Making the most of microsoft workshop 1
1Session 1 - Review different learning resources
The Objectives of this session are:
- to introduce partcipants to various legitimate uses of ICT to enhance teaching & learning
- to show participants how to access useful JISC resources
1.1· Intro to subject specific resources and relevant JISC services
This section provides access to subject specific resources and relevant JISC services
href="#jisc sites"JISC Sites
href="#jisc subscription sites"Jisc Subscription Sites
href="#scottish sites"Art sites
href="#other UK sites"Design Sites
href="#general sites"Galleries & Museums
href="#fashion design"Fashion design
1.1.1JISC sites
href=" target="_blank"Resource Discovery Network
The Virtual Training Suite is just one of the services offered by the Resource Discovery network (RDN). The RDN is a nationally co-ordinated service, offering access to high quality Internet based resources. Resources within the RDN are carefully chosen by subject specialists according to their quality, accuracy and usefulness for supporting teaching and learning. A new hub is being developed for the Arts & Creative Industries.
href=" target="_blank"Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)
The Visual Arts Data Service is based at The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College. VADS subject areas include: Fine art, Design, Architecture, Applied arts, Media, Museum Studies & Conservation. VADS maintains a searchable on-line archive of digital resources for use by the visual arts community for learning, teaching, and research. Collections include: Imperial War Museum Art Collection, The Design Council Archive and many other resources through an advisory, training and publications programme. A new initiative is the JISC Image Digitisation Initiative (JIDI). JIDI is creating archive quality digital images from a number of Higher Education image collections throughout the UK.
href=" target="_blank"ADAM
ADAM, the Art, Design, Architecture & Media Information Gateway, is a searchable catalogue of Internet resources. Resources are included for Fine Art, Design, Architecture, & Applied Arts.
href=" target="_blank"Virtual Training Suite
Part of the RDN, the Virtual Training Suite provides Internet tutorials in over 40 subject areas. A new tutorial for Art, Design & Media will be available from June 2002 outlining key sites for health and social care students and lecturers.
href=" target="_blank"BUBL
BUBL is an information service that provides links to a range of Internet resources all subject areas. It has extensive links to sites with information for art & design and the creative arts in general.
1.1.2JISC subscription sites
href=" target="_blank"InfoTrac OneFile
Gale Infotrac OneFile is a new single electronic resource that provides access to a range of newspapers and periodicals. The database includes 4373 full-text titles; five newspaper indexes; a total of 8208 titles in all with 20 years of backfile coverage from 1980 to present.
href=" target="_blank"Scran
SCRAN is a fully searchable resource base of material culture and human history drawn largely from the Museums, Libraries, Galleries and Archives of Scotland. SCRAN gives access to a collection of 120,000 images, video and sound clips, virtual reality objects and teaching resource packs. Subjects covered include archaeology, architecture, art & design, economic social and cultural history, English literature, history of art, geology, media studies, music, natural history, photography and theatre studies.
1.1.3Art Sites
href=" target="_blank"AXIS
Axis is a contemporary visual arts service. It provides information about artists living/working in Britain to national and international clients. Currently, 3,300+ artists with over 12,500 images of artwork are represented on the Axis database. Artists from across the spectrum of contemporary practice including sculptors, conceptual artists, print makers, ceramists, designers, painters, photographers, video artists, jewellers, glassmakers, metal workers, furniture designers, digital artists.
href=" " target="_blank"Art Teaching
This site has been designed for the use of art teachers and students in primary, secondary and further education. The site contains student galleries, lesson plans, and numerous links to art galleries, history of art references and colleges.
href=" target="_blank"Ferl
Ferl is an information service for all staff working within the Post Compulsory Education sector. The Ferl site has learning and teaching resources section which includes resources and links for Art & Design.
href=" target="_blank"Access Art
AccessArt is the web site of The Arts Education Exchange, a non-profit making organisation, which was constituted in April 1999. The website includes a series of visually exciting and innovative 'online workshops', specially created by AccessArt. The online workshops will condense and articulate events, ideas or workshops that take place in museum and gallery education programmes or schools.
href=" target="_blank"National Society for Education in Art and Design
The National Society for Education in Art & Design (NSEAD) website. This site is for teachers of art, craft or design in primary, secondary, further & higher education. There is information about teaching and learning resources, events, in-service education, publications, research, careers in art and design. Links are provided to key art and design education sites worldwide through its Art Education site, which can be accessed separately.
