Cllrs Atherton, Bailey, Bell, Bullen, Crawford, Hardisty, Kennedy, Leyland, Mackrell, Makin, Reade, Sutherland, Taylor and Warrilow,
You are summoned to attend an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 8th June 2016 at 7.00pm at the Grove.
1. Apologies for Absence: To receive apologies for absence.
2. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this Agenda, or brought up at any point in this Meeting.
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings: To approve and sign the Minutes of the Annual and Ordinary Meetings held on 11th May 2016 and the extraordinary Meetings held on 23rd and 25th May.
4. Residents’ Points of Interest: To receive any issues raised or comments from members of the public present.
5. Correspondence
a. Phil Le Pinet: road/ traffic conditions
b. Angela Felton: library consultation
c. Dr Norma Mudd: library consultation
d. Fields in Trust: Centenary Fields programme
e. Re: A boards causing obstructions on the pavement, Platts Lane
6. To receive a report from the Police
7. To receive a report from County Councillor Dereli
8. To receive report from Borough Councillor(s)
9. To consider items raised at the Annual Assembly
a. Runnel Brow: the need for
i. Traffic lights on bridge, or
ii. Installation of sign saying not to sound horn (between hours of darkness) and
iii. Installation of sign saying “proceed with caution”
b. How to prevent future flooding, particularly in regard to Crabtree Lane, but also across the whole of Burscough.
10. Planning Applications: To consider further submissions regarding planning applications for the development of Victoria Park
11. Finance:
a. To receive and note Bank Reconciliation to 31st May 2016
b. RELD Invoice:
i. Payment was approved at Meeting 11th May 2016 but VAT was omitted in error. VAT has been paid, but approval is required for that action
ii. Groundworks were scheduled to be completed in March and an allocation was made from the 2015/16 budget to cover the cost. Confirmation is required that this sum should be allocated from reserves, rather than from the 2016/17 street scene budget
c. CASS to ratify expenditure of £250 for display materials for Big Burscough Survey.
d. To consider insurance renewal with Zurich at a cost of £1017.90 plus an additional £44.65 for recent additions to asset register.
e. To approve the following items for payment
Employee 2 / Salary / £289.77Employee 5 / Salary / £1,519.39
HMRC / Tax & NI / £527.02
Peoples Pension / Pension / £418.85
NRE / Office lease / £460.00
CASS (see folio 242 yr 15/16) / to correct inv/chq / £2.10
The Grove / Room Hire / £172.50
iData Destruction Ltd / Security Destruction / £4.74
Waringcollins / Newsletter / £777.60
Reld / ground works / £664.00
AA Transcription Services Ltd / Data Input / £45.00
Yates Playgrounds / Spid / £307.20
Yates Playgrounds / Spid / £313.00
Cass Associates / Neighbourhood Plan / £600.00
W Whittle / Internal Audit / £220.80
B Bailey / Expenses / £22.31
Desk Top / Admin / £18.79
N Smith / Expenses / £112.58
12. Locally managed bus services: to agree vision (deferred from previous meeting).
13. Brickpits (Mill Dam Lane) to consider supporting the use of S106 funds/CIL or parish council funds for the improvement of the Brickpits.
14. SPIDS: To consider installation of post for solar spid at a cost of £750 plus VAT
15. Gorst Lane: To request that LCC introduce speed restrictions on Gorst Lane
16. LCC public consultation regarding closure of library – to consider response
17. Outside Committees: To Receive Reports on outside committees and events attended by members
18. Membership of Planning Meeting: to consider appointment of additional members
19. Armed Forces Day: to consider attendance at WLBC Flag Raising Ceremony
20. Lathom and Burscough War Memorial: to consider request from LBMHS to support their request to WLBC to add name of Sidney Turner to the War Memorial.
21. WLBC Civic Service: to consider attendance
22. St John’s Church: to consider attendance at induction ceremony to welcome new Vicar, Rev Simon Glynn
23. Bloomin’ Burscough: To agree value of prizes and purchase of shields/cups for winners, and to agree venue, budget for refreshments and format for Awards Ceremony.
24. To consider purchase photocopier and maintenance agreement (see quotation below)
25. To consider taking ownership of Burscough Interchange
26. To consider payment of £250 for CILCA course
27. Next Meeting: To note the date and time of the next meeting.
Tess Reddington
Clerk to Burscough Parish Council
1st June 2016
Note: Members of the Public are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings, listen to proceedings, and address the meeting about items relating to Parish Council business. Time allowed for residents to speak may be limited and is at the Chairman’s discretion.
