The members of City Council convened for a Regular Meeting of the City of Bayou Vista City Council on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at the Community Center, located at 783 “C” Marlin, Bayou Vista, Texas, (corner of Neptune and Marlin), concerning the following items:

A quorum of the City Council was present and included the following:

Mayor:Daniel KonyhaPresent

Position 1:Charles GoolsbyPresent

Position 2:Mark JohnstonePresent

Position 3:Carlos PricePresent

Position 4:Ken DavisPresent

Position 5:Vaun HenryPresent

Note: Dick Gregg, Legal Counsel, was present.

1.Call Meeting To Order

Mayor Daniel Konyha called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.First Order of Business

A.Announcement by the Mayor of the presence of a quorum that the meeting had been duly called, and the notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner prescribed by law.

3.Roll Call

Roll call was taken.

4.Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Konyha.

5.Citizen’s Comments on Agenda Items Only

There were no Citizen’s comments.

6.CONSENT AGENDA: All of the following items on the Consent Agenda are considered

to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted in one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests.

  1. Approval of the Minutes of:
  • Public Hearing - Regular Meeting of January 26, 2016.

A motion was made by Alderman Ken Davis to approve the Public Hearing- Regular Meeting minutes of January 26, 2016,as presented, and to submit the Minutes of the Public Hearing of January 21, 2016 at the March meeting, as this item was inadvertently left off this Agenda, so therefore, no action could be taken.

Regular Meeting

February 23, 2016

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A.City Departmental Reports

  • Police Department activity report for the month of January 2016.
  • 1. Review of Racial Profiling
  • Municipal Court activity report for the month of January 2016.
  • Building Permit activity report for the month of January 2016.
  • Code Enforcement activity report for the month of January 2016.

Alderman Davis remarked that the Code Enforcement activity report for the
month of January 2016 – was not included in the report. Chief Whittington stated
that January’s activities would be included in the February 2016 report.

B.Discuss and review the Financial Statement ending January 2016, with Elizabeth Iles, the City’s Accountant – Whitley Penn Accounting Firm.

The Financials were not available at meeting time. Mayor stated that the Financials would be posted on the Website when received.

C.Special Reports by Councilmen – if any.

Alderman Mark Johnstone reported on the Animal Resource Control and
discussed the progress of the Galveston Transit and Houston-Metro which in the
near future will provide transportation into Houston.


A.Consider and take possible action to formally approve Ordinance 2016-4
amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Bayou Vista, with
modifications as reviewed and discussed at the Regular Meeting of City
Council on January 26, 2016, Chapter 7 entitled; Offenses and Nuisances, Article 7.400 entitled; Curfew for Juveniles, for the purpose to amend Section 7.404 Defenses subsection (a) reference to Section 7.402 to now read as Section 7.403; by amending subsection (b) reference to Section 7.402 to now read as Section 7.403, by mending Section 7.405 entitled Enforcement subsection (a) reference to Section 7.405 to now read as Section7.404; and by amending Section 7.406 Penalties subsection (b) reference to Section 7.402 (a) to now read as Section 7.403 (a), and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing for severability.

A motion was made by Alderman Ken Davis to approve Ordinance 2016-4, as amended by deleting Section 2 in its entirety as the penalty, etc., was specified in Section 7.406 Penalties.

The motion was seconded by Alderman Mark Johnstone.

Motion carried with all in favor.

Regular Meeting

February 23, 2016

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B.Consider and take possible action to approve Ordinance 2016-5 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Bayou Vista, by amending Chapter 6 entitled;Health and Sanitation, for the purpose to provide continuity with the numbering system with all the Articles and Sections within the Chapter and to replace the word “village” for the word “City” and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing for severability.

A motion was made by Alderman Mark Johnstone to approve Ordinance 2016-5 with the additional corrections as noted by renaming village to City.

The motion was seconded by Alderman Carlos Price.

Motion carried with all in favor.

C.Consider and take possible action to approve Ordinance 2016-6 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Bayou Vista, by amending Chapter 3
entitled; Building and Construction Article 3.17.00 entitled; Signs
Regulations,for the purpose to clarify dimensions and placement and
repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent or in
conflict herewith; and providing for severability.

City Council discussed with consensus to table this item until verification of Deed Recital and addendum to contract for purchase of parking lot next to Vista Realty concerning the signage located in the City’s right-of-way.


D.Consider and take possible action to approve revision to the Personnel
Policies and Procedures of the City of Bayou Vista, Chapter 7 entitled;
Attendance and Leave, by renaming Section 7.03 entitled;Personal Leave –
Vacation, to read as Section 7.03 entitled; Vacation, by renaming Section
7.04 entitled; Personal Business – Sick Leave, to read as Section 7.04
entitled;Sick Leave and torequire a physician’s release when the
employee has missed three (3) consecutive work days because of illness.

A motion was made by Alderman Carlos Price to approve the revisions as presented with the typo corrections as noted.

The motion was seconded by Alderman Mark Johnstone.

Motion carried with all in favor.

Regular Meeting

February 23, 2016

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E.Consider and take possible action to approve the proposal from Garner Paving and Construction, Ltd., for road repair to Blue Heron and Pompano and approve the transfer to funds from the Road Construction account in the amount of $14,917.20 when the work is completed and the City is
invoiced for payment.

A motion was made by Alderman Mark Johnstone to approve the proposal from Garner Paving and Construction, Ltd., in the amount of $14,917.20 and to include form 1295.

The motion was seconded by Alderman Vaun Henry.

Motion carried with all in favor.


A.Discuss forming a Summer Festival Committee to coordinate all phases of the summer festival with the committee appointing the chairperson.

The Mayor stated that he would like to have a Summer Festival Committee sit down together and determine a project for the City and how the proceeds would be expended in order to achieve the goal.

Alderman Carlos Price will preside as Chairmen of the committee.


  • Citizen’s Comments – No comments
  • Aldermen Comments – No comments
  • Mayor’s Comments – Mayor commented that the parts for the siren will be purchased in the next week or so and the Sailfish gate will be installed this week. He also mentioned that the MUD Building smelled better.


A motion was made by Aldermen Ken Davis, seconded by Alderman Charles Goolsby, duly put and unanimously carried, the City Council adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula J. Eshelman

Daniel S. Konyha, Mayor

Paula J. Eshelman, City Admin./City Secretary