Environmental Studies Vocabulary List
Word / Definitionacid rain / precipitation that is more acidic than normal
acute toxicity / when toxic substances are harmful shortly after exposure
aforestation / forest re-growth after damage or disturbance
agriculture / natural ecosystems that are replaced with plants and animals which support human population
albedo / incoming solar radiation that is reflected back into space; the more reflected into space the cooler the planet. Ice has a high albedo, soil a low albedo.
aquifer / soil layer in which all the spaces between particles are filled with water
aquifer depletion / the removal of groundwater faster than it can be recharged or replaced by runoff or melt water
artesian well / water which rises to the surfaces due to internal pressure
bio diesel / diesel produced from a range of bio-mass materials, oilseed, vegetables oils, animal fats etc; less polluting that petroleum based fuel.
bio energy / energy derived from biological sources
bio magnification / increased concentration of toxic materials in organisms at the higher food chain levels.
biodegradable waste / waste that can undergo decomposition, such as food, garden and paper
biological control / pest control by using naturally occurring organisms, parasites or predators.
biological diversity / the number and variety of the Earth’s organisms. Three components contribute genetic diversity, species richness and ecosystem diversity.
biomass / plant and animal matter in the ecosystem
by catch / non economically valuable fish and marine animals,(sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, sea birds) caught and killed during fish harvesting
cap and trade system / businesses are “capped’ or limited to their allowable emissions, but may buy or trade emission permit levels from other companies
carry capacity / the largest number of individuals an environment can sustain based on food supply, water, and habitat limits
clear cutting / logging practice which cuts all the trees in a forest, leaving only stumps
climate / average weather conditions over a long period of time. You buy clothes based on climate. (see weather)
climate change / variations in the climate over time
climax community / plant or animal species that remain stable for an extended period of time
commons / property owed by the public; ex: the fish in public waters, the atmosphere, oceans, trees in the public forest
composting / decomposition of organic material by microorganisms
cradle to cradle / environmental and economic impact of a product at every stage of its production, use and return to the production state as it is recycled.
cradle to grave / environmental and economic impact of a product at every stage of its production, use and disposal; life cycle analysis
desertification / degradation of once fertile land into non-productive land
eco centric / philosophy that places moral values and rights for organisms and ecological systems and processes
ecology / the interaction among organisms and between organisms in an environment
endangered specie / organism that faces the threat of extinction within a short period
endemic species / organisms that are native to, or confined in a particular region
environment, micro- / small scale conditions (living and non-living) which create an organism’s habitat
environmental ethics / field of thought that considers the moral basis for environmental responsibility in decision making
environmental science / interdisciplinary study of human relationships between the living and non living environment
erosion / loss of soil due to wind or water
eutrophication / bodies of water that receive excess nutrients stimulating excessive plant growth.
foot print, ecological / estimation of the area of the Earth’s productive land and water required to supply the resources for one human, including absorbing the waste of that person.
footprint, carbon / estimation of the amount of carbon dioxide one person produces based on their lifestyle
geothermal energy / using the heat from the Earth’s interiors to create electricity or heat our buildings.
GM plants / genetically modified plants; usually to be disease or pest resistant but also for yield and growth rates.
greenhouse gases / gases that absorb re-radiated energy from the Earth’s surface with longer wavelengths and convert it to heat in the atmosphere.
herbicides / chemicals designed to kill plants
intrinsic value / the value of a resource unto itself regardless of its value to humans
invasive species / organisms that displace native ones by out-competing them for resources.
IPCC / Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
limiting factor / item that is in least supply relative to the needs of a population; general it determines the limit of growth for that population
monoculture / one kind of plant grown over a large area. (Fields of corn as far as the eye can see).
nitrification / process by which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into nitrates which plants can absorb
nonrenewable resources / natural resources that are in limited supply and gone when used up. (the metals, minerals, oil and gas)
overdraft / removal of water from an aquifer faster than it can be re-placed
ozone / a molecule of 3 oxygen atoms; found largely in the stratosphere and absorbs UV radiation
permafrost / soil materials that remain frozen (below 0o C) for more than 2 years
pollutants, non-point / toxins that are not emitted from a single source; a smokestack would be a single source, acid rain is not
pollution / the presence of a substance that due to its chemical make up or amount, damages the ability of natural processes to function, creating undesirable environmental and health effects.
renewable resources / natural resources that can be replaced by natural process. (wood, water, natural fibers)
riparian / the transition zone between a waterway and the land environment
salinity / concentration of mineral salts dissolved in water
saltwater intrusion / movement of sea water into a freshwater aquifer (groundwater)
solar energy, active / a system of putting the energy of the sun into use using mechanical means to distribute the heat or energy.
solar energy, passive / a system of putting the sun’s energy into use without the need for mechanical means to distribute the energy
sustainable agriculture / food growing methods which maintain soil productivity and minimize long term impacts on the environment
tragedy of the commons / misuse of the world’s public places. ex: over fishing the oceans, overgrazing the land, polluting the atmosphere.
weather / short term daily changes in the temperature, wind patterns and rainfall. We wear clothes based on weather. (see climate)
wind farm / collection of wind turbines all in one area used to generate electricity
world view / understanding our place in the world as consumers of resources and use of the waste stream
zero population growth / population numbers do not change. birth rate = death rate