/ Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013
5th Call Application Form
For Programme Secretariat use only
Registration no:
CAV number:
Date of arrival:

Main Application Part 1: Content


1.1 Project Title: Natural Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
1.2 Acronym/Abbreviation: NEES
1.3 Project Duration: 36 month
Start date: January 15th 2011 / Finish date: December 25th2013
1.4 Priority:
Priority 1: Promoting innovation and competitiveness in remote and peripheral area / X
Priority 2: Sustainable development of natural and community resources
1.5 Target area / Location of the operation: Cork, South West Ireland (IRL) North Karelia (Fin) Umea, Vasterbotten County (SE), Southwest Scotland (Scot)
1.6 Total project budget:
1.7 Total funding request:
1.8 Specify funding sources:
Member State, ERDF:
Member State 20 %, ERDF:
Norway, ERDF equivalent:
Norway 20 %, ERDF equivalent:
Iceland, ERDF equivalent:
Faroe Island, ERDF equivalent:
Greenland, ERDF equivalent:
10 % source to Non Member State partner:
1.9 Document checklist:
Complete Main Application Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
Complete and signed Partner information forms from all parties
Annexes to Main Application Part 3, detailing the individual partner budgets
Attestation from Tax Authority from partners that are not allowed to recover VAT
Other, please specify

I, the signing authority for the Lead Partner organisation, certify that the information in this proposal is accurate and that my organisation has agreed to co-ordinate the activities and carry the full responsibility of the project if this proposal is awarded funds from the Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013. I certify that the project will be implemented in accordance with national laws and EU regulations, and I especially acknowledge the rules considering public tendering, competition policy and eligible costs. To the best of my knowledge, a proposal with similar content, with the involvement of any of the partners has not been submitted to other EU-funded programme.


DateSignatureFull NamePosition


Lead Partner:
Title of institution in English: / University College of Cork (Centre for Architectural Education)
Location: / South West Ireland
Country: / Ireland
Partner 2:
Title of institution in English: / Clean Technology Centre
Location: / South West Ireland
Country: / Ireland
Partner 3:
Title of institution in English: / North Karelia University of Applied Science
Location: / Karelia Region, Ita-Suomi
Country: / Finland
Partner 4:
Title of institution in English: / Central Karelia Development Company Ltd.
Location: / Karelia Region, Ita-Suomi
Country: / Finland
Partner 5:
Title of institution in English: / School of Architecture, Umea University
Location: / Region Vasterbotten, Ovre Norland
Country: / Sweden
Partner 6:
Title of institution in English: / Glasgow Caledonian University
Location: / Scotland
Country: / United Kingdom
Partner 7:
Title of institution in English:
Partner 8:
Title of institution in English:
Partner 9:
Title of institution in English:
Partner 10:
Title of institution in English:
Associated partner:
Title of institution in English: / Delap & Waller EcoCo Ltd.,
Location: / Cork, South West Ireland
Country: / Ireland
Associated partner:
Title of institution in English:


3.1 Synopsis of the project (max 500 characters or ¼ page)
The NEES Project aims to identify and map resources and technologies based on natural products and processes in the Northern Periphery Programme region, which have the potential of being mainstreamed, and can improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of existing dwellings both in and outside the region. This refers to products, processes and technologies for achieving better roof and wall insulation, for passive solar heating, for natural ventilation, for integration of renewable, as well as other technologies that contribute to making buildings more sustainable throughout their life cycle, reducing theirenergy needs and carbon footprint,reduce their waste and use of hazardous and polluting materials.
NEES will develop triple bottom line sustainability criteria (environmental,, economic and social) for the assessment and evaluation of these products and technologies, based on the analysis of best practice, with an LCA approach. This best practice will be disseminated through reports, seminars and study visits, and we will develop practical demonstration events based on the exchange of products technologies, that will also be monitored and evaluated. Allinformation arising from the Project will be linked to an “online portal of naturally efficient technologies” and the project will promotethe dissemination to and application of these technologies by relevant stakeholders in the entire NPP region.
NEES will also develop relevant training and support services for producers and installers, and for consultants, enterprises and advisory agencies promoting and implementing energy efficiency, and to local communities who may benefit from these products and services. This support will include energy awareness, technical, accreditation and marketing issues.
The project aims at a quantifiable increase in awareness and the take up of these products and technologies in all NPP partner regions, and quantifiable benefits (environmental, economic and social) arising from the dissemination of this approach. Benefits will include a reduction in energy use, in carbon footprint, a reduction of waste, an improvement in water quality, a reduction in waste and pollution, diversification of rural production, energy efficiency improvements to urban and rural dwellings, development of local skills, jobs and enterprises, and the development of local and transnational markets for NPP products and services.
3.2 Overall objective of the project (max 2000 characters or 1 page)

The Objectives of the NEES Project are

To review and map the current situation, gauge the resources based on natural materials and technologies, and to assess their potential for the improvement of energy efficiency in existing buildings.This includes products and technologies for roof and wall insulation, solar heating and ventilation and other technologies that are able to contribute to making buildings more environmentally sustainable throughout their life cycle, reducing the amount of energy they consume, their carbon footprint, the waste and waste water they produce and the hazardous materials they contain.

