/ Grade: 9 Section:
Subject: ICT Date: / 1/ 2011
Unit B-Microsotf Word 2007 Revision Sheet


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. You can select text and then drag it to a new location using the mouse.

____ 2. The last item you cut or copy from a document is added to both the Office Clipboard and the system Clipboard.

____ 3. The Clipboard task pane opens automatically any time you cut or copy text.

____ 4. The AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects all your spelling and grammar errors as you type.

____ 5. Word inserts an AutoCorrect entry only after you press [Spacebar].

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 6. "Cut and paste" describes what operation?

a. / Copying text / c. / Replacing text
b. / Deleting text / d. / Moving text

____ 7. What is the keyboard shortcut for cutting text?

a. / [Ctrl][Q] / c. / [Ctrl][V]
b. / [Ctrl][C] / d. / [Ctrl][X]

____ 8. What is the keyboard shortcut for copying text?

a. / [Ctrl][C] / c. / [Ctrl][Q]
b. / [Ctrl][A] / d. / [Ctrl][V]

____ 9. Where are the Word keyboard shortcuts listed?

a. / In the Word Read Me file / c. / In the Shortcut task pane
b. / On the Word menus / d. / In Word ScreenTips

____ 10. What happens when text is dragged to a new location in the document?

a. / The text is stored on the Clipboard. / c. / The text is deleted from the document.
b. / The formatting of the text changes. / d. / The text is moved to the new location.

____ 11. Which command is used to insert text that is stored on the Clipboard into a document?

a. / Paste / c. / Replace
b. / Office Clipboard / d. / Insert

____ 12. Which of the following is not a way to add the selected text to the Clipboard?

a. / Press [Ctrl][C].
b. / Click the Copy button.
c. / Press [Ctrl] and drag the text to a new location.
d. / Press [Ctrl][X].

____ 13. Which of the following does not occur when you copy text and then click the Paste button?

a. / The pasted text is removed from the Office Clipboard.
b. / The Paste Options button appears.
c. / The text is inserted at the location of the insertion point.
d. / The text you copied remains in its original location.

____ 14. What is the function of the Paste Options button?

a. / To copy the text to the Clipboard.
b. / To paste the text at the location of the insertion point.
c. / To paste the text as a hyperlink.
d. / To change the formatting of pasted text.

____ 15. Which command is used to display two different parts of the same document in the document window?

a. / Scroll / c. / Arrange All
b. / Split / d. / Window

____ 16. What happens when you add a 25th item to the Office Clipboard?

a. / The last item it deleted.
b. / The first item is deleted.
c. / A dialog box opens.
d. / You cannot add a 25th item to the Office Clipboard.

____ 17. Which feature would you use to find and insert a synonym for an overused word?

a. / Spelling and Grammar / c. / Find and Replace
b. / Thesaurus / d. / AutoCorrect

____ 18. Which feature could you use to highlight all instances of a word in a document?

a. / Spelling and Grammar / c. / Thesaurus
b. / Find and Replace / d. / AutoCorrect

____ 19. If a document window had been split into two panes, how can you restore the window to a single pane?

a. / Right-click one of the panes and click Close Pane.
b. / Double-click the split bar.
c. / Click the Split button in the Window group on the View tab.
d. / Drag the split bar to the bottom of the document.

____ 20. What command can you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific location?

a. / Find command / c. / Next command
b. / Go To command / d. / Search for command

____ 21. What resources does the Research task pane provide access to?

a. / Dictionaries / c. / Translations
b. / Encyclopedias / d. / All of the above

____ 22. How do you add available resources from the Research task pane?

a. / Click Insert Resource / c. / Click the Research task pane list arrow
b. / Click Research options / d. / Click the Go button

____ 23. What do you call an informal journal that is created by an individual or a group and made available to the public on the Internet?

a. / Blog / c. / Web page
b. / Web journal / d. / Chat

____ 24. By default, Word automatically creates a hyperlink to which of the following?

a. / The words Your Name / c. / The name of a company with a Web page
b. / The name of a Web site / d. / An e-mail address

____ 25. Which tab in the Properties dialog box shows the date and time a file was created or last modified?

a. / Statistics / c. / Contents
b. / General / d. / Summary


(Mark as Final, Paste, twenty four, Undo, Clipboard)

26. When text is cut from a document, it is stored on the ______.

27. To reverse the last action you took in a document, click the ______button on the Quick Access toolbar.

28. The Office Clipboard holds up to ______items.

29. To insert the last item stored on the Office Clipboard into a document, click the ______button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.

30. You can edit a document that is marked as final by turning off the ______status.


In the figure below, match each label with the statement that best describes it.

____ 31. Removes text from the document and places it on the Clipboard.

____ 32. Copies text.

____ 33. Reverses the last change made to a document.

In the figure below, match each label with the statement that best describes it.

____ 34. The last item collected to the Clipboard.

____ 35. Shows the program from which the item was collected.

____ 36. The first item collected to the Clipboard.

____ 37. Resizes or moves the task pane.

Referring to the figure below, match each find and replace example with the appropriate search option.

____ 38. Use to replace "President" but not "president."

____ 39. Use to replace "there" and "their."

____ 40. Use to type replacement text