Tues. & Thurs. 6:00–7:15 PM Room: ___

General Administrative Details:
See CP I Reading Syllabus, at <
Skills motion due Class 12; midterm due Class 15; final exam on Mon & Tues Dec. 14 & 15 (1L Bar—PT & MC).
Course Reading Syllabus:
CP II Reading Syllabus, at <
Course Organization:
• 2-semester, 6-Unit Course→FallI Proper Court II Pleading. SpringIII Discovery IV Trial V Appeal VI Prior Suit
• Spring semester: Part III = Discovery / Part IV= Trial / Part V= Appeal / Part VI= Prior Suit
• Due to the frequency with which subject matter and personal jurisdiction are tested on the bar, the primary
components of both will be both testable—and likely tested—on the CP2 final exam. (“Primary” defined in class.)


DAY 1: Subject: Intro to “Practice” Semester.
Video: Watch the 1998movie A Civil Action, starring John Travolta.
I can place my copy on Library Reserve—upon request.

Assessment Form (Movie):end of class.

DAY 2: Subjects: Initial Core Disclosures / Supplementation.

Video: Core Disclosures & Supplementation.

Reading:Harriman (witnesses) / Vinotemp (damages) /
Skills Module: See defendants D.C. Fan InitialDisclosures—satisfactory?
Outline: Day 2.
Rules:FRCP 26(a)1(A) / 26(f)(1) / 26(e)(1)(A) / 37(c)(1).

Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.

DAY 3:Subjects: Discovery Planning / Judicial Management—Proportionality, Protective
Orders, Sanctions.
Reading: Discovery Blueprint(Prob-Hypos-Charts link) / Marrese+/
Skills Module: Joint 26(f) Conference Report—content?

Rules: FRCP 26(b)(1) / FRCP 1 (sentence 2) / FRCP 26(b)(2)(C) /
FRCP 26(c)(1) (A)-(E) / FRCP 37*.
Outline: Day 3.
Assessment Forms(Quiz & Skill):end of class.

DAY 4:Subjects: Depositions / Depo Demo Part I.

Video: Discovery Devices.

Reading: Blackhorse.
Rule: FRCP 30(b)(6), (b)(1)-(3)(a), (e)(1) / FRCP 32(a)(2) & (a)(4).

Outline: Day 4.
Assessment Form (Demo):end of class.

DAY 5:Subject: Depo Demo Part II.
Assessment Form (Demo):end of class.
DAY 6:Subjects: Interrogatories, Documents, Physical-Mental Exams, Requestsfor Admission
& Use of Discovery at Trial.
Reading: Discovery Blueprint(Prob-Hypos-Charts link)/ O’Connor / Zubulake /
Schlagenhauf+/ Schlagenhauf Diagram(Prob-Hypos-Charts link).
Rules: FRCP 33 / FRCP 34(a), (b)(2)(E)/ FRCP 35(a) / FRCP 36(a) / FRCP 37(c)(2) /
FRCP 32(a)(2) & (a)(4).
Outline: Day 6.

Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.

DAY 7:Subjects: Mediation Presentation, Robin Seigle, Esq.

Assessment Form (Mediation):end of class.

DAY8:Subjects: Work Product, Experts, Signature(s).
Video: Work Product & Experts.

Reading: Hickman / Discovery Blueprint(Prob-Hypos-Charts link—middle column)/
Perry Chart (Witness Categories, on Prob-Hypos-Charts link) / Perry /
Problem 1
Rules: FRCP 26(b)(3)(A)-(B) & (b)(4) 26(g)(1)

Outline: Day 8.
Assessment Form (Problem 1 start):end of class.

DAY 9:Subjects: Summary Judgment.
Video: Summary Judgment.

Reading: Coble+/ Adikes / Celotex
Rules: FRCP 56(a) / 56(c)(4)

Outline: Day 9.
Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.

DAY 10: Subject: Skills Module: Summary Judgment Practice.

Speaker:Hon. Anthony J. Battaglia, Judge, U.S. District Court, So. Dist. Cal.
Assessment Form (Speaker):end of class.

DAY 11:Subject: Summary Adjudication (doctrine continued) & Motion Drafting.
Reading: Problem 2(Prob-Hypo-Chart link)
Skills assignment—seeSkillslink for:

• Brent Notice of Motion, Motion for Summary Judgment (MSJ)
•Brent Points and Authorities in Support of MSJ.

Skills Module: Draft MSJ—per prof’s extra credit guidelines (similar to last
semester’s Iqbal dismissal motion)—due at beginningof next class (#12).
Assessment Form (Problem 2):end of class.