NEES will develop comprehensive sustainability criteria (environmental, economic and social) for the identification, assessment and evaluation of these natural products and technologies, based on best practice case studies, and throughout the life cycle of the product. This best practice will be disseminated through reports, seminars, and study visits, and through an online portal of natural efficiency technologies.

The project will also develop, monitor and evaluate a number of practical demonstration projects based on exchange between the different regions, which demonstrate the transferability of the technologies identified. These will be monitored and evaluated during the project life, and reported on the on-line portal.

The project will develop an appropriate training and support services model for producers and installers, and for enterprises and advisory agencies promoting or providing these products and technologies, and to the communities who might make use of them. The research and academic partners participating will develop mechanisms to develop advice and support services on technical, governance and marketing issues for producers, installers and service providers.

The project will promote a measurable increase in the take up of these products and technologies in all partner regions, and quantify the likely benefits, environmental, economic and social, arising from reduction of energy needs, the use of local resources, agricultural diversification, minimisation and reuse of waste, development of local and transnational markets, and promote the development of skills and enterprises, with a net benefit to the environment, the community and the local economy.

NEES is being submitted by a Partnership of public agencies responsible for existing dwellings, agencies concerned with energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, producers, installers and service providers for products and technologies aimed at improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of existing buildings, and academic and research bodies with an interest in sustainable energy and environment in the Northern Periphery Programme area.

Our aim is to bring together a critical mass of stakeholders and a dynamic infrastructure of agencies, enterprises and expertise that will allow the network to continue operating and having an impact beyond the project period..

