Campfire Marshmallow #32380F

Safety Data Sheet

according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) with its amendment Regulation (EU) 2015/830 Date ofissue:5/19/2016 Revisiondate: Supersedes: Version:


Productform: Mixture

Tradename: Campfire Marshmallow#32380F

Productcode: 32380F

Typeofproduct: Perfumes,Fragrances

Productgroup: FinishedGood

1.2.1.Relevant identifieduses

Mainusecategory: Industrial use,Professional use

Industrial/Professionalusespec: For professional useonly

Use ofthesubstance/mixture: Perfumes,Fragrances

Function orusecategory: Odouragents

1.2.2.Uses advisedagainst

No additional information available

Sensory Perfection

135 Hughenden Road


East Sussex

TN34 3TF

United Kingdom

Contact: Jo Cateley

Emergencynumber: +44 (0)1424532737

SECTION 2: Hazardsidentification

Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP]

Acute toxicity (oral)Category 4

Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2

Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2

H302 H315 H319

Skin sensitization Category 1 H317

Hazardous to the aquatic environment - Chronic Hazard Category 2


Full text of hazard classes and H-statements : see section 16

Adverse physicochemical, human health and environmental effects

Harmful if swallowed. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. May cause an allergic skin reaction.

Labeling according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP]



Signalword(CLP): Warning

Hazardousingredients: Benzyl benzoate; cashmeran; Veltol plus crystals; Ethyl vanillin crystals; Eugenol;Heliotropine

crystals; Iso E Super


Hazardstatements(CLP): H302 - Harmfulifswallowed H315 - Causes skinirritation

H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction H319 - Causes serious eye irritation

H411 - Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

Precautionarystatements(CLP): P261 - Avoid breathingdust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray

P264 - Wash hands thoroughly after handling

P270 - Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product

P272 - Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace P273 - Avoid release to the environment

P280 - Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection

No additional information available


Not applicable

Name / Product identifier / % / Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC / Classification according to Regulation (EC) No.
1272/2008 [CLP]
Benzyl benzoate / (CAS No) 120-51-4
(EC no) 204-402-9
(EC index no) 607-085-00-9 / 10 - 40 / Xn; R22 N; R51/53 / Acute Tox. 4 (Oral), H302 Aquatic Chronic 2, H411
Iso E Super / (CAS No) 54464-57-2
(EC no) 259-174-3 / 5.2669 -
22.2569 / Not classified / Skin Irrit. 2, H315 Skin Sens. 1B, H317
Aquatic Chronic 2, H411
Ethyl vanillin crystals / (CAS No) 121-32-4
(EC no) 204-464-7 / 2.92609 -
12.36509 / Not classified / Eye Irrit. 2, H319
Veltol plus crystals / (CAS No) 4940-11-8
(EC no) 225-582-5 / 1.62564 -
6.86964 / Xn; R22 / Acute Tox. 4 (Oral), H302
Linalool / (CAS No) 78-70-6
(EC no) 201-134-4 / 1.10546 -
4.67146 / Not classified / Skin Irrit. 2, H315 Eye Irrit. 2, H319
Heliotropine crystals / (CAS No) 120-57-0
(EC no) 204-409-7 / 0.81282 -
3.43482 / Not classified / Skin Sens. 1B, H317

Allergen report available upon request. Full text of R- and H- phrases: see section16

SECTION 4: First aidmeasures

First-aidmeasuresgeneral: Call a poison center/doctor/physician if you feelunwell.

First-aid measuresafterinhalation: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable forbreathing.

First-aid measures afterskincontact: Wash skin with plenty of water. Take off contaminated clothing. If skin irritation or rashoccurs:

Get medical advice/attention.

First-aid measures aftereyecontact: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easyto

do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.

First-aid measuresafteringestion: Rinse mouth. Call a poison center/doctor/physician if you feelunwell.

Symptoms/injuries afterskincontact: Irritation. May cause an allergicskinreaction. Symptoms/injuries aftereyecontact: Eyeirritation.

Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5: Firefightingmeasures

Suitableextinguishingmedia: Water spray. Dry powder. Foam. Carbondioxide.

Hazardous decomposition products in case of fire

: Toxic fumes may be released.

Protectionduringfirefighting:Do not attempt to take action without suitable protective equipment. Self-containedbreathingapparatus. Complete protectiveclothing.

SECTION 6: Accidental releasemeasures

6.1.1.For non-emergencypersonnel

Emergencyprocedures: Ventilate spillage area. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.Avoidbreathingdust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.

6.1.2.For emergencyresponders

Protectiveequipment: Do not attempt to take action without suitable protective equipment. Forfurtherinformationrefer to section 8: "Exposure controls/personalprotection".

Avoid release to the environment.

Forcontainment: Collectspillage.

