General Board Meeting
October 27, 2014 Minutes
The York Suburban Lacrosse Club General Board Meeting for October 2014 was called to order by Candice Sipes at 7:40 pm. In attendance: Sara Hunt, Pamela Kutcher,Byron LeCates, Dana Poster, Jim Posterand Candice Sipes.
Minutes: Sara Hunt—September 24 Board minutes were distributed for review. Approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim Poster will be meeting with Bob Coppage on Wednesday, Oct 29 to take over Treasurer duties. Jim needs Quickbooks in order to manage the books. It was suggested that there is an online version that can be purchased.
President’s Report: Candice Sipes—No report.
Registration/Website: Registration opened on October 13 and will close on December 29, 2014. An e-mail with registration information went out along with an October Newsletter. Several registrations have been received. Pam will e-mail Bryan about adding the Winter Clinic information to the website and registration process and those that registered will receive an e-mail asking them to update their registration if they are interested. Winter Clinic fee will again be $40. Candice is working on getting a generic PayPal account with the YSLC e-mail address.
General Manager’s Report:
U9 -- Bryon will call Austin Hunt and Ray Ranieri as Assistant Coach?
U11 – Byron is meeting with Justin Williams on Tuesday, Oct 28 to see if he’s interested in helping to coach
U13 – Josh Crego-confirmed
U15 – Steve Smith has talked with Byron about coaching and also has ideas for assistant coaches
7/8 (Middle School) Girls – Sarah Johnson-confirmed
5/6 Grade Girls – Bridgette Corto is interested if an assistant coach can be recruited.
Winter Clinics: After Byron talked with both Wisehaven and Heritage, Wisehaven is the better choice for indoor clinics this winter—two courts on the lower level. Two goals will need to be dropped off at Wisehaven prior to the start of the clinics. Teams will practice once a week, Girls on Wednesdays from 8-9 pm starting Jan 7, U9/U11 on Thursdays from 7 to 8 pm, U13/U15 on Thursdays from 8-9 pm starting January 8.
Equipment/Goals: Goal maintenance needed for goals at Penn State. Two cases of lacrosse balls are in hand.
The outdoor schedule for the 2015 Season will start the week of March 8.
Uniforms: Candice is working to get a girls uniform that is under $50. Candice will work with Sarah on a design for the shorts/skirt and jersey. Also need to buy some extra sticks and goggles that the girls can use.
Chair Reports
YCLA: Candice Sipes—Every player in the YCLA will need be to a US Lacrosse member. Each team will play 10 games. Candice is currently interviewing a Ref Scheduler. US Lacrosse is doing a Level 1 and Level 2 Coaches Clinics which YSLC will be encouraged to attend. Candice is applying for aYCLA grant through the Positive Coaching Alliance.
Communications: Pamela Kutcher—Registration flyers have been distributed to the Middle School. Pam will get Byron the latest version of the flyer and Bryon will make copies for the Elementary Schools.
Team Parent Reps: Need Reps for U9, U13 and U15 for 2015 season
LAX Bash: Open
Equipment Manager--Open
HS Mentor Program Liaison—B yron LeCates and Candice Sipes
Apparel/Uniform Chair—Jim will talk with James about Apparel Chair (his expertise) and Chuck Ducker was suggested as Uniform Chair. These two need to be confirmed.
Team Night Coordinator—Pam will connect with Katherine Coppage to confirm her interest.
Club Picnic—Kate Barclay
Old Business : None
New Business: Pam suggested having a website training session for all of the YSLC Board members as well as the Coaches and Team Parents. Bryan will be asked if he can do this training prior to either the January or February Board meeting.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 18 at The Cove, 7:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sara Hunt.