Little AcornsPre-school

‘Making every day a fun day’

We would like to welcome you to Little AcornsPre-school.

Based in the exceptionally large Village Hall in the quiet village of Eversley, we offer families a fun and stimulating environment, which encourages our children to explore, investigate and learn through play, making them happy, confident individuals.

Our Mission statement

At Little Acorns we believe that all young children have a right to the very best education and care in the early years.Children attending Little Acorns flourish when they receive the best learning opportunities in a safe, fun and caring environment.
We provide a dedicated, experienced and caring team of staff who treat children as unique individuals, ensuring that their social, physical and emotional needs are met. We support and guide the children in their play experiences ensuring that each child is helped to reach their full potential.We believe that this provides the basis for continued success.

Little AcornsPre-school aims to:

  • provide a stimulating environment where each child can develop their potential, whilst becoming independent and active learners;
  • provide high quality care and education through play for children aged 2years 9months to 5 years of age;
  • work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop;
  • build each child's self-esteem together with mutual care and respect for others;
  • value each child as an individual with its own needs and personality;
  • add to the life and well-being of its local community;
  • provide clear boundaries in terms of acceptable behaviour, develop children's moral understanding and use encouragement and praise as rewards for good behaviour;
  • offer children and their parents a service, which promotes equality and values diversity,encouraging a positive attitude with respect towards racial origins, religions, differences of gender and disabilities.

Why choose Little Acorns?

Recent research has shown that the majority of our parents choose Little Acorns because of an ‘instinctive judgement’ whilst visiting the pre-school. We encourage parents to visit and see for themselves the facilities we offer, meet the staff team and get to know our children, to be sure that they are making the right choice.

As a member of Little AcornsPre-school, your child:

  • is in a safe and stimulating environment;
  • is given generous care and attention, because of our high ratio of adults to children;
  • has the chance to join with other children and adults to live, play and learn together;
  • is helped to take forward her/his learning and development by being helped to build on what she/he already knows and can do;
  • is assigned a key person who makes sure your child feels safe and secure, building a positive relationship with them and ensuring their individual needs are met;
  • is in a pre-school, which sees you as a partner in helping your child to learn and develop.

Benefits to Parents
Our experienced staff team realise the importance of building a trusting, confident relationship with parents and carers from the very first day, to ensure they meet all the diverse needs of both the parent and the child.
At Little Acorns, we understand that leaving your child for the first time is a big event and can be a stressful and upsetting time for you and sometimes, your child, so therefore, we try and make this as easy as possible.
Once your place is booked, but before your child starts pre-school, we will offer you and your child the opportunity to attend two introductory visits. This experience is invaluable and will enable us to begin to build important relationships with you.
Children are helped to settle in to pre-school at their own pace and with the help of a Key Person. We want you to feel confident, happy and reassured when you leave your child with us. You are welcome to stay in pre-school as long as you like with your child. We ensure that you are given every opportunity to talk to your child's Key Person. We encourage open and honest communication between staff and parents.
Parents are also encouraged to attend our regular stay and play days.
Regular newsletters are produced for parents which detail pre-school activities and changes to policies, general information, updates on the pre-school staff team and any other information which you, as a parent should be aware of. We have a dedicated website and Facebook page where you can keep up to date with what is going on. There is also a parent notice board in the pre-school, which containsa variety of useful information and further information can be obtained via the parent folders.

The service offered by Little AcornsPre-school

The Pre-school is open duringterm time only.We open for 38 weeks a year.

INSET days (maximum of five) are sometimes taken during the school year. Prior notice of closure dates is always given as the pre-school closes on these days.

Opening times

Monday – Friday - Options available:9.00am- 12.00 midday

9.00am –1pm to include lunch club

10.00am – 1pm to include lunch club

We recommend that your child is settled within the Pre-school before selecting the lunch club option. This decision is made between the parent/carer and the Key Person.

The Management of the Pre-school

Little Acorns is privately owned and governed by Sandra Jensen who has overall responsibility for the pre-school.

