Download Files from your Handheld PC

When you plug the PDA into a USB port, you will be prompted to set up a partnership. Select “Guest Partnership” then click on Next

Click Explore to open a File management window. Then copy your files from Mobile Device to your hard drive (in the library, this will be “c:\invaders\gis\your name”). INVADERS volunteers working on this project will each have a folder with their name on it. You will save your files in your own folder.

Download Photos from your Camera

Plug your camera into your computer and download your images as you have done before. Save your images on the hard drive (in the library, this will be “c:\invaders\gis\your name”). INVADERS volunteers working on this project will each have a folder with their name on it. You will save your files in your own folder.

You should rename your photos to help you in the data submission process. Photos could use the designation: PY5B_brassica_tournefortii.jpg. If you go to multiple parks in one day or have multiple park pictures on the same camera card, you could use the naming scheme: Ironwood_PY5B_brassica_tournefortii.jpg. If you take multiple photos you can use numbers (ex: PY5B_brassica_tournefortii_1.jpg; PY5B_brassica_tournefortii_2.jpg; etc.). Remember that you may have up to 5 species per polygon so it is important to designate which species record you are referring to (i.e. PY5A, PY5B, PY5C, etc.).

You may use your own naming scheme as long as it is clear what point or polygon the photo belongs to, and a species name. These will all help you tremendously when you are uploading many photos in the data entry process.

Upload Files

1.  Log in to the INVADERS web site.

2.  Choose “Submit New Handheld PC Data.” This will bring you to the page titled, “Handheld PC Data Submission.”

3.  Your name should show at the top of the general information box. Put your field notes in the Survey Notes box and fill in the location field. It is very important that you do not leave the location field blank. This field is crucial for the transfer of data to our partners.

4.  In the Survey File Upload box, choose Poly or Point. You will upload your three files associated with the point or polygon file you created in the field (dbf, shp, shx). Browse to those files to add them in.

5.  After you have verified that you have put the correct data files, click on CONTINUE to go to the Photo upload page.

Photo Files

1.  You should now see the web page with the title, “Handheld PC Data Submission – Page 2.” The details from page one should be listed there along with an ID # assigned to the point or poly files you uploaded.

2.  Now you will add identification photos that go with the point or polygon file you just uploaded on page one. You will be entering many photos with each point or polygon file since there are multiple points and polygons within those files. You will be using your notes again to make sure that all of the photo files are uploaded. This is where renaming photos when you download them from your camera is very important.

q  For each photo, enter the point or polygon ID # of the photo you are entering. Select a species. Click UPLOAD PHOTO once you are sure that you entered the correct information.

q  Now you should be on Page 3 of your submission and the photo file you just uploaded is listed in the”Submitted Photo Details” box at the top of the page.

q  Now you have the option of uploading more handheld PC files or adding another photo below. You should add all of the photos associated with the point or polygon file you uploaded on page one before going on to enter another point or polygon file.

q  After you have all of your photos uploaded, review the list to ensure that all the photos are listed and the information is correct.

q  When you are finished, you can go back and upload more handheld PC files, or you can return to the login/logout page to exit the INVADERS web site.


Now that you have successfully entered your data into the web-based data entry form your data will be verified at ASDM and then submitted into a national USGS database and made available to all managers and scientists who work to monitor, control, and eradicate invasive species.

Data verification at ASDM

Until you reach the “Expert” level, ASDM and partner scientists will verify your data records and species identification. This will be done using the photographs that you upload to your data record and the specimens that you collect. ASDM will use the data and GPS coordinates in-house for ongoing conservation and mapping projects.

National database

When your data reaches the national database, USGS staff will create dynamic maps of the infestations using a Geographic Information System (GIS). These maps will be available online for managers, scientists, and others working with invasive species. Users will also be able to query the database for specific information and view landscape photographs from your site. Your name as the scientist will be attached to each record and will be available to all who are interested in using your data.

Local and regional partners

ASDM staff are developing partnerships with other Sonoran Desert region agencies and organizations. Partners will create and send us lists of target sites for Early Detection and Reporting. Your data on these target sites will be sent to these partners who will then be able to make more informed decisions when creating management strategies including plans for prevention, control, and eradication. Managers may use your data to find areas that need more intense surveys or they may query the database to check the status of areas that previously underwent eradication.

If you become involved in local eradication programs, you may even find yourself using the data you collected to target new areas for control and to determine success of your own eradication efforts!!