The Bogazici-DeviantArt Image Reuse (BODAIR) Database License Agreement v1.0

DeviantArt is the owner of the BODAIR Database. DeviantArt has granted Bogazici University all rights and responsibilities for its non-commercial distribution to the scientific community.

The BODAIR Database is made freely available for research and education purposes on a case-by-case basis. All requests for the database must be submitted in writing by the researchers’ institution, prior to the release of the database. To receive a copy of the database, the researcher must agree to the conditions below, and sign this document. The permission to download the database will be granted after the receipt of the signed document.

The database contains low-resolution copies of selected and annotated DeviantArt images, and is distributed with a supplemental file that contains links to the original images, identifying the DeviantArt artist that created each image in the database. DeviantArt does not guarantee the maintenance of the original images, and the pages containing those; these links are provided on a basis of convenience. DeviantArt makes no representation or warranty with respect to the copyright ownership or other ownership of any image or the contents of any image selected for this database.


1. Redistribution: We agree that the copy we receive is to be used for research and education

purposes by our research group only. We will not redistribute any part of the database.

2. Protection of artist rights: The right of the individual artists to be acknowledged as the

creator of the respective images in the database is strictly protected. All images with resolution of 100x100 and above used in scientific publications must be properly acknowledged with a reference to the BODAIR database, as well as with a reference that appropriately identifies the artist that created the image and that the image appears courtesy of DeviantArt. Smaller images
can be used with a reference to the BODAIR database.

3. Modification: We agree not to modify the database in any form.

4. Commercial use: We will not use the original data or modified copies for any commercial purposes.

5. Warranty: The database comes without any warranty. Bogazici University and DeviantArt are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the database.

6. Citations: All documents and papers that report research on the BODAIR Database will cite the following paper:

XXX (the paper title is not known yet, the database will be opened to the public after

the publication of the paper)

Our research group represented by the signer of this document agrees to all of the conditions written in this agreement:

Name of Recipient (in capitals): ______

Title of Recipient (in capitals): ______

E‐mail address: ______

Signature of Recipient and Date: ______

Institution: ______

Please sign and send a scanned pdf copy of the signed form by email attachment to:

Dr. Albert Ali Salah,

Department of Computer Engineering,
Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey,
phone: +90 212 359 7774

[Version 1.0] []