Minutes of Harbour View Healthcare PPG meeting
Friday15th April 2016; 12:00 – 14:00
Shoreham Health Centre
Present: BernardChallen, Sheila Clark, Fiona Randall, Marjorie Sams, Steph Stringer, Teri Jezeph, Peter Goldsmith, Wendy Gibbs, Anna Doe, Barry Downs, Jim Hoare, Jane Collins, Wendy Lewis, Howard Bentley, Gillian McIlroy, Chloe Leggatt
Apologies: YvonneOcana, Launa Rolf, Ann Martin.
Minutes from last meeting / Matters arising:
- The Minutes from the last meeting were approved by all.
- It was mentioned that due to the PPG merging we should discuss the roles of some of the PPG members. The following was decided:
Chair of the PPG – Bernard Challen(Marjorie Sams to be acting chair in Bernards absence)
Minutes – Chloe Leggatt
Newsletter – Launa Rolf, Yvonne Ocana and Wendy Gibbs
These roles are open to discussion and can change at any time
Merger Week
- Signage – All of the signage around the Health Centre will be updated after 1 O’Clock on Friday 22nd April. Treatment rooms will be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as using North/South side can get confusing.
- Phone Lines – Both practices numbers will still be in use for some time after the merge. Around 6 months after the merge one of the numbers will fade out. We have also put in a bid to NHS England to help us fund the use of call waiting.
- Reception – This will be on Church View Surgery’s side as it is more confidential for the patients. On the merge week PPG members will be situated in the middle of both desks so that they can guide patients. Both check-in screens will be in use and there will be plenty of online access forms available.
- Website – Update information on the PPG and Friends of Pond Road. Bernard mentioned that when putting on staff names we need to check with all staff that this is ok.
Howard mentioned that the new website has the ability to hold a ‘Virtual PPG’. This allows feedback and opinions but is not a forum. The PPG would like further clarification on the ‘Virtual PPG’ before committing.
WL/JC/CL to check with staff regarding their names on the website
CL to put a notice on the old websites guiding them to Harbour View Healthcare’s
CL to put a condensed notice on the new website regarding Patient Access
CL to check if we can send Newsletter via website
Provide PPG with information on the Virtual PPG
- The PPG received a visit from Diane Ruban – Community Engagement, West Sussex
- Healthwatch is a statutory body; they give the patients and public a voice on health issues whether they are good or bad. A member of the Healthwatch team sits with the CCG and the Hospital trust to widen their engagement. Amongst the many things that Healthwatch deals with they also have an Independent Health Advocacy Service.
- PPG training – Healthwatch can also help to train Patient Participation Groups, there is no time limit and they will come into the surgery. This training can hopefully help the PPG to increase their number.
PPG to promote Healthwatch in the next Newsletter
PPG to discuss Healthwatch training at next meeting
Questions from the patients
- Bloods – Patients are worried that now Church View Surgery is losing a Phlebotomist there will no longer be blood test appointments available. Jane informed the group that we still have a HCA left with us who takes bloods and has worked both sides. We are also recruiting for Practice Nurses and HCA’s.
- Warfarin – Patients have commented that there is a finger prick test and would like to know why we don’t offer this. Gillian and Howard explained that we do not provide this as the quality and safety of these tests are still an issue as they are not so in depth.
- Appointments – Patients have been worrying about the lack of appointments. Church View Surgery will be losing their whole appointment system when we merge. This means that we can only fit on 2 weeks’ worth of appointments onto Adur Medical Groups system until the ‘Go Live’ date on Monday 25th April when more will be added.
- Meeting days – Alternate the PPG days between Tuesdays and Fridays.
CL to organise next meeting by sending out an email.
- Prescriptions – Alan from Day Lewis is happy to speak about EPS at future meetings.
Let Alan know the date of any future meetings
- Music Group – The PPG would like Steph to coordinate her singing group to come to a PPG meeting.
Steph to coordinate when dates of the next meeting are agreed.
At the end of this meeting the PPG were given a tour of both Adur Medical Group and Church View Surgery.
Next meeting – Tuesday 5th July
3 DownswaySurgery, Southwick, West Sussex, BN42 4WA