Methods forcleaningup: Take up liquid spill into absorbentmaterial.

Otherinformation: Dispose of materials or solid residues at an authorizedsite.

For further information refer to section 13.

SECTION 7: Handling andstorage

Precautions forsafehandling: Ensure good ventilation of the work station. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wearpersonal

protective equipment. Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.

Hygienemeasures: Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using thisproduct.

Always wash hands after handling the product. Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.

Storageconditions: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keepcool.

Storagetemperature: 25°C

Storagearea: Store in a well-ventilated place. Store away fromheat.

Special rulesonpackaging: Store in a closedcontainer.

Packagingmaterials: Do not store in corrodablemetal.

No additional information available

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personalprotection

Benzyl benzoate (120-51-4)
USA - NIOSH / NIOSH REL (TWA) (mg/m³) / <=

Appropriateengineeringcontrols: Ensure good ventilation of theworkstation. Handprotection: Protectivegloves

Eyeprotection: Safetyglasses

Skin andbodyprotection: Wear suitable protectiveclothing

Respiratoryprotection: In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitablerespiratoryequipmentEnvironmentalexposurecontrols : Avoid release to theenvironment.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemicalproperties

Physicalstate: Liquid

Color: light yellow.amber.

Odor: Sweet.

Odorthreshold: No dataavailable

pH: No dataavailable

Relative evaporation rate(butylacetate=1): NodataavailableMeltingpoint: Notapplicable

Freezingpoint: No dataavailable

Boilingpoint: No dataavailable

Flashpoint: > 93.3°C

Auto-ignitiontemperature: No dataavailable

Decompositiontemperature: No dataavailable

Flammability(solid,gas): Notapplicable

Vaporpressure: No dataavailable

Relative vapor density at20°C: No dataavailable

Relativedensity: ≈1.02

Solubility: No dataavailable

LogPow: No dataavailable

Viscosity,kinematic: No dataavailable

Viscosity,dynamic: No dataavailable

Explosiveproperties: No dataavailable

Oxidizingproperties: No dataavailable

Explosionlimits: No dataavailable

No additional information available

SECTION 10: Stability andreactivity


The product is non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport.


Stable under normal conditions.

10.3.Possibility of hazardousreactions

No dangerous reactions known under normal conditions of use.

10.4.Conditions toavoid

None under recommended storage and handling conditions (see section 7).


No additional information available

10.6.Hazardous decompositionproducts

Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition products should not be produced.

SECTION 11: Toxicologicalinformation

11.1.Information on toxicologicaleffects

Acutetoxicity: Oral: Harmful ifswallowed.

Skincorrosion/irritation: Causes skinirritation.

Seriouseyedamage/irritation: Causes serious eyeirritation.

Respiratory orskinsensitization: May cause an allergic skinreaction.

Germcellmutagenicity: Notclassified

Carcinogenicity: Notclassified

Reproductivetoxicity: Notclassified Specific target organ toxicity(singleexposure): Notclassified

Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)

: Not classified

Aspirationhazard: Notclassified

SECTION 12: Ecologicalinformation


Ecology-general: Toxic to aquatic life with long lastingeffects.

12.2.Persistence anddegradability

No additional information available


No additional information available

12.4.Mobility insoil

No additional information available

12.5.Results of PBT and vPvBassessment

No additional information available

12.6.Other adverseeffects

No additional information available

SECTION 13: Disposalconsiderations

13.1.Waste treatmentmethods

Wastetreatmentmethods: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with licensed collector’s sortinginstructions.

SECTION 14: Transportinformation

In accordance with ADR / RID / IMDG / IATA / ADN


UN-No.(ADR): / 3082
UN-No.(IMDG): / 3082
UN-No.(IATA): / 3082
UN-No.(ADN): / 3082
UN-No.(RID): / Not regulated

14.2.UN proper shippingname


Proper ShippingName(IATA): Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid,n.o.s.


Proper ShippingName(RID): Notregulated

Transport documentdescription(ADR): UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (BenzylBezoate

), 9, III, (E)

Transport documentdescription(IMDG): UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S.(Benzyl


Transport documentdescription(IATA): UN 3082 Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Benzyl Benzoate), 9,III,


Transport documentdescription(ADN): UN 3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S., 9,III,


