Central States Board of Directors Meeting

July 27, 2006

Bloomington, MN

Meeting was called to order by President Bruce Richardson, W9FZ at 10:33 PM

W9FZ announced a quorum of the BOD was present after making a count

W5NZS, Larry, couldn’t attend the conference due to family health issues. K0DAS, Rod, volunteered to be the temporary secretary

Tomorrow’s BOD meeting will be 9:00 – 10:00 PM in Room 157

Conference Report – W9FZ

171 Pre-registrants; should have 50 – 60 walk-ins tomorrow

442 room-nights – better than typical CSVHF conferences

222 Pre-registered for the banquet. We committed for 260 at the banquet

Antenna Measurements: W0AUS, WB2VOI, WB0TEM, WA5VJB and starts at 8:00 AM. Approximately 42 antennas in the pre-registration

N.F. Measurement: K0TAR (Tom Ring) & VE4MA (Barry) & WD5AGO (Tommy)

Family program:

130 on the Boat Dinner

42 on Mall of America Tour

16 for Scrap Booking

42 on Trolley Ride Sat.

Ft. Snelling - only 10 people - so car pool

Prizes: Lenny, Chairman, got some cash donations so used it to buy prizes

Program & Proceeding Report – W0ZQ (Programs) & WA2VOI (Proceedings)

18 Programs

Proceedings in good shape

Audio/Visual in good shape

ND2X point: Let’s put info that’s presented but not in the proceedings up on the CSVHF web site. Ensuing discussion was favorable

Secretary’s Report – Tabled for now as minutes not printed yet

Treasurer’s Report – W9FZ

Received two thank-you letters from ARRL and AMSAT for our donations last year

Budgeted conference on 185 attendance

Committee folks – turn in your expense reports

Old Business:

Awards Committee – WA5VJB

Have expenses for plaques

Had a lot of nominations but many were not CSVHF members

Electronic Archive Committee – N8KWX - Not present; deferred to next BOD meeting

FCC Committee – K0DAS

No activity last year

Future issue: WARC 07

BPL turned the corner and FCC enforcement actions taking place

Finance Committee – N0LNO

Going to do an audit

Treasurer should probably not be on the committee although the Presidents handbook says he should be

Bruce mentioned shouldn’t have a “dual hat” e.g. he was both President and Treasurer this past year.

Historian – W3XO

Should have more detailed history in the proceedings; more than who past officers and locations of conferences.

Presentation and two articles in proceedings this year

Presidents Handbook – N0LNO

Recovered the Presidents Handbook in electronic form

Presidents Handbook is guidelines – not rules or forms

Bruce has past mailings & should scan into PDF

Publicity/Recruitment Committee – W9GA

Has a power point presentation & used at 2 club meetings plus a hamfest in Milwaukee area. Introduces weak signal VHF

Ken also worked on a Word document as a Press Release

Going to disseminate it to BOD members for comment and use

Charlie, K5TTT, also did one for his local club

Peter, VE3AX, also did one for the Southern Ontario VHF Group and it lead to them doing a conference

Publicity/Recruitment Committee is there as a resource for each conference

States Above 50 MHz Committee – VE3AX

Got forms on the web site now

30 entries so far for this year (up from last year)

Expecting 3 – 4 more entries

Electronic forms getting favorable responses

Reverse VUCC – K5MAT – Not Present

WA5VJB noted there is an ARRL award and rules for a Reverse VUCC

VHF/UHF Microwave Council – WA5VJB

Had a brief meeting last week

Say they represent over 2,000 VHF/UHF/Microwave weak signal users (but some are double club members)

WWW Home Page Committee – NN5DX

Two sites needed for back-up to prevent outages – meeting to address this will happen tomorrow

Nothing resolved on member list per ND2X

Issue: need to save printing costs by putting on web but need to keep the email addresses from being picked up by “web crawlers”

All member stuff on now is protected by .gff files

K5TTT recommended the committee study this problem and come back with a recommendation

Dave, KB0PE – Let’s just print it (membership list) and make available for pick-up at the conference

W9FZ – The CSVHF site was out recently for 5 days but this site is free. So let’s try to get a back-up host for free also. “Free is Good” in the immortal words of President Bruce Richardson, W9FZ.

NN5DX – “We will get this resolved by end of the Conference”

Liability Insurance – It’s about $374 per year and W5NZS takes care of it

Newsletter – “Give the editor some meat”, Bruce, W9FZ

Re-incorporation Report – K0TLM does this every year in the State of Missouri and it costs about $15 per year

2005 Tax – W9FZ

It happened; filled out a form; no tax needed but we are over $25K gross due to the shirts, so now have to fill out a few more lines on the tax form.

The shirts are a break even for the treasury

Election of BOD at the General Membership Meeting – It will be the first agenda item so counting can happen early.

More Old Business:

Paul, N6TX – 1296 EME Beacon of SETI League is back on the air – partially funded by CSVHF Society & could use some more support.

New Business:

Proposal for hosting the 2008 conference was presented by N0JEV, WR0I, Mel; and KA0KCI, Dave

Passed out some literature

Have about 5 core folks to run the conference

Have a hotel that is available for about $80 per room (Airport Hilton)

Pete, WB0DRL may help as well as KB0HH & K0UO?

WB0DBS getting active again

Hotel has place for antenna range

Also considering a “ship to storage area” for folks flying in

W9FZ – Let’s consider this proposal, see if any more come forward and then decide (vote) at the Sat. BOD

Organizational Functional Potential Changes – W9FZ – Talk about it and we’ll bring it up at the next BOD meeting.

WA5VJB moved the meeting adjourn

NN5DX seconded the motion

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote

Meeting was adjourned at 12:04 AM July 28, 2006

Minutes recorded and submitted by Acting Secretary Rod Blocksome, K0DAS