Purchasing Department

Addendum #2

Date: July 17, 2017

Title: RFB/RFP #LH-0446 Healthcare Staffing Services

Subject: Questions and Answers

1. Can you provide an approximate number and classification of current HCP’s that will need to be transitioned if our company is awarded the contract?

ANSWER:Approximately 6.

2. Can you provide a list of potential additional staffing services that you anticipate that we may be asked to fill?

ANSWER:Please refer to the RFP, Section 2 states:

Temporary, Temporary-Permanent, and Permanent labor placement. Talent Acquisition is seeking a firm that has the ability to staff PRN, Part-Time and Full-Time clinical positions. The selected firms must be proven in their specialty, have the ability to select and provide staff with critical knowledge of the various clinical positions.

3. Can you share a percentage of historical HCP cancellations?

ANSWER:This is not information available.

4. Can you share a percentage of current and historical HCP’s that have required housing accommodations and travel reimbursement?If not, are we able to propose an hourly rate plus travel?

ANSWER: Please refer to the RFP, these issues are addressed in the contract attached.

5. What is the District’s historical record of paying within the thirty (30) days described in this section?

ANSWER:30 Days

6. Is the warranty of an HCP during the first week of the assignment limited to 40 hours?


7. Can you provide specifics for the scope of the Drug Screen, Background Check, and Competencies?

ANSWER:We use Inquiries, Inc. from Background Check for criminal and education.

8. HUB/SMWVBE communication outreach: Is a Texas Certification required?

ANSWER:Provide the information stated to meet the communication outreach requirements.

9. How many contingent nurse staffing agencies are you currently contracted with?

ANSWER:Approximately 3

10. How many travelers/contract staff are currently on assignment?


  1. What specialties are they working in?

ANSWER:RN and Certified Techs

11. What was the total spend on contingent labor for the previous year?

ANSWER:$1.5 Million

12. What is the projected spend for this year?

ANSWER:Under $800K

a.If utilization has increased what are the factors that attributed to that?

ANSWER: The subject matter of this question is not related to or within the scope of this RFP.

13. How many travel/contract orders are currently open?

ANSWER:3 orders

14. What are your most difficult shifts to cover?

ANSWER:Night Shift

15. What are your most difficult RN specialties to cover?

ANSWER:RN Admission Holding Units - Nights

16. What is your average Fill Rate for staffing requests?By specialty if available.

ANSWER:Length of contract 90 days. This information by specialty is not available.

17. Do you have a float or per diem pool?

ANSWER:The subject matter of this question is not related to or within the scope of this RFP.

18. What specific challenges do you face regarding (FTE) Talent Acquisition? (Speed, Quality, High Volume, Difficult roles)

ANSWER:Hard to fill positions.

19. What is the overall (FTE) hiring volume within your organization annually?

ANSWER:The subject matter of this question is not related to or within the scope of this RFP.

20. Do you have any plans for expansion in the next year?


21. What is your timekeeping system?


a.Is the same system used for contingent nurses?


22. Is your AP approval process centralized or manual?


a. What AP and Payroll system do you utilize? i.e. Peoplesoft


23. How do you currently track agency staff hours worked?

ANSWER:Through our internal HRIS System.

24. What reports do you currently receive from your staffing agencies?


25. What Electronic Medical Records (EMR) System is JPS currently utilizing?


26. Are there any EMR implementation/transition projects planned in the next 12 months?

ANSWER:The subject matter of this question is not related to or within the scope of this RFP.

27. When does the District expect to award this project?

ANSWER:July 2017

28. Will award notifications be posted on the District’s website link?

ANSWER: No, the Senior RFP Coordinator will notify alll Respondent will be notified of the outcome via email.

29. Will there be finalists selected prior to award?

ANSWER: If you’re speaking of a shortlist selection to be determined.

30. When does JPS expect to post Q&As on the District’s RFP website?

ANSWER: 07-17-2017

31. Is vendor registration on the Vendor Credentialing System required prior to proposal deadline?

ANSWER: This is post award.

32. Please provide guidance as to what type of training the District is referring to in this section.

ANSWER:The training that responsive firms provide for Hiring Managers, Recruitment, the placements or any other individuals that may be involved in the staffing process.

33. Please confirm the types of positions and modalities the District would like the selected vendor to provide temporary staffing for (referencing Section 2 of Scope of Work)

ANSWER:Please refer to the RFP, Section 2 states:

Temporary, Temporary-Permanent, and Permanent labor placement. Talent Acquisition is seeking a firm that has the ability to staff PRN, Part-Time and Full-Time clinical positions. The selected firms must be proven in their specialty, have the ability to select and provide staff with critical knowledge of the various clinical positions.

34. Please clarify the requested pricing model inSection 8:

  1. the chart has blacked out sections, please clarify what they indicate
  2. there are two position types listed - Sterile Processor and Surgical Technologist:
  3. were those listed intentionally?
  4. where those the only two positions to be filled?
  5. If not, should respondents provide their own list of healthcare professionals offered or would the District please provide a comprehensive list of needs?

ANSWER:Please refer to the RFP, Section 8 states:

This is sample listing which will be utilized for price comparison. This listing does not represent all the staffing services that will be utilized over the term of the contract. The District reserves the right to add additional staffing services.

35. Section 6 – 2.7 – Please provide clarification on the term “maternal child” as it relates to state specific regulatory compliance?

ANSWER:Please strike “including maternal child”

36.Section 5 – 5.1, 7.1 –please clarify what is meant by “implementation” as it relates to temporary staffing placements. (ex. how each position is recruited for and staffed?)

ANSWER:Please refer to the entirety of the RFP.

37. Page 6 of RFP – II.C.1.f – is the restriction of omissions or alterations applicable to the sample contract and the Business Associate Agreement? Please confirm that modifications to these two documents are permitted.


All corrections, changes, additions, revisions, and/or clarifications in this Addendum #2 to theRFP are hereby made a part of the RFB/RFP for #LH-0446 Healthcare Staffing Services.

All Respondents to the RFB/RFP shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Addendum #2 bysigning in the space provided and submitting the signed Addendum #1 with the RFB/RFP.

Proposals submitted without an executed copy of this Addendum #2 attached may be considered

informal and may be rejected.

Received, acknowledged, and conditions agreed to on this ______day of ______, 2017, by:

Respondent: ______

Company Name: ______

If there are questions pertaining to this addendum please contact Lizzie Harris at