For 9 September 2009, 1-2 PM, WRI C305: Please arrive on time!!
1. Laboratory Issues
1.1. Safety Training and general lab update (Trevor, Tom)
1.2. Equipment issues: laser, ICP-AES, LA-ICP-MS, furnace, ESI-MS, titrator, UV-Visible spectrometer, XRD
1.3. Update experiment board
1.4. Laboratory reorganization
1.4.1. LIFE project move to 2nd floor, Tc into U lab space (need to organize Tc work)
1.4.2. SEB move: rad waste in XRD, research in radiochemistry space (low level, Re/Ln compound synthesis)
2. Subgroup Meetings, need to select new times (Tuesdays proposed)
2.1. Fuel Cycle Separations (Tuesday 15 September, 0845, 4th floor)
2.2. Radioanalytical separations (Thursday 17 September, 0900) 4th floor
2.3. Solid Phase Synthesis and Characterization (Tuesday 22 September 0900, 4th floor)
3. Professional Meetings
3.1. Migration 09, 20-25 Sept, PNNL: Jen, KRC
3.1.1. KRC will need posters from Gostii, Kiel, and Frederic
3.2. MPACT working group meeting (Safeguards), Jackson Hole, WY, 30 Sept-1 Oct (Gary, Jamie)
3.3. Electrochemistry Society meeting, Vienna, 4-9 Oct, Ed (
3.4. 16th Symposium on Separations Science and Technology, 18-22 Oct, Gatlinburg, TN
3.5. Waste Management in Future Fuel Cycles Conference, Charleston, SC, 8-12 Nov., funds available for students!
3.6. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC-09) Napa, 29 Nov to 4 Dec 2009, (
3.7. ANS topical meeting April 19-23, 2010, Las Vegas, (, abstracts due 10 Oct 2009.
3.7.1. Radiochemistry is set to have one track - 4 days of 2 sessions a day.
3.8. ACS Spring, SF, 21-25 Mar, Nuclear Fuel Separations (Patricia organize)
3.9. ANS, 13-17 June, 2010, San Diego (
3.10. Plutonium futures (September 2010)
4. Experiments/Travel
4.1. Patricia out this week
5. Announcements
5.1. Jim Laidler Seminar Series, Nuclear Fuel Design and Fabrication, 28 Sep, 12, 19, 26 Oct, 23 Nov., 1:00-2:15 PM, TBA
5.2. Meeting with Neal Smatresk
5.3. Organization of group posters and publications; publications for XRD lab in SEB
5.4. Post-doc position at ANL application deadline is September 14, 2009.
5.5. Radiochemistry position at PNNL (
5.6. Conference room scheduling:, ruby , Brittany
5.7. Council organized for HRC: 1st meeting 10 September. Send comment/issues to KRC
5.7.1. Role of HRC, Role of radiochemistry in HRC, communication in HRC
5.8. Prof. Wei presentation, Super Critical Fluid Extraction, 28 Sept, 1000-1115, BEH 216
5.9. Webpage development: 100 word writeup from PIs on Research Areas/Projects (due 18 September)
5.10. Roy G. Post Foundation fellowship, deadline 30 October 2009,
5.11. New phone contact list (Nick, please distribute)
5.12. New list for primary and secondary equipment responsibilities (Tom)
5.13. Remind KRC to read papers, chapters (Rich, Julie)
5.14. Fill out evaluation for m for program for 1st part of 2009 (e-mailed)
5.15. Start organization of APS experiments
5.15.1. 0800 21 Oct to 0800 29 Oct, begin organization of samples and personnel
5.16. Guy lunch, Gordon Biersch, 1200 Friday 11 September
6. Notable events (please provide information to KRC)
6.1. Patricia presenting at Global 09
6.2. IGERT submitted with Hunter/SKMCC
6.3. New Tc compound this weekend
7. Presentation: This week: Megan, Next week: Narek