Please advise the Chairman if you intend to record any part of the meeting. Recording of residents’ comments is allowed only with residents’ express permission.
If you would like to receive electronic copies of agendas for future meetings please contact the Parish Council Clerk, Burscough Parish Council, Martland Mill, Mart Lane, Burscough, L40 0SD or email
Item 3 – minutes of previous meetings for approval
held on Wednesday 11th May 2016
Present: Cllrs Mackrell, Atherton, Crawford, Bell, Bullen, Bailey, Kennedy, Hardisty, Makin Warrilow,
132. Apologies were received from Cllrs Taylor, Reade, Sutherland and Leyland
121. There were no Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests:
122. Election of Chairman: Councillor Alan Bullen was proposed and seconded and, there being no further nominations, was duly elected as Chair.
123. Declaration of Acceptance of Office The Chairman signed his declaration of Acceptance of Office.
124. Election of Vice Chairman Cllr Brian Kennedy was proposed and seconded and there being no further nominations, was duly elected as Vice Chairman
125. Declaration of Acceptance of Office: The Vice Chairman signed his declaration of Acceptance of Office.
126. The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 13th June 2015 were noted.
127. It was agreed that members should be present to be accept nominations to serve on committees, and that members could be elected in their absence to serve on working groups. It was noted that members not present could be voted on at a future meeting.
128. Members were appointed to serve on the under-mentioned committees and working groups as follows:
a. Planning and Footpaths: (delegated powers) Bailey, Bullen, Kennedy, Makin Crawford, Bell, Hardisty, Warrilow
b. Finance Working Group: Bailey Bell, Hardisty, Kennedy, Bullen, Crawford, Warrilow, Taylor, Leyland.
c. Personnel: No membership was appointed. It was agreed that Cllr Bell and Clerk work up suggested terms of reference to be brought to next meeting for consideration, before agreeing committee membership.
d. Newsletter and Publicity Working Group: Bailey, Bullen, Mackrell, Atherton,
e. Street Scene: Bailey, Bullen, Sutherland, Taylor, Warrilow, Reade, Leyland.
f. Neighbourhood Planning Management Group: Bell, Atherton, Crawford, Kennedy, Mackrell, Hardisty
g. Capital Projects Working Group: All members
h. Transport: Bailey, Bell, Bullen, Atherton, Crawford
i. Flooding: Bullen, Crawford, Hardisty, Warrilow
129. To review/agree signatories to the bank account. No change
130. To review members’ declarations of interest forms. It was noted that members must update their declaration of interest forms to ensure they are up to date.
131. To review members’ training and development records: It was noted that members must review their training records to ensure they are up to date.
132. It was agreed that representatives be appointed to outside bodies as follows:
a. The Lancashire Association of Parish and Town Councils (LAPTC) WL Area Committee (3 members): Cllrs Bailey, Taylor and Bullen
b. West Lancs Internal Drainage Board Group: Cllr Hardisty
c. Burscough Dynamos FC (2 members): Cllr Hardisty and Bell
d. VIP Community Meetings: Cllr Atherton
e. OPSTA: Cllrs Bell, Bailey and Hardisty
f. Business Watch: Cllrs Warrilow and Atherton
g. Any other groups that we should be represented on: Lordsgate School Road Safety: Cllr Atherton will attend if invited.
133. An appendix to the Financial Regulations was agreed as follows:
a. That for the year 2016/17 the following delegated powers shall be in place:
i. Clerk to arrange work on public rights of way within budget allocation (£990) plus funding received from LCC under PROW scheme
ii. That funds received from LCC under the PROW scheme be ring fenced for work on footpaths.
iii. Clerk to purchase supplies and services for general administration and governance up to £250 per calendar month and within budget allocation as required.
iv. Clerk to arrange for the printing and distribution of PC Newsletter 4 times per year within budget.
