Registered NPO 017-900
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has
Margret Mead
South Africa faces many social and economic problems, such as high unemployment rates, lack of funding for community service organisations, low literacy rates, and a lack of skills training.
CEEP provides a solution to many of these problems
CEEP empowers the youth through the empowering through community service. CEEP achieves this by providing opportunities for youth to develop their skills while at the same time by providing services that help the community, other NGOs and public organisations. In this way everybody benefits.
· Youth gain skills that make them more employable and help them successfully transfer to the workplace.
· Community service organisations can provide enhanced services to the clients they serve because of the work our youth complete during their skills training placements. Enhanced services help many groups in a variety of ways, such as through improved literacy, improved education, and improved living conditions.
· Youth are instilled with an appreciation of volunteer service and are more likely to serve their communities throughout their lifetimes, thus contributing to make a difference to the lives of all South Africans.
Join us for a day of mural painting. Your involvement will make a positive difference to youth, local community service organisations, and service users, which include babies, orphans, the elderly, local animal shelters, and many more !
· You help youth rise above poverty by sponsoring skills transfer and mentorship that will help the youth find and retain employment.
· You gain credits by supporting BEE aligned projects
· You help by providing community education and awareness through a creative and innovative approach- the use of artistic murals as educational tools.
· You and your employees will not only enjoy a day of team building, but you will also make a difference to the local community.
Kind Regards
Nicole Heiman
Director & Projects
Phone 0842846452 Email
Cooperate Packages
Small team/Community Organisation ( 5 to 10 volunteers )
Cost between R 2500 and R 3 800
Team building ( painting/murals )
Package of goodies for organisation brought and supplied by the NGO at cost from supplier
Food or toiletries R 350 – R700
Medium Sized Team ( 10 to 18 volunteers )
Cost of project R 4500 to R 6500
Team building ( painting, murals )
Package of good for the organization brought from our suppliers at cost
R 800 to R 2000
Large teams ( 20 to 40 people )
Cost of project R 10000 to R 15000
Team building ( painting, mural painting )
Package of goods for the organization brought from the supplier at cost
R 4500 to R 6500
Extra large teams ( 40 to 100 people )
Cost of project R 21000 to R 35000
Team building ( painting, mural painting )
Package of goods for the organization brought from the supplier at cost
R 8000 to R 10000
Goods available for markets at cooperates
Support our NGO making
A difference to those in by purchasing our goods that helps CEEP to keep giving
Back and at the same time help unemployed ladies make a difference
Some of the goods are custom embroidered towels, caps
Candles, furniture, wire work etc.
Students can join us for community service projects
Students can join us for community service projects and get their community service hours in
Students are asked to pay R 70 per student to cover the cost involved with the project and we need a minimum of seven students to join us.
Payment is needed to book your place.
How the project works
1. You and your team choose a community organization you would like to have your team build with. A list of beneficiary organisations is submitted to your team. This includes a variety of organisations such as schools, hospitals, animal shelters, hospitals, clinics, places of safety and libraries.
2. CEEP makes all the arrangements and purchases everything needed for the painting day. Art students are matched with a mentor to mentor the planning.
3. You and your team show up on the scheduled date and have a great time while giving back to the community.
For more information or to schedule a project, please call the Project Coordinator Nicole Heiman: 0117281955, 0842846452
All donations are tax deductible: Tax exemption number 9593/504/15/3
CEEP is a registered charity: Registered NPO 017-900
Phone 0842846452, Email ceep