Day 12: Skills motion due @ beginning of this class. Late submissions earn no credit.
Subject: Course Review(Summary Adjudication Motion due at beginning of class).
Reading: Problem 3
Assessment Form (Prob3):end of class.

DAY 13:Subject: Disposition Without Trial—Voluntary Dismissal / Involuntary Dismissals
Video: Disposition Without Trial (Dismissal & Default—Class 14)

Reading: McCants+/ Shehyn / Aura
Rules: FRCP 41(a) / FRCP 4(m) / FRCP 41(b) / FRCP 37(d)(3)

Outline: Day 13.
Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.

DAY 14:Subject: Disposition Without Trial (finish)—Default Judgment / Right to Jury
Video: Right to Jury (Introduction)

Reading: Greenup+ / Beacon / Dairy Queen
FRCP/Const:55(a) / 37(b)(2)(A)(vi) / FRCP 2 / Amendment VII

Outline: Day 14.
Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.


DAY 15Takehome midterm due @ beginning of this class. Late submissions earn no credit.

Subject: Right to Jury (continued): Exceptions / Waiver / Jury Pool / Voir Dire

Video: Right to Jury (2d video)

Reading: Japanese Electronics / Atlas Roofing / Batson
Const/Stat:FRCP: 38(b)(1) / 39(b) / Amendment VI (impartial jury) & Amendment
XIV §1 (equal protection).

Outline: Day 15.
Note: You may come to class only to turn in your midterm to the Faculty Assistant,
Ferne Redford, who will be in the classroom from a little before 6:00 until 6:05
PM. I expect you to watch the above assigned video—either in class or at home.

DAY 16:Subject: Skills Module: Anatomy of a Trial, Robert Frankavilla, Esq., Casey-Geary
Stat: CCP § 607

Assessment Form (Speaker):end of class.

DAY 17:Subject: Attacking Trial Evidence—Motion(s) for Judgment / New Trial Motion
Video: Attacking the Trial Evidence.

Reading: Galloway / Denman / Latino

Rules: Amend. VII (last phrase) / FRCP: 50(a)-(b) / FRCP 59(a)(1) / Cal. Code Civ.
Proc. §657(1)-(7) / FRCP 61

Outline: Day 17.
Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.



DAY 18: Subject: Instructions, Verdict, and Harmless Error
Video: Instructions & Verdict

Reading: Mitchell+ / Hypos A & B(Prob-Hypos-Charts link) / Problem 4
Rules: FRCP 51(a)(1) / FRCP 49(a) / FRCP 61
Outline: Day 18.
Assessment Form (Prob 4):end of class.

DAY 19:Subject: Provisional Remedies / Problem 5
Video: Provisional & Post-trial Remedies
Reading: Problem 5
Rule: 64

Assessment Form (Prob 5):end of class.


DAY 20:Subjects: Pre-judgment Appellate Review

Video:Appellate Review

Reading: • Less than all claims: Curtis-Wright
•Collateral orderJoint discretion review: Mohawk
•Writ route:Cheney
Rules: FRCP 54(b) / USC §1292(b) / §1651(a)
Sidebars*: 28 USC §1291 / FRCP 23(f) / 38 USC §7265 /§1292(a)(1)

Outline: Day 20.
Assessment Form (Quiz):end of class.

DAY 21:Subject: Post-judgment Appellate Review / Timeliness / Review Problem
Reading: Problem 6 / Problem 6 Table (Prob-Hypos-Charts link)

Rules: FRCP 54(b) / §1292(b) / §1651(a) /

Sidebars* §1291 / FRCP 23(f) / 38 USC §7265 / §1292(a)(1)

Assessment Form (Prob6):end of class.


DAY 22:Subject: Res Judicata
Video:Prior Suit(Claim Preclusion)

Reading:Rush / Matthews / Mitchell
Rules: FRCP 8(c),Bullet 15 (two applications)

Outline: Day 22.
Assessment Form (Quiz).

DAY 23:Subject: Collateral Estoppel
Video: Prior Suit(Issue Preclusion)
Reading:Bernhard / Parklane / Mass Tort Hypo (Prob-Hypos-Charts link)
Outline: Day 23.
Assessment Form (Hypo)

DAY 24:Subject: Application/Review.
Assessment Form (Prob 7):end of class.

DAY 25:Subject: Application/Review.
Reading:Problem 8(start)
Assessment Form (Prob8—start):end of class.

DAY 26:Subject: Application/Review.
Reading:Problem 8(finish)
Assessment Form (Prob 8—finish):end of class.

DAY 27:Subject: Ethics Revisited
Reading:Problem 9.
Assessment Form (Prob 9):end of class.

DAY 28:Subject: Q & A.

Final Exam: 1L Bar Testing—2 hour PT + 1 hour MC (25)
Last rev: 09/11/15