v. Clerk to arrange training for councillors provided by LALC and as required within budget
vi. Clerk and any one signatory to arrange transfer of funds between accounts to maximise interest
vii. Clerk to purchase miscellaneous supplies for general maintenance up to £50 per month
viii. Clerk to arrange deployment of SPIDs against contract
ix. Clerk to arrange checking of play equipment and repairs as needed
x. Clerk plus one Councillor to authorise expenditure from sustainability budget
b. That the following annual charges be renewed when due
i. ICO registration
ii. Computer Anti-virus software
iii. Dropbox
iv. Weebly website and hosting arrangements (.org.uk and .co.uk)
c. That the following automated payments continue to be made by standing order/direct debit
i. Employee 2 salary per contract monthly on 5th of month
ii. Pension payments by direct debit monthly
iii. NRE office rental £460 monthly by standing order
134. To consider LALC membership for 2017/18: It was agreed that Burscough Parish Council should remain a member of LALC for 2017/18
135. The following documents and policies were approved:
a. Standing Orders (including code of conduct)
b. Financial Regulations
c. Allowances and Expenses Policy
d. Recommendations of WLBC Parish Council’s Remuneration Panel
e. Asset Register
f. Risk Management Plan
136. The following policies were approved
a. Training and Development Policy
b. Health and Safety Policy
c. Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
137. The annual report for the year 2015/16 was deferred
138. It was agreed that dates for future meetings should remain as Planning – 1st Weds and Ordinary Meeting – 2nd Weds of the month.
BURSCOUGH PARISH COUNCILOrdinary Meeting of the Parish Council
Held on Wednesday 11th May 2016
Present: Cllrs Bailey, Bell, Bullen, Atherton, Crawford, Hardisty, Warrilow, Makin Mackrell, Kennedy, Leyland (arrived later)
T J Reddington (Clerk) in attendance
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Taylor, Reade, Sutherland and Leyland (advised likely to be late)
2. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Hardisty advised a non-pecuniary interest in item 7C as a Chairman of Burscough Seniors Luncheon Club.
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings: The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 13th April 2016 were approved as a true record.
4. Residents’ Points of Interest: There were no residents’ comments
5. Cllr Leyland joined the meeting.
6. Police: It was noted that no police were present and no report had been presented. The meeting regretted the absence of police and requested that a report be sent monthly and agreed that the report usually presented was adequate and valuable
7. Standing orders were suspended for members of the public to speak.
8. County Councillor Dereli reported on issues of concern including Heathfields, broadband rollout, education and scrutiny/ schools admissions and future chair and clerks’ meetings.
9. The meeting expressed its thanks and appreciation to Cllr Dereli for her regular contributions and updates at Parish Council Meetings.
10. The Chairman welcomed new Borough Cllr David Evans.
11. Standing orders were re-instated
12. Finance:
a. Variance report for year ended 31st March 2016 was accepted.
b. Audit arrangements
i. It was noted that an extraordinary meeting would be required to approve the annual accounts prior to their receipt by the external auditor on the 31th May.
ii. Cllr Crawford advised that he and Cllr Makin had reviewed the accounts (in line with recommendations for councillors to periodically check over and familiarize themselves with the parish council accounts) and found them to be in order. Cllr Makin advised it to be an informative and worthwhile session.
c. Due to having a pecuniary interest, Cllr Hardisty withdrew from the meeting during consideration of items for payment
d. The following items were approved for payment
Employee 2 / Salary / 280.98Employee 5 / Salary / 1491.65
HMRC / Tax and NI / 508.75
Peoples pension / Pension / 357.85
NRE / Office lease / 460
Burscough Seniors Luncheon Club / grant / 400
Ray Wilkins / contract / 392.87
RELD / ground works / 3320
Employee 2 / expenses / 5.48
Champion / survey delivery / 132.68
Burscough Methodist Church / Room Hire / 100
Winnard / contract / 191
re-imbursement – David Moss / repairs to chain of office / 50
Employee 5 / keys reimbursement / 16.5
Employee 5 / postage/office reimbursement / 35.76
total / 7743.52
13. Local Council Award Scheme
a. It was resolved that this council confirms that it publishes online:
i. Its standing orders and financial regulations
ii. Its Code of Conduct and a link to councillors’ registers of interests
iii. Its publication scheme
iv. Its last annual return
v. Transparent information about council payments
vi. A calendar of all meetings including the annual meeting of electors
vii. Minutes for at least one year of full council meetings and (if relevant) all committee and sub-committee meetings
viii. Current agendas
ix. The budget and precept information for the current or next financial year
x. Its complaints procedure
xi. Council contact details and councillor information in line with the Transparency Code
xii. Its action plan for the current year
xiii. Evidence of consulting the community
xiv. Publicity advertising council activities