The tasks in this assignment are based on material in our text book- pages 186 to 229. Read the material and then tackle the tasks. Any tasks not completed at school must be completed over the holidays.

4.1Human Resource Management – pages 184 -191

Read these pages and then complete these tasks

  • Activity 1, page 189 – you will find HRM jobs advertised in the AGE on Saturday or at
  • Redraw the table 4.1 on page 190 into a chart
  • Answer the FOR REVIEW questions 1 and 3 on page 191

Factors involved in HRM- pages 192 - 195

Read these pages and then complete these tasks

  • What are the 11 considerations a HRM needs to be aware of when managing the human resources within the organisation?
  • Answer the questions 1 to 5 from the Article – ‘Memo Bosses: Here’s the secret to good workers’

4.2HRM – Objectives – Strategy

  • How does a HRM help a LSO achieve its objectives? – pages 195 – 196
  • What strategies can a HRM use to cope with the changing demographics of the workforce? – page 196
  • Define with an example the following words: downsizing, instability in the workforce, employee participation, occupational health and safety, and equal opportunity and discrimination – pages 199 to 201
  • Copy figure 4.5, The HR function on page 202

4.3Expectations of people workingin LSO - pages 202 - 218

Read these pages and then complete these tasks

  • Redraw the list of employees and employers expectations in your order of what you consider to be the most important to the least important

  • Write a paragraph for each of these expectations

-steady employment

-flexible workforce

-good working environment

-working in teams

-opportunity to develop new skills

-opportunity to become involved

-challenging work

-satisfying work

4.4Motivation - pages 220 - 227

Read these pages and then complete these tasks

  • Define motivation
  • What are five things that motivate you?
  • What role does the HRM play in the motivation of staff? – pages 220 – 221, 224 - 225
  • Write a paragraph about the motivational theories of

-Maslow, page221

-Herzberg, pages 221 - 222

-Skinner, page 223

-McClelland, page223

  • Read and complete the eight case studies on pages 226 - 227

4.5Ethical and Socially Responsible HRM – pages 228 – 229

Explain “Managing Diversity” and “Zero Tolerance on Harassment”. How are these examples of Ethical and Socially Responsible HRM?

Complete Weekly Emails 1 to 3

Complete Outcome 1 Practice Questions(up to the Coles Express Questions) – Webpage – Unit 4 – Material for Assessment Tasks

armitage - hrm expectations and motivation