Cheryl Cantwell

In the 29 years that I have worked as a Family Day Care Educator I have completed training in many areas of child development every month. Some Certificates and Qualifications I have and continue to update regularly are:

·  Certificate 3 in Early Childhood.

·  Identifying and responding to Young Children at Risk of Harm.

·  Food Preperation.

·  Risk assessments both monthly and yearly to ensure the ongoing safety of my environment.

·  Managing SIDS.

·  First Aid

·  Asthma and Anaphylaxis.

·  Working with Children Check.

·  Registered for CCB.

·  Registered under Great Western Family Day Care.

·  Experienced in looking after children with extra needs.

·  School preparation training.

·  Car seats and car are inspected regularly from both the RTA and Littles Child Restraints.

·  Approved for CCB.

·  Sign in and out sheets are required to be filled in at all times.

·  Receipts are given fortnightly.

·  Fees must be paid either weekly or fortnightly on the first day of care for the week.

Upon request they can be deposited into my bank but will need to be done two days earlier to provide for transfer times with the bank.

Upon inspection you will be able to view the many, many certificates and awards of excellence, loyalty and quality care for the last 29 years.

Please Note:

Meals are not provided. (They are to be packed in a lunch box which will be refrigerated if required).

Before and After School Care is not provided as I do not have enough seats in my car to pick up. I do however provide vacation care and will consider after school care if child is transported to home.

I currently do not work on a Wednesday but requests will be considered.

I am open to shift worker care. (Evenings one week/ days the next).

I operate under an 8 hour minimum. (Meaning that you will be required to pay for 8 hours. More details on my fees and different fees for different care will be detailed to you upon interview.

I regularly take the children on excursions that have had risk assessments carried out on them by management and are also assessed from myself upon arrival.

I look forward to receiving your enquiry and am more than happy for you to come and inspect my home upon appointment and view the area/ qualifications / and program.