href=" target="_blank"Art Education
The Art Education website has a range of resources and ideas for art & design teachers. The section on art lessons & art projects does, however, require an annual subscription. The site has an extensive free links section of sites such as, image resource banks & large and small art gallery websites representing many different cultures.
href=" target="_blank"NLN
National learning network – the NLN website provides access to a range of new online learning materials that have been commissioned by the NLN for UK post-compulsory education and training. These materials have been designed to run in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) – will be downloadable soon. Materials are available for Art & Design.
href=" target="_blank"World Wide Art Resources
This site is one of the largest collections of fine art information: artists, museums, galleries, fine art, art history, art education, dance, theatre and more. Has a huge collection of approximately 62,000 original and contemporary works of art online, searchable by medium, subject matter, price and theme.
href=" target="_blank"Internet Art Resources
Comprehensive guide to galleries, museums and artists, worldwide.
href=" target="_blank"ArtsEdNet
The Getty Museum’s art education website, containing lesson plans and curriculum ideas & image galleries.
href=" target="_blank"ArtsEdge
The John F. Kennedy Center for performing arts in Washington has developed the ArtsEdge website to support the place of art education in the curriculum. Although for the American curriculum the site provides extensive links for art and design.
1.1.4Design sites
href=" target="_blank"Design Council
Case studies, resources and links to range of other relevant organisations.
href=" " target="_blank"Design Directory
A directory of design consultants in various design areas – provides links to many of the designers’ websites.
href=" target="_blank"Art, Design & Visual Thinking
An online textbook on design.
href=" target="_blank"Digitalbrain
Digitalbrain's 'Learning Manager' Portal is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) designed specifically for Further Education. Digitalbrain has created a number of interactive learning objects for the FE sector, including one for Interior Design.
href=" target="_blank"Design & Applied Arts Index
The DAAI website currently contains over 130,000 annotated references from more than 500 design and craft journals published between 1973-2002, and data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops and firms.
href=" target="_blank"Computer Arts Online
Online British magazine aimed at those using computers for art/graphic design of any kind. Links to articles, tutorials and other information.
href=" target="_blank"Furniture Design
Links to a range of sites on the furniture industry, furniture history and furniture design.
href=" target="_blank"Graphic Design Portal
A Graphic Design Portal providing references to design information, tutorials, free help, or reputable graphic designers.
href=" target="_blank"Principles of Graphic Design
Excellent website illustrating the principles of graphic design, including colour theory, typography, composition and layout.
href=" target="_blank"National Graphic Design Image Database
An American graphic design image database maintained by the Cooper Institute in New York. This is an online database of documentary resources related to the history of visual communication in the twentieth century.
href=" target="_blank"Architecture & Interior Design
A huge collection of over 29,000 images primarily of architectural subjects, including interiors and exteriors of homes, stores, offices, factories, historic buildings, and other structures – concentrated chiefly in the northeastern United States.
1.1.5Fashion design
href=" target="_blank"Costume Gallery
Extensive links to costume history and fashion design resources.
href=" target="_blank"Victoria & Albert Museum
The V & A museum of applied and decorative arts has permanent collections which include fashion and textiles, sculpture, ceramics and glass, metalwork, silver and jewellery, furniture, photography and paintings. The site has a textile and dress section and other areas of galleries of interest, such as, jewellery and ceramics.
href=" target="_blank"Worth Global Style Network
The WGSN website provides a news and information service for the fashion and style industries. It is the most comprehensive website covering all aspects of the fashion industry. Access to the service is available to colleges through the WGSN-EDU section of the site, allowing free access to students and academic staff.