Comments and suggestions are always welcomed about the service we provide. If however, you have a complaint we hope that you will be able to approach us. Complaints should be addressed to Sandra Jensen. If necessary please follow the process within our complaints policy.


  • To accommodate the needs of the children and their families as far as possible, we are flexible about attendance patterns. When places are offered, it is in consultation with parents and caregivers so that other family constraints and activities are taken into consideration.
  • We welcome all children from the local community, regardless of culture, ethnicity, religion, social group, family organisation or disability. The parents or caregivers of the children are all equally welcomed into the pre-school and their experience and expertise are valued by staff. The pre-school premises are reasonably accessible to wheelchair users and those with limited mobility.
  • Special consideration is given to children referred by outside agencies.

A waiting list is operated. Entry on to the waiting list is by registration and is arranged by date of birth and date of application. Priority is given to siblings


Our pre-school is fun, bright and attractive to children, with areas for active play, eating, and quiet times. Children have the opportunity to play outdoors on a daily basis.

At Little Acorns we have the use of two large rooms:

An annex where the children can:

  • explore and enjoy messy play – sand, water, dough, painting and drawing
  • choose to sit at tables where they self select activities or join in adult planned activities
  • explore and show curiosity with our interest table and colourful displays

A large hall where children can:

  • make their own choices
  • choose their own play resources
  • construct, enjoy pretend play, play floor games and puzzles
  • enjoy small world play
  • enjoy books in the designated book corner
  • listen to music, explore musical instruments and sing songs
  • experiment with writing, drawing, colouring using a variety of media
  • chat together in a cosy space
  • use equipment to promote their physical skills
  • access the snack bar

Enclosed secure garden and play area, which has recently been developed.

Private off-road parking


Please see enclosed sheet for current fees.

Fees must still be paid if children are sick or on holiday. If your child has to be absent over a long period of time please talk to Sandra Jensen. For your child to keep her/his place at the pre-schoolyou must pay the fees or we must receive nursery education funding for your child.

Additional costs (which are all optional) include:

Uniform - T-shirts/sweatshirts and book bags are available for you to purchase

Ponchos to use during outdoor wet play are now available.


Little Acorns provides funding for eligible 2 year olds and all children from the term after they turn 3 years of age.

From September 2017 we are able to offer parents up to 20 hours of free childcare following the implementation of the 30 hour childcare initiative. Parents must check if they are eligible and present us with their unique code. A wealth of information is available via .


We want children to feel comfortable and be free to move in their clothing. Children can choose to wear Little Acorns T-shirts/sweatshirts or their own clothing. The act of putting on Little Acorns clothing does remind them that they are going to school and seeing others in their clothing reinforces that they are a member of this group. Closed toe shoes/trainers are required for health and safety reasons. Appropriate clothing for the weather should be worn.

What you should bring

  • Change of clothes for the time of year - including a top, trousers/skirt, socks and pants/knickers, in a bag
  • Coat (waterproof), hat and gloves, wellington boots
  • Sun cream/ sun hat
  • A small healthy snack
  • Water in a suitable flip top container
  • A well balanced and healthy packed lunch (only if this applies)

Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.


We value the involvement of parents and family members in children's educational activities.

During the course of the year, the following events will be organised:

  • sports day
  • Christmas show
  • stay and play days
  • fundraising activities

Working together for your children

Little AcornsPre-school has a high ratio of adults to children in the setting. This helps us to:

  • give time and attention to each child;
  • talk with the children about their interests and activities;
  • help children to experience and benefit from the activities we provide; and
  • allow the children to explore and be adventurous in safety.

Adults work to support and extend children's learning, planning activities that reflect the children's particular interests and develop their skills and abilities.

Staff Room

Our friendly, highly-trained staff are focused on providing fun and play based learning. They work to ensure your child develops as an individual whilst helping to nurture and encourage learning through discovery and enjoyment. We offer a highly experienced and dedicated childcare team who provide excellent opportunities for your child to learn through play. Further details on our staff are available to view in our operational plan and in our ‘All About Us’ folder, which can be found by the parent notice board, All staff are employed having undergone a check by the criminal records bureau and all hold an enhanced disclosure.

