Wedding Ceremony Outline
This is an outline with some options available for a wedding with a suggested order. I want to personalize your wedding for your desires and preferences. Feel free to discuss any ideas with me. You may remove or add any elements.
1. Musical Prelude – usually begins 10-30 minutes before wedding.
2. Seating of grandparents, then parents by ushers or groomsmen down middle aisle.
3. Entrance of Minister, groom, and possibly groomsmen (from side entrance).
4. Procession of Attendants – Down middle aisle, Bridesmaids alone or escorted by groomsmen. If ring bearer and/or flower girl, they enter.
5. Bridal Procession – Music changes to bridal march, bride enters escorted by father.
6. Welcome - pastor
7. Giving Away of Bride – pastor to father or representative
8. Prayer / Lord’s Prayer / Worship Music & Singing
9. Declaration of Consent (Vows to God. The long question from the pastor followed by “I do.”)
10. Short Message with Scripture Reading – pastor (5-7 minutes) – Possible topics:
a. Oneness / Intimacy; “the two shall become one,” Genesis 2
b. Love / a marriage built on God’s love; “Love is…patient, kind…,” 1 Corinthians 13
c. Love and Respect / what a husband and wife need most, Ephesians 5:21-33
d. The Power of Love / God’s passionate love in your marriage, Song of Songs 8:6-7
11. Personal Vows or Statements of Love/Commitment – couple reads or says to each other
12. Marriage Vows (Vows to each other. Repeated phrase by phrase after the pastor.)
13. Symbolic Element: Unity Candle/Sand Ceremony/Communion/etc. May be accompanied with a song or part of one your favorite songs.
14. Ring Vows – pastor to groom and bride
15. Pronouncement – pastor
16. Kiss - couple
17. Presentation - pastor
18. Recessional – groom and bride then others including parents & grandparents in reverse order of entrance
19. Conclusion with Invitation to Reception / Instructions to Congregation - pastor
Wedding Ceremony Suggestions
1. Remember that your wedding is important, but the really important thing is your marriage. Try not to get upset when little things go wrong (they will). Enjoy your wedding. When it’s all over, you have each other, and that is what matters.
2. Make your wedding a meaningful symbol, not a stage production. Too much fanfare or an entertainment mentality should be avoided.
3. Choose songs and content to make a statement about your spiritual goals and aspirations. Make it a public commitment to honor God in your marriage.
4. If you have two pastors or “speakers” (e.g. fathers), have one provide direction and flow to wedding, or it appears choppy. Officiates should not outnumber those getting married. More than two people doing the talking can resemble a verbal parade, which detracts from focus on the couple.
5. After your wedding, take off and get started on your new life together (I don’t recommend opening gifts, family gatherings, etc.) Don’t get started on your honeymoon too late or drive too far (1-2 hours max. for the first night at least.) Make your honeymoon centered on each other and the Lord, not on activities and schedules. Stay somewhere peaceful and isolated.