14.3.Transporthazardclass(es) ADR

Transport hazardclass(es)(ADR): 9

Hazardlabels(ADR): 9



Transport hazardclass(es)(IMDG): 9

Hazardlabels(IMDG): 9


Transport hazardclass(es)(IATA): 9

Hazardlabels(IATA): 9



Transport hazardclass(es)(ADN): 9

Hazardlabels(ADN): 9



Transport hazardclass(es)(RID): Notregulated


Packinggroup(ADR): III

Packinggroup(IMDG): III

Packinggroup(IATA): III

Packinggroup(ADN): III

Packinggroup(RID): Notregulated


Dangerous fortheenvironment: Yes

Marinepollutant: Yes

Otherinformation: No supplementary informationavailable

14.6.Special precautions foruser

- Overland transport

Classificationcode(ADR): M6

Specialprovision(ADR): 274, 335, 601,375

Limitedquantities(ADR): 5l

Exceptedquantities(ADR): E1

Packinginstructions(ADR): P001, IBC03, LP01,R001

Special packingprovisions(ADR): PP1

Mixed packingprovisions(ADR): MP19

Portable tank and bulk container instructions (ADR)

Portable tank and bulk container special provisions (ADR)

: T4

: TP1, TP29

Tankcode(ADR): LGBV

Vehicle fortankcarriage: AT

Transportcategory(ADR): 3

Special provisions for carriage -Packages (ADR)

Special provisions for carriage - Loading, unloading and handling (ADR)

: V12

: CV13

Hazard identification number(KemlerNo.): 90Orangeplates:

Tunnel restrictioncode(ADR): E

EAC: •3Z

- Transport by sea

Specialprovision(IMDG): 274, 335,969

Limitedquantities(IMDG): 5L

Exceptedquantities(IMDG): E1

Packinginstructions(IMDG): P001,LP01

Packingprovisions(IMDG): PP1

IBC packinginstructions(IMDG): IBC03

Tankinstructions(IMDG): T4

Tank specialprovisions(IMDG): TP2,TP29

EmS-No.(Fire): F-A

EmS-No.(Spillage): S-F

Stowagecategory(IMDG): A

- Air transport

PCA Exceptedquantities(IATA): E1

PCA Limitedquantities(IATA): Y964PCA limited quantity max netquantity(IATA): 30kgGPCA packinginstructions(IATA) : 964

PCA max netquantity(IATA): 450L

CAO packinginstructions(IATA): 964

CAO max netquantity(IATA): 450L

Specialprovision(IATA): A97, A158,A197

ERGcode(IATA): 9L

- Inland waterway transport

Classificationcode(ADN): M6

Specialprovision(ADN): 274, 335, 375,601

Limitedquantities(ADN): 5L

Exceptedquantities(ADN): E1

Carriagepermitted(ADN): T

Equipmentrequired(ADN): PP

Number of bluecones/lights(ADN): 0

- Rail transport

Not regulated


Not applicable

SECTION 15: Regulatoryinformation



The following restrictions are applicable according to Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006:

Contains no REACH candidate substance Contains no REACH Annex XIV substances.

15.1.2.National regulations Germany

VwVwSAnnexreference: Water hazard class (WGK) 2, hazardous to water (Classification according to VwVwS,Annex


12th Ordinance Implementing theFederal Immission Control Act -12.BImSchV

: Is not subject of the 12. BlmSchV (Hazardous Incident Ordinance)


SZW-lijst vankankerverwekkendestoffen: None of the componentsarelistedSZW-lijst vanmutagenestoffen: None of the components arelisted

NIET-limitatieve lijst van voor de voortplanting giftige stoffen – Borstvoeding

NIET-limitatieve lijst van voor de voortplanting giftige stoffen – Vruchtbaarheid

NIET-limitatieve lijst van voor de voortplanting giftige stoffen – Ontwikkeling

: None of the components are listed

: None of the components are listed

: None of the components are listed


Classificationremarks: Emergency management guidelines for the storage of flammable liquids mustbefollowedRecommendationsDanishRegulation : Young people below the age of 18 years are not allowed to use theproduct

15.2.Chemical safetyassessment

No chemical safety assessment has been carried out

SECTION 16: Otherinformation

Full text of R-, H- and EUH-phrases:

Acute Tox. 4 (Oral) / Acute toxicity (oral) Category 4
Aquatic Chronic 2 / Hazardous to the aquatic environment - Chronic Hazard Category 2
Eye Irrit. 2 / Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2
Skin Irrit. 2 / Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2
Skin Sens. 1 / Skin sensitization Category 1
Skin Sens. 1B / Skin sensitization Category 1B
H302 / Harmful if swallowed
H315 / Causes skin irritation
H317 / May cause an allergic skin reaction
H319 / Causes serious eye irritation
H411 / Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
R22 / Harmful if swallowed
R51/53 / Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
N / Dangerous for the environment
Xn / Harmful


The data contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet is accurate to the best knowledge of Sensory Perfection., applies to the product as supplied by Sensory Perfection. and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process. Data and information is furnished without warranty expressed or implied, nor does Sensory Perfection. assume responsibility for use or reliance upon this data.

This SDS is current to the date listed above. However, the GHS classifications may change due to hazard communication updates by the overseeing governing body. For the most current SDS information please contact Sensory Perfection.