

China Achievement Stations

Rebuilding the Great Wall of China Station

Chinese Character:

1. Who helped build the wall? What happened to many people building the wall?



2. What was used as an extra security measure? ______


Smallpox Inoculation Station

Chinese Character:

1. What is smallpox?


2. What is an inoculation?


Waterways Station

Chinese Character:

1. What two rivers did the construction of the first Grand Canal connect? ______

2. What could people do once the construction of the Grand Canal was complete?



Gunpowder Station

Chinese Character:

1. Describe the various ways Gunpowder was used.


2. What new weapons developed with the use of gunpowder?



Magnetic Compass Station

Chinese Character:

1. When did the magnetic compass become an effective navigation technique?


2. Define and describe geomancy.


Ships Station

Chinese Character:

1. What is another term for Chinese ships? ______

2. Describe the various ship advancements of the Chinese.______



3. Who was a major Chinese explorer? Where did he travel and what did he trade and bring back to China? ______


Roads and Relay Hostels Station

Chinese Character:

1. How did roads and relay hostels improve life in China?




2. How did roads and relay hostels help trade?



Abacus Station

Chinese Character:

1. How much is each bead above and below the rod worth?



2. What is the abacus?


Movable-type Printing Station

Chinese Character:

1. Describe movable type printing. ______


2. Describe the benefits of moveable type printing.


Porcelain Station

Chinese Character:

1. How is porcelain created?


2. When was the height of porcelain making?



Coal and Iron Production Station

Chinese Character:

1. What is a Chinese term for coal? ______

2. Describe at least two methods coal was used for.


3. After the Chinese produced steel, what did they create?


Paper Money Station

Chinese Character:

1. What was paper money originally called? Why?


2. Describe the benefits of paper money over the use of metal money.


Reflection: Which of the Chinese achievements do you think most helped the people of China and/or the world? Explain.