Cab Calloway Middle School TSA Bizarre Bazaar
DATE: SATURDAY December16, 2017
TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Please type or print clearly.
Business Name ______
Contact Name ______
Address ______Unit/Apt #______
Daytime Phone ______Evening Phone ______
E-Mail Address ______
Description of Show Items (please check all that apply):
___Art ___ Baskets ___Candles ___Ceramics ___Clothing ___Jewelry
___Home Décor ___Leather ___ Live Plants ___Pottery ___Quilting___Direct Sales
___Seasonal/Decorative___Silk Arrangements ___Soaps/Scents ___Toys/Dolls
Other: ______
Please briefly describe items to be sold in detail: ______
We will be raffling-off several Gift Baskets and individual items throughout the event. Will you be willing to donate an item (valued $15 or more) from your inventory for the Vendor’s Raffle Basket (s)? Y__N__
Please describe the item (s) to be donated. ______
All proceeds will go towards the Cab Calloway Middle School TSA.
Select one of the following:
SingleExhibit Spaces:$20.00______
Double Exhibit Spaces: $30.00 ______
(Electric Outlets Available for a Nominal Fee)
Set-up time
Saturday (12/16) from 9:00 to 10:00 am
Special Needs and/or Requests: (Please Note: We will do our best to honor your requests, however, there are no guarantees that all requests can be accommodated)
Payment Information: Only Cash, Checks or Money Orderswill be accepted for the Vendor Fees. NO REFUNDS for cancellations or if the vendor/exhibitor fails to attend the event. However, if either of these situations should arise, we will consider the payment to be a donation to the MS TSA of Cab Calloway.
**Space is limited; act quickly.
Please note: Make checks or money orders out to: CCSA or Cab Calloway School of the Arts
(There will be a $35.00 fee for returned checks.)
I/We, the undersigned exhibitor/vendor, agree to assume all risk associated with participating in The Cab Calloway MS TSA Bizarre Bazaar, including but not limited to, falls, the effects of the weather and any other loss, cost or damage. Having read this release and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry fee, agree to waive, release and hold harmless theMS TSA, Cab Calloway School of the Arts, Red Clay Consolidated School District, and any other workers and volunteers from all claims, liabilities, demands, loss, damage, cost and expense of any kind arising from my participation in this event. The above mentioned parties will not be held responsible if the Bizarre Bazaar is canceled for any reason beyond their control, including but not limited to, acts of God, Fire, Flood, Water, Public disaster, strikes and labor difficulties or any other causes.
I/We have read and agree to waiver the information above and will abide by the rules and regulations for the December 16, 2017Bizarre Bazaar.
Signature (s) ______
Date ______
Mail Completed Form and Payment to:
Cab Calloway School of the Arts
Attention: StevenMayo
100N.DuPont Road
Wilmington, DE 19807
If you have questions or concerns, please email:
or call (302)651-2700(Ex. 108) Mr. Mayo’s Classroom.
*Do not fill-in below…For TSA Use Only:
Money Order ______Check # ______Cash Payment______Amount $ ______
Date Rec’d ______Vendor Space Assigned ______