Minister for Planning to seek a further review of this car parking scheme.
Cr Bolton asked Mr Higginbotham if he aware of any examples where people have gotten stuck in car stackers. He advised that he was not, however he was aware of people having to obtain certificates to use them.
Extension of Time
Cr Bolton moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded that -
That question time be extended by 30 minutes.
QT97/15Mr Trent Kusters - Brunswick
Mr Kusters asked Council if there was any more that the city could do to help Nightingale residents get into their homes as soon as possible?
Cr Hopper advised that Council is in regular discussions with both the architects and residents involved in this issue and would be raising a general business tem to address this issue late in the meeting as this is an example of policy that has not kept up with the changing environment.
ON17/15Mr John Scibilia - Brunswick
Mr Scibilia asked Council what follow up has there been on a meeting held with Jane Garrett MP on 30 September 2014 regarding the cleanliness and amenities of Brunswick?
Cr Tapinos advised that he does recall the meeting and the commitments and recommendations made and will follow up with the Minister and advise Council in order to determine the needs to improve the cleanliness of our city, for example, street sweeping, emptying bins etc.
Grant Thorne, Director City Infrastructure advised that Council has tried a number of techniques in hot spot areas, but there are still issues to tackle.
Mr Scibilia asked what action has been taken to fix the traffic hazard on the corner of Horn and Cocoa Jackson Lane and required repairs to Cocoa Jackson Lane, Allan Street and Cocoa Jackson lane and Warburton Street?
Cr Tapinos advised that the current traffic island is not appropriate and a survey may need to be conducted to determine the safety of the street and the driver behaviour.
Grant Thorne, Director City Infrastructure advised that he would need to understand the history of this location first and will get back to the resident with a response.
On Notice Items from Previous Council Meeting:
MCC17/15Cr Lita GilliesCr Gillies advised that she holds regular ward meetings monthly with residents and the following issues have been raised in the last month:
- A resident advised her that there was a property in the area with a Heritage Overlay that has been left in a state of disrepair. Surrounding residents are concerned that this property will be demolished.
- The Moreland Bicycles User Group (BUG) advised that they would like issues addressed in the North-West Ward.
- The Hartington Streetlightswill be installed by end of March 2016.
MCC18/15Cr Sue Bolton
Cr Bolton advised Council that she attended the Brunswick Coburg Anti-Conscription commemoration which commemorated the 100th anniversary of the referendum. Two motions were moved unanimously at the meeting which was attended by 45 people.
MCC19/15Cr Lambros Tapinos
Cr Tapinos advised Council that he along with Cr Hopper attended a presentation of the Brunswick Historical Society in relation to Brunswick East Primary/High School where he heard about the history of the school and met students that had attended the school in the 1930’s. This highlighted for him the importance of commemorating history and recognising important events with a plaque or by some other means.
DCI44/15Car Share Policy Review (D15/327590)At the 11 February 2015 Council meeting (NOM2/15), it was resolved to undertake a review of car share components of the Parking Management Policy to include a more specific set of guidelines for Council’s allocation of car share bays. The guidelines considered by the policy review include:
Maximum saturation level of car share bays for a specified geographic area size (e.g.4bays per 1 km etc).
The minimal residential density requirements for each car share bay.
The minimal number of current or anticipated car share scheme members in a specified geographic area size to qualify for each bay.
Any other relevant or similar criterion.
Based on research and consultation, Council officers have developed an amended car share policy that provides clearer location and eligibility guidelines. The revised policy also places tighter controls on the renewal of car share bays, requiring a higher utilisation rate from a car share vehicle located in a street with a parking occupancy rate of over 85 percent.
Cr L Thompson moved that -
That this item be deferred.
DCI47/15Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre - Funding Strategy (D15/339908)
Council endorsed a preferred scope for the redevelopment of the Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre in April 2015 (DCI16/15), with an estimated project budget of $26 million.
Following the endorsement of the preferred scope, Council considered a further report in June 2015 (DCI28/15) to appoint a consultant for full architectural and sub-consultant services for the project from concept to construction completion. This report is fulfilling a commitment to report back for the November Council meeting.
Recognising the significant financial implications depending on the level of borrowing, the proposed high level funding strategy for the project consists of three main funding sources:
Approximately half funded by new borrowings
Approximately half funded by internal funds
Targeting Federal and State Grant opportunities.
The condition of the pool is extremely poor and close to failure. Without any funds in the forward budget, a specific and targeted funding strategy is required to develop this pool before it becomes unusable.
The funding strategy allows it to be tendered as soon as the design is complete, and relies and continues to rely on allocating any surplus into the reserve.
The Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre project is the largest Council project in the current forward capital works program.It is important that the funding strategy be agreed in principle to all the development of Council’s long term financial plan.
Cr Davidson moved, Cr Gillies seconded that -
Council resolve to:
1.Endorse the funding strategy as outlined in this report.
2.Refer the Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre project to the 2016-2017 budget process, for consideration within the five year Capital Works Program.
DED94/15Moreland Industrial Land Strategy (MILS) and Amendment C158 to the Moreland Planning Scheme - Report on Submissions (D15/324725)
The draft Moreland Industrial Land Strategy 2015 (MILS) and associated Amendment C158 to the Moreland Planning Scheme were publicly exhibited from 6 August to 18 September 2015.
A total of 74 submissions were received, with 15 submissions in support, 58 submissions objecting and/or requesting changes and 1 submission general in nature.
Key issues raised in submissions include:
Request for a re-categorisation of land and/or request for changes to allow a specific zone, or development outcome.
Concerns about the impact of the proposed category on property values and rates.
Questions regarding the continued viability of industry in Moreland (for and against).
Clarification sought about the circumstances where residential uses will be supported in ‘Category 2 – Employment’.
Concerns about the consequent built form outcome that may occur in certain locations.
The need to ensure suitable traffic/truck access is maintained in industrial areas and the provision of adequate loading facilities on site.
In response to submissions, officers have proposed changes to the categorisation of 7 (of the 67) precincts and provided clarification on how ‘Category 2 – Employment’ is intended to be applied.
It is proposed that affected and adjoining properties to the 7 proposed changed precincts be notified and provided the opportunity to comment prior to a Panel Hearing through a further notice period for 3 weeks prior to the end of 2015; noting that this additional notification can still be undertaken within Council’s intended timelines.
The next step in the process is for a Panel to consider submissions, anticipated to occur in February 2016; noting the length of the hearing may take this period into March.
Cr Tapinos moved that -
That this item be deferred.
Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Hopper seconded that -
Council resolve to:
1.Note the summary of submissions received in response to exhibition of Amendment C158 to the Moreland Planning Scheme, provided in the table at Attachment 2.
2.Endorse the response to submissions outlined in this report and included in the table at Attachment 2, to form the basis of Council’s submission to aPanel.
3.Endorse the proposed changes to the categorisation of MILS areas 19, 37, 43, 51, 58, 61 and 63 in response to submissions, illustrated in the maps at Attachment 3.
4.Request the Minister for Planning to appoint a Panel in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to consider submissions to Amendment C158.
5.Undertake a 3 week period of further notice to properties affected by the proposed changes outlined in resolution 3 above, and that any further submissions received are forwarded directly to the Panel.
6.Provide the Director of Planning and Economic Development delegated authority to make any further changes to the response to submissions, draft MILS and Amendment C158 that may be required as part of making Council’s submission to the Panel.
Cr Tapinos moved that the following points be added -
7.That future consideration be given to developing a master plan for Clifton Park, Brunswick and the boundary of the core industrial area 64 be reviewed in line with the master plan.