by The Hicks Group Patients Forum



After returning from maternity leave Dr Kirsty Harvey found balancing her family life and work life unmanageable, and decided to resign from her post and concentrate on her family. Dr Adure Osuji, who covered Dr Harvey maternity post as a locum, has taken a post elsewhere.The practice is advertising for another salaried doctor.

Katrina Reay, Healthcare Assistant, has had a little boy.

Wendy Beekmeyer, receptionist, has retired to spend more time caring for her family. Our two new receptionists are Wendy Bridges and Della Boyce.

Changeover day, which is when we lose our registrar and FY2 (Foundation Year 2 – a postgraduate doctor in a 2-year specialist training programme) and take on other medical practitioners, was at the beginning of August.


Care Quality Commission (CQC) Report. The practice has received “good” for everything. Suggested improvements have been minor. The next CQC inspection will be within the next 5 years. A poster congratulating the staff on the results has been posted on noticeboards by the Patients Forum. Don’t forget, the entire CQC report is on the practice website:


Flu Vaccination

The practice will be starting flu vaccination earlier this year in order to cover more patients. A poster will be put

up asking patients to book their appoint-

ments at reception or when seeing a

clinician. It is hoped that patients do

not have their vaccinations elsewhere to support the practice and ensure the future of this service. Pneumococcal vaccinationswill be available for the over-65s. Please see posters in surgery for eligibility criteria for Shingles vaccinations.

Merger Discussions. These are ongoing and currently centring on financial models. There is nothing definite to report.


The PF gazebo, which is used for gala events,is unfortunately not now very rain or wind proof so the Patients Forum has agreed to fund a new gazebo.

BOOK SALES up to the end of July came to £172.70 from Charles Hicks, and £500.50 from Roman Gate. Total CARD SALES amounted to £79.70.

Christine Lee from Godmanchester, who makes all the cards on sale in both surgeries, free of charge, has donated many sacks of wool to the PF. Wethank her for hergenerosity.


Dr Carolyn Smithson will give a talk on “The Menopause” onWednesday 12th October,Charles Hicks surgery starting at 7pm. Free light refreshments will be available.

It is hoped that Dr Sweetenham will offer a talk on Hearing Problems in the New Year.

Other possible topics for next year include Sleep Apnoea, and Blood Pressure Awareness.

REGISTERING FOR ONLINE APPOINTMENTSThere are leaflets available on the Patients Forum noticeboard explaining how to register for online appointments.


The following comments related to “What could we do better?

a. one or two reception staff could be friendlier and more ‘smiley’. Sometimes staff can be abruptand rude.

b. make the private and confidential area more private, as you can still hear all conversations in the waiting room.

c. reduce waiting times or tell patients that there is going to be a wait. 45 minutes is just too long. Staff could also text patients to let them know that a doctor is running late.

d. chairs with arms are needed to help older patients to get up.

e. cycle parking. There should be somewhere to lock a bike where it can be secure.

Comments on “What did we do well?” :

a. good service. Appointments run to time.

b. looking after me and all your other patients.

Replies to the above will be found on the Patients Forum website: under Patients Feedback/You Said – We Did.



The Care Quality Commission is due to inspect these hospitals between the 20th and 23rd September. To help the CQC get the most from their visit they need to know what it is like to be cared for in these hospitals right now. You can tell Health watch about your own experience or about the experience of someone you care about. You can say where care has worked well or where it needs to be better. Call the Health watch officeon 01480 420628 or email at:

The Patients Forum

You can join the Patients Forum as a virtual memberor a fully participating member. If the latter, the main requirement is to attend the 6 meetings per annum (the third Tuesday of every other month, starting in January). The meetings are from 7pm to 9pm. There are sub-groups within the Patients Forum which you can join, within which you can participate to a lesser or greater extent. These are: Communications (PF website, newsletter, recruitment, advertising, campaigns), Fund-Raising, Events (mainly health), and Books. If you do not wish to attend meetings, you can join as a virtual member. You will need to supply your name, address, phone number and email address, the latter being essential. You will be able to give your opinions and you may be contacted once or twice a year for your opinion, in the form of a questionnaire.

emailMaggie Middlemiss at: