Job Description: Gallery Assistant
Job role:
The Gallery Assistant is part of the Exhibitions Department of DCA. The post holder is required to provide our visitors with an enthusiastic welcome and to support their visit to the galleries. Gallery Assistants are supervised by the Gallery Assistant Coordinator and line managed by the Exhibitions Curator.
Reporting relationships:
- Reports to the Exhibitions Curator
- Works closely with Gallery Coordinator
Also works with:
- DCA Visitors
- Other DCA Staff
Key Responsibilities
- Invigilation, security and environmental monitoring
- Interpretation
- Customer Care
- Contribute to the continuing development of DCA
Key Tasks
1. Invigilation, security and environmental monitoring
- Ensure the security of exhibited works during public opening of the galleries
- Ensure the smooth day-to-day running of exhibitions, including the operation of any technical equipment connected to exhibits.
- To immediately report any incidents that may have caused damage or malfunction to any of the exhibited works to the Gallery Manager and the Exhibitions Curator.
- To immediately report to the Gallery Manager any issues arising with the environmental control in the exhibition spaces and to assist with the collation of environmental monitoring report information.
- To be aware of any special conditions associated with the exhibition of specific works and to ensure these conditions are monitored and to report any issues that may arise to the Gallery Manager.
- To fulfil any assigned fire stewarding duties in the event of an emergency evacuation.
2. Interpretation
a.To ensure that visitors to the exhibitions are supported in their engagement and appreciation of the work on show.
b.To be able to converse with and provide support information to gallery visitors.
c.To provide planned and structured introductory talks to visitors to the exhibition as agreed with the Community & Education and Exhibitions team.
d.To ensure that visitor data collection targets are met.
e.Respond to enquiries or issues in accordance with DCA guidelines.
3. General
a.Respond to enquiries or issues in accordance with DCA guidelines.
b.To report any issues concerning customer care to the Gallery Assistant Coordinator.
c.To adhere to the current DCA standards of presentation for dress.
d.To adhere to the standards of presentation for the gallery environment.
e.To ensure all Health & Safety procedures are effectively carried out
f.To provide support for other events and activities which involve a invigilation function at DCA
g.To ensure the presentation of publicity materials in the DCA foyer is in accordance with DCA guidelines.
h.To ensure all use of ICT is in accordance with DCA guidelines.
- Contribute to the continuing development of DCA
a.To understand and support the aims and objectives of DCA and to ensure these are reflected in the delivery of the programme.
b.Contribute to the identification of Departmental objectives for the short, medium and long-term.
Required Competencies
Knowledge requirements
- An understanding of Contemporary Art
- An understanding of the value and significance of a cultural centre such as DCA
- Understanding of the range of opinions and values that people bring to art
- Hold or are studying toward a degree in fine art or a related arts discipline
Skills requirements
- Basic ICT skills
- Ability to communicate complex ideas in a friendly and engaging manner
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to support professional credibility across the organisation
Gallery Assistant Jan 15