1.1.6Galleries & Museums
href=" target="_blank"Museumland
Museumland was created to fill the gap between museums and Internet users. Using Museumland it's possible to access thousands of online museums and art galleries.
href=" target="_blank"Hunterian Museum
Virtual tour of the Mackintosh house.
href=" target="_blank"House for an Art Lover
Virtual tour of the house and general information.
href=" target="_blank"Glasgow School of Art
Virtual tour of the of the Mackintosh building, Glasgow School of Art.
href=" target="_blank"Art Guide to Britain & Ireland
Comprehensive Internet guide to the art collections of Great Britain and Ireland. The guide is organised by artist, by museum, and geographically. The database currently contains approximately, 1,900 artists, 650 museums and over 4,500 individual listings.
href=" target="_blank"Tate Modern
href=" target="_blank"Tate
href=" target="_blank"Louvre
href=" target="_blank"Getty Museum
href=" target="_blank"Hermitage
href=" target="_blank"Metropolitan Museum of Art
href=" target="_blank"Design Museum
1.1.7Harmony creator
See document: harmony_creator.exe
1.2Support functions / e-mail / newsgroups
See document:
1.3Lecture notes
See document:
1.4Lesson plans & curriculum planning
See document:
1.5Interactive tutorials, self directed learning
See document:
See document:
1.7Self-assessment quizzes
See document:
See document: C:\My Documents\mmmart&design\harmony_creator.exe
2Session 2 - Using features of MSWord to create interactive documents
The Objectives of this session are:
- to show participants how to use MS Word
- to add enhancements to MS Word documents such as colour and graphics
- to create interactive documents
- to introduce features available in MS Word which prepare documents for on-line accessibility
- to add sound to documents
- to introduce useful tutoring tools such as adding comments and tracking changes
2.1· adding colour
See document: adding_colour.ppt
2.2· sourcing and incorporating suitable graphics
See document: graphics.ppt
2.3· inserting hyperlinks
See document: insert_hyperlink.ppt
2.4· creating interactive elements
This section demonstrates how to use some advanced features of WORD. Some interactive elements can be created quite easily.
- href="insert_comment.ppt"href="C:\My Documents\training\ppt_shows\insert_comment.ppt"href="C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\jlw\training\ppt_shows\insert_comment.ppt"Adding Comments - this can be used to add elements such as glossery items, to give additional information & explanation of technical terms & to add notes for learners during marking. You will ba able to think of other uses.
- href="drag_and_drop.ppt"href="C:\My Documents\training\ppt_shows\drag_and_drop.ppt"Drag & Drop- using text boxes allows you to create simple drag an drop activities - you do need to remember to save your file as "read only" so the the original document cannot be changed by any learner.
- href="drop_down_list.ppt"href="C:\My Documents\training\ppt_shows\drop_down_list.ppt"Drop Down Boxes - Using MSword it is possible to create simple multiplechoice exercises.
2.4.1Drag & drop
See document: drag_and_drop.ppt
2.4.2Drop down boxes
See document: drop_down_list.ppt
See document: insert_comment.ppt
2.5· saving in the appropriate format
See document: saving documents.ppt
2.6· adding sound
See document: insert_sound.ppt
2.7· tracking changes
See document: track_changes.ppt
2.8Using tables
See document: tables.ppt
2.9Creating a dynamic index
See document: dynamic_index.ppt
3Session 3 Re-designing the learning experience for 21st century learners
The Objectives of this session are:
- to consider approaches to creating well designed learning materials using ICT.
- to introduce particpants to simple planning & design tools.
- to consider other models of lesson planning.
- to provide access to resources which support the use of ICT to enhance teaching & learning.
3.1First steps to lesson planning for ICT enhanced learning
See document: lesson_planning.ppt
3.2Alternative models for lesson planning
See document: lesson_planning_models.ppt
3.3Planning tools
The links below give access to planning forms which can be saved to you hard disk and used freely.
href="scoping_form_ro.doc"href="C:\My Documents\training\forms\scoping_form_ro.doc"scoping form
href="le_design_form_ro.doc"href="C:\My Documents\training\forms\le_design_form_ro.doc"learning experience design form
href="build_ro.doc"href="C:\My Documents\training\forms\build_ro.doc"object specification form
href="questionnaire_form_ro.doc"href="C:\My Documents\training\forms\questionnaire_form_ro.doc"learner questionnaire
Resources - creating materials
href=" - Creating On-line learning materials - A good practice guide for colleges
href=" guide from macromedia [registration required]
href=" for training briefing papers
4Session 4 - Consolidating the day & working on project
This session provides an opportunity to develop a small piece of ICT enhanced learning. Incorporating some of the ideas explored throughout the workshop and consolidating knowledge & skills.