We are continually improving our pre-school practices through the knowledge we gain from various training courses. These are all aimed at enhancing children’s learning and development and staff are committed to delivering an excellent quality of care and education.

The Pre-school's timetable and routines

Little Acorns believes that care and education are equally important in the experience which we offer children. The routines and activities that make up the pre-school's session are provided in ways that:

  • help each child to feel that she/he is a valued member of the pre-school;
  • ensure the safety of each child;
  • help children to gain from the social experience of being part of a group; and
  • provide children with opportunities to learn and help them to value learning.

The session

When children arrive at Little Acornsthey can self- register quickly and go off to play. They choose from and play with a large range of equipment and activities and, in doing so, build up their ability to self- select following their own interests. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and large group activities which introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others.

Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them. The children have the opportunity and are encouraged to take part in outdoor child-chosen and adult-led activities, as well as those provided in the indoor rooms. We take into account children’s changing energy levels and cater for children’s individual needs for rest or quiet activities. We are flexible in our approach on a daily basis.

Snack bar and lunch club

We now operate ‘a snack bar’time where the children can choose to come and eat their healthy snack, brought from home, when they are hungry. Children sit for as long as they want to and have opportunities to chat to their friends. Adults support children to pour their own drinks, open their snacks and tidy their things away after themselves, which includes washing up.They are able to return to their play activities afterwards. We offer water or milk at snack time and children bring in their own water bottle, which they can sip from anytime if they feel thirsty. Research has shown that drinking water regularly during the day aids concentration levels in children. Adults continue to support children who stay for the lunch club and we promote healthy choices for packed lunches.

Key person/Groups

An important element of our childcare and education philosophy is the role of our staff and their relationship with you and your child. A secure environment with effective adult support allows them to explore and investigate. Children can practice and develop ideas, concepts and skills in a unique and non-threatening way, without fear of failure. We use our 'Key Person' approach as a way of enabling and supporting close attachments between a member of staff and you and your child. This adult shows a special interest in your child through close personal interaction. Key Persons function within two groups – Owls and Hedgehogs. Each group consists of two staff members to ensure continuity for you and your child. The other staff member will act as your child’s Co-Key Person when the assigned Key Person is not in the setting. This ensures that a member from your child’s allocated group will be available for your child each day that they attend. This means that each member of staff has a group of children for whom she is particularly responsible for. Your child's Key Person will be the person who works with you to make sure that what the pre-school provides is right for your child's particular needs and interests.She will be with your child throughout their time at the pre-school and will help your child to benefit from the pre-school's activities. Key Persons get to know the children and can identify their needs, interests and achievements

Our approach to learning, development and assessment

  • Learning Through Play at Little Acorns

Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by our pre-school helps children to continue to do this by providing all of the children with interesting activities that are right for their age and stage of development. Play supports all aspects of your child's development. Children learn by doing, by being given appropriate responsibility and by being allowed to make decisions, choices and errors. They can decide which area of the pre-school they would prefer to play in, select their own resources to play with and choose how they wish to use them. They can actively and naturally explore, discover, experiment and practise their new skills. In supporting children’s natural desire to play and interact with their environment, adults can then encourage them to discover things for themselves and to continue to build their knowledge base.

We believe that careful planning is required if play is to be high quality. Staff will interact with your child in order to support and extend learning through knowledge and understanding. They will make suggestions, ask questions and talk informally with them, introducing new vocabulary and concepts. They will participate, demonstrate, offer choices and encourage your child to try out new skills, allowing them to experiment, encourage persistence when things get difficult, and inspire them. Every aspect of their learning is equally important and interdependent They will reflect on, and evaluate activities in order to plan future play effectively.

When you are little everyday is a learning experience and at Little Acorns we make those experiences fun.