Social Problems Final

75 points

Task: You will take a social issue or multiple social issues that we have either discussed in class already this semester or that you find interesting and that we haven’t yet gotten to and make a creative representation of its relation to our class. We will start presentations Tuesday, May 27 and go until we are done (seniors you will present Wednesday, May 21). Along with your presentation, I need something tangible to grade – follow the guidelines below.

Instructions: You will be given a great deal of freedom on this project and possibly some in class time to work on it in the last few weeks of the semester. Social problems topics are thrown in our faces so much every single day in various forms of media (movies, music, TV, magazines, books, news, social media, etc.) Similar to how we have done throughout the semester, you will be asked to analyze society in various forms of media and show its relation to topics studied this semester. You must describe at least SIX topics you have found in your investigation that we have studied in this class and you must be able to describe them both in your project and presentation. Because I want your presentation to be organized, you have to have one “thesis topic” or main/overarching topic and then five subtopics that connect to that guide topic. Even though the requirements say at least six topics, as always, the more information the better in showing me your understanding of the course material!

Investigation Topics:

  1. Read ANOTHER book related to a social issue
  2. à Watch a movie, which has not yet been shown in class this term
  3. *Read THREE newspaper or magazine articles – can be on one common issue or multiple issues
  4. à*Listen to THREE songs – can but do not have to be from a common musician, group, composer, or topic.
  5. à Watch THREE episodes of a TV show that has not been shown in class – does not have to be three episodes of the same show (in other words, three shows that talk about similar things).
  6. à Watch TWO news segments (record the dates) – local, CNN, FOX, etc. or THREE 5+ minute long YouTube clips.
  7. Social issue discussion that takes place in our class, another class, or in another social setting
  8. Anything else that you feel you can find a social topic to discuss in (if you’re not sure please don’t hesitate to ask)

*Print out the articles or lyrics (used in your project) for #3 and #4

à For more presentation points, bring in a clip of the movie or TV Show, the music video or play one of the songs or segments of all of the songs (2-4 min.) – be sure it is timed right and actually demonstrates something in your project.

Presentation Possibilities – collectable/tangible item that I will collect:

·  *Poster

·  *Video

·  *Poem

·  *Song

·  Paper

·  *PowerPoint/Prezi

·  Any other way you feel you can creatively show your investigation – don’t hesitate to ask

*If it does not appear on the project itself, I need a typed write-up to accompany the project. You need thorough explanations of things in both the tangible project and presentation (follow guidelines online).

RUBRIC with Name and Project Description is due ______

DUE: ______ (seniors will present first and we will go alphabetically from there).