Request for Proposal for BSA Challenge Course Inspections
BSA Project COPE & Climbing/Rappelling National Standards require that Project COPE & Climbing installations be inspected each year by a professional challenge course builder/inspector. All inspections must be in accordance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the facilities are located as well as BSA guidelines.
Please submit a bid for inspections for facilities and equipment at challenge courses operated by Boy Scout councils as identified in the attached document. Your proposal must also include the following items:
General Response to RFP:
1. Level of Accreditation of your Company (by ACCT or other industry standard)
2. Accrediting Organization
3. Names and certification credentials and/or qualifications of inspectors who will be assigned to complete the inspection services for this proposal (by ACCT or other industry standard)
4. Company and the individual inspectors’ listed above number of years of experience building & inspecting challenge courses, climbing towers and associated equipment
5. References from past inspections or installations (minimum of 3)
6. Documentation of $2,000,000 in annual aggregate liability insurance, with $1,000,000 per occurrence coverage
7. Documentation of workman’s compensation insurance to cover the inspector which meets state minimum requirements
8. A description of all lawsuits or other actions (including law enforcement or regulatory) against your company or any of the individuals of those identified in response to number 3 above over the last 5 years arising out of any alleged failure to inspect, construct or adhere to safety or legal requirements in connection with COPE/Climbing/Rappelling or similar devices.
Scope of Inspection Services:
1. Inspection services are to cover challenge course installations, climbing towers, and associated equipment only. Annual BSA inspections cover programming, facilitation, staff, training and program documentation.
2. Inspections are to be done according to the most current ACCT standards, not to individual builder’s standards.
3. Vendor must furnish all personnel and equipment required to perform services
Pricing and Limitations on Proposal
1. How the work would be priced, including any costs associated with travel, equipment and other incidentals
2. Work schedule limitations (periods of availability and unavailability)
Contract Requirements:
1. All contract documents will be on BSA’s standard contractor agreement and will require adequate employee workers compensation liability insurance as defined by BSA
2. Final payment on contracts will be made only after final documentation has been received by the BSA challenge course inspection contract representative identified below:
[name and Title of RFP Requester]
[Mailing Address]
[City, State, Postal Code]
[Telephone Number]