3.3 General project description (max 6000 characters or 3 pages)
The project will be developed over a period of 36 months, as 6 distinct Work Packages:
WP1: Project Management & Evaluation
This WP will co-ordinate the Partnership, through a clear and functional structure. The Partnership Agreement and operational procedures will be reviewed at a kick-off meeting. Project Management will be carried out by the Lead Partner, with support from a Steering Group made up of one representative from each region and from each thematic group. The Work Programme and Schedule will be reviewed and monitored periodically. Each regional representative will in turn co-ordinate a local partnership of “triple helix” stakeholders, and is responsible for development of the WP in that region. Partners will have thematic responsibility over sub-themes in the overall project, corresponding to their skills and experience. These sub-groups will be technical, financial and social. Communication within the Partnership will be mainly online, making use of the projectson line portal, for sharing information and co-ordination. Regular teleconferences will be set up between transnational and local partners. Periodic face-to-face meetings will also be scheduled, local and transnational level, coinciding with other planned events like study visits and seminars. Minutes of all teleconferences, meetings, seminars and assemblies will be taken and uploaded onto the Online Portal. Progress, milestones, deliverables and budgets will be monitored and overallperformance regularly evaluated. In developing the themes and the network Partners will identify models for sustainability in the longer term, based on income from members, events and European and national funding.
WP 2. Resource Mapping
Partners will carry out a desk trawl of best practise, based on a triple-bottom line (TBL) criteria, in each region, identifying energy efficient improvement and retrofit of existing dwellings, and based on natural materials and processes. Partners will record and map these, both geographically and thematically. These will be by definition alternatives to high-tech, high environmental impact products and processes on the market. Each local partnership will collate this information and provide data on comparable formats, which can be analysed and uploaded on the online portal, including links to web pages and otherinformation and resources available in each region. Local partnerships will also establish the demand for such products and services, and the barriers and opportunities available for them,based on information provides by statutory bodies, advisory agencies and energy assessors. The thematic sub-groups will analyse this information in the light of the TBL criteria, to allow the Partnership to selectthe best practices for each region, that is the products, processes and technologies most appropriate and likely to achievemainstreaming in the different geographical areas of the NPP region. This analysis will also take into account the agricultural, climatic and cultural characteristics of the different regions, as well as availability and sustainability of materials, logistical implications, local traditions, skills and employment considerations, as agreed by Partners.
WP3. Benchmarking Best Practice
On the basis of this TBL criteria, the partnership will write up those products, processes and technologiesselected and prioritise them in terms of which are most likely to achieve mainstreaming and be ofcomprehensive benefit to each region. This will be determined by considering the life-cycle of the product, process and technology, documenting and comparing key technical data. This assessment will also take into account factors related to production, installation, after sale servicing and end-of-life waste reduction, costs and savings to users, potential for agricultural diversification, new enterprise formation or diversification and skills development and employmentand flexibility and adaptability to change in each region. Each case study will establish the demand for such products and services, and the barriers and opportunities available for theminclude Comparative summary fiches on the project online portal will make this information available to stakeholders,and links to relevant research and availability and support information will be provided. Case studies of exemplary applications will be documented, covering the range of geographical areas, construction types, retrofit situations and benefits. This will includebuildings and extensions and solar conservatories, retrofit of existing walls with natural insulating products, roof insulation, techniques for waste reduction and reuse, solid waste and water use or treatment, and small- scale integration of renewable energy, such as biogas, biomass, solar, geothermal and wind.Partner and stakeholder Study Visits will also be organised to selected examples of Best Practice.
WP4: Exchange and Demonstration
On the basis of the information gathered, Partners will review,agree and implement a number of small scale demonstrationprojects thatclearly combine and apply the best practices identified to a number of new exchange demonstration actions in different regions. These action could include examples of energy efficiency retrofit to walls and roofs, construction of extensions and solar conservatories, installation of small scale RES, of energy storage, or of sustainable waste and wastewater treatment technologies, according to the results of the previous stages. Funding for capital works will be identified locally (not funded from the NPP Project) and demonstrationprojects will be have a relatively short time scale (e.g. 6 months implementation periods). Specifications for the exchange and demonstration projects will be advised and agreed by thethematic groups (incorporating triple bottom line benefits) and implementation will be monitored and documented with key data and photographic and video records. Background information and records will be uploaded onto the online portal to illustrate the various technologies showcased. Workshops and seminars will be held at each demonstration project site, to explain the materials and technologies used, and also to present other experiences of the NEES project.
Case study projects would capture not only the explicit knowledge (i.e. performance criteria) but also support this with the experience encountered in practice around 1) the implementation of the product/ technology and 2) the storytelling around its performance in practice. Some case studies will provide ‘lessons learnt’. The experience of those involved helps to contextualise the case study and how others will relate the experience to future practice. In order to achieve this the Partners would:
1) Design a questionnaire or set of standard set of questions for those involved in the case study to complete
2) If appropriate for the regional coordinator could conduct an interview,
3) Get case studies to keep a log book during the 6 month period,
4) Get case studies to benchmark their own performance and invite peers to assess it.
This would be supported through the use of social networking in WP6
WP 5: Support and Training Services
This WP will develop, on the basis of the previous experiences, a portfolio of the most appropriate support and training services that the research and academic bodies can provide to help the producers, installers and service bodies, and the property owners and managers, to select and apply NEES technologiesinside and outside the NPP region. This will take the form of advisory data and information that will be made available to local energy advisory agencies, and public awareness and vocational training courses on technical issues (energy assessment, environmental impact, Life Cycle Analysis), business issues (business planning, governance and marketing) and social issues (fuel poverty, community initiatives, consultation and participation). The project will embed these advisory and training services with local energy advisory bodies, training and academic institutions to ensure the long-term impact of the project.Wherever possible, advice and training modules will be developed and accredited so that training can be exchanged between different regions. For this purpose, academic institutions will be encouraged to link their curriculum in this area.
WP6. Public Awareness and Dissemination
Products, processes and technologies identified will be documented and disseminated primarily through the NEES on-line portal, which will be the main co-ordination tool of the NEES Network, and contain relevant technical information on the products, processes and technologies, how to access them and what on-going support is available. Fiches of case studies and the exchange and demonstration projects will summarise and document results, and will covera wide range of products, processes and technologies available. This will be complemented by a range of social networking tools, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other online networks including regional networks.The NEES project will produce aperiodic electronic newsletter during the duration of the Project, which will be and sent to broad database of interested stakeholders through the NPP region. Local seminars will also be organised around the different case studies and demonstration projects. The demonstration projects will also be advertised as open to the public. The emphasis of the dissemination will be to create public awareness of the benefits of the NEES products, processes and services available in the NPP region. The target of this dissemination will be primarily the NPP region, but also Europe and the rest of the world, aiming at creating an export market for products, processes and technologies, and providing an example of good practise for other parts of the world. Afinal European seminar will also see the launch of a NEES Network at the end of the Project that will then relay on activity generated by the project to go on operating. Partners will maintain these links after the end of the Project, and during the project life identify ways in which the network and its activities can be sustainable in the long-term.
3.4 Justification for the project’s approval(max 3000 characters or 1½ pages)
Energy efficiency and sustainable development are two of the European Union’s main priorities[1]. The development of products and services to promote these two priorities is therefore relevant, and can help promote competitiveness and the capacity for networking in the Programme area, as well as contributing to redressing the negative impacts of the global economic crisis in the peripheral rural areas.
The current NEES proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Preparatory Project programme, which is to generate high quality main project applications by making available resources, which will allow the detailed development of the project idea and corresponding logistics.
The themes proposed for the main project, to be developed in the Preparatory Project, correspond to Priority 1 of the Northern Periphery Programme, which is the development and marketing of the products and services that will promote competitiveness by increasing and developing the capacity for innovation and networking in rural and peripheral areas. The Project focuses on the two themes of this priority, a) promoting co-operation and exchange of best practises between SME's on how to address and reach markets with existing and new products, and b) promoting linkages between the stakeholder enterprises and R&D institutions to increase capacity for innovation, facilitate the design of innovation systems and strengthen competitiveness. The Project also aims to promote these products and processes at a transnational level, by facilitating the exchange, transfer and adaptation of these products and services between regions, and adapting them on the basis of transnational exchange. The Project also contributes to Priority 2, by working to improve sustainable development in peripheral regions.

If applicable: