Minutes of ATPCC Patient Forum/Representative Group (PRG) Meeting

Thursday 14th May 2015

Present: Kath Terreros, Lindsey Lappin, Mary Kelsey, Ronie Wilson, Jean Finnigan, Gwynyth Revitt, Jean Welbourne

Welcome & Introduction

No chair person available today. Kath Terreros ran through the agenda.

Apologies: Amanda Blaney

New Items

Where the group is now/original aims (carried forward from last meeting)

Carried forward again as Amanda Blaney not here and asked for this item to be addressed. Hopefully more attendees to discuss at the next meeting.

Patient Survey Results

Kath explained that all the results have been posted/emailed to members. The partners and staff have seen and also discussed the results. The next step is to do an action plan based around these results. We would like to encourage ideas and feedback from the group this year for items that could be included in the action plan. Any thoughts can be sent to .

Kath went on to say we were particularly interested in the section around the emergency clinic. Before the survey we had concerns around this area and how patients really felt about the service. The findings we surprisingly positive. Kath explained the clinic is ideally for emergencies only that cannot wait until the next day but patients do not always use the clinic in this way. This increases waiting times for the patient. We have had days when patients have had to wait ¾ hours to be seen in the clinic. This is due to winter pressures. One member commented that this is still a good service as it means you can still be seen no matter what. Not all surgeries offer this service. Unfortunately routine appointment capacity does not match our patient list size of just over 12,500 registered patients. We are currently trying to recruit more GPs but this is not easy. There is a national shortage of GPs being trained and we are not in an area that is attractive to GPs that are trained. The emergency clinic does not open up if all routine appointments for the day have not been used by 3pm. Kath read a few patient comments about the emergency clinic ‘clinic should be first come first served’. Kath explained this is not possible and the clinic needs to be in order of clinical need. For example, someone presenting with chest pain would have to be seen over most other complaints due to risk of heart attack. The receptionist does not decide who is seen first. It is ALWAYS in clinical need order, decided by a clinician.

Overall experience at the practice was rated generally good to excellent which made up 90% of the replies.

We have seen an increase in patients wanting to use online services and electronic prescribing along with wanting to book and cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions and view patient summary which shows allergies and medications. Kath explained that eventually full patient notes will be available to view when a patient registers for online services. Lindsey is putting together a pack for patients who want to register for this service so that they can fully understand their responsibilities when signing up to this. Before we go fully live with this service we may need to test it and will be asking if we can try this out on a number of members from our PRG.

The survey also showed that 25% of those asked, preferred to book at the desk and nearly 70% of patients were seen on either the same day or next day that the requested an appointment which is pleasing and a good service. We offer extended hours service every evening until 7pm. Almost half of the patients asked would like to see the surgery open on a Saturday. We have tried this before and there was not enough demand to warrant us keeping the surgery open.

There was a high % of patients that are confident in the last GP that they have seen.

Over 70% of patients questioned said they were either extremely likely or likely to recommend us to their friends and family. On this subject Kath explained we are now required to gain friends and family feedback from patients after every consultation. At the moment we have cards in the reception area that patients can complete and hand back and there is a link on our website. We do not currently hand to patients after each consultation but in time it may be a requirement to do this.

There were no further comments from members present about the survey results.

Action Plan Suggestions

Maintaining Emergency Clinic.

Recruitment to increase capacity of routine GP appointments.

Continue to increase online appointment availability in line with demand.

Any other suggestions from members welcome.

Redecoration Programme

Kath explained we are currently re-decorating as part of our 5 yearly requirement on the lease of the building. We are painting throughout and changing the flooring in many areas.

One member asked if it is possible for the consulting rooms to have a chair with arms on? Kath will look into this possibility.


One member commented that the red writing on the call board in reception is hard to read for some patients. Can the colour be changed? Kath explained that the colour is standard. We have had complaints about the sun shining on the board and this can be rectified by tilting it slightly but we have not had complaints about the colour. If this is a particular problem for some patients this should be highlighted to the receptionist who can then call the patient when the clinician is ready to see them.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 11th August 2015 @ 6.30pm

Any agenda items should be sent to Helen Ford by email or . Alternatively you can telephone Lindsey at the surgery on 01724 749326.