Strength & Mobility


What is strength?

Strength is the ability muscles have to contract, to develop the force or tension in a muscle or muscle group. Strength is mainly dependent on the muscle fiber thickness and number, the interaction between nerves and muscles and leverage ratios.

Muscle work and muscle strength

Various types of muscle work requires various forms of muscle strength and strength can thus be divided into two types:

- Dynamic strength, which means that the muscle develops force during movement - the lengthened (eccentric) or shortened (concentric). Squat is an example.

- Static strength, which means that the muscle is developing force without movement - it maintains unchanged length, but has a certain tension. Angle Seated on a wall is an example.

Each of these main types can then be divided into sustained respective maximum strength. Maximum strength is the maximum force that may deliverables will-driven, dynamically or statically. Sustained strength is the kind of strength that means that you have the energy to perform long.

When the muscle works statically are continuously contracted (tense) thereby pushing the blood vessels. After a moment, the lactic acid that builds up in the muscle. "Lactic acid Fatigue" with accompanying pain and stiffness makes working in static work is severely limited.

Dynamic sustained muscular work

In many situations, we need to keep up with dynamic muscle work for a long time, for example, when cycling, swimming, running or dancing. It is a dynamic endurance work we


Dynamically maximum muscle work

In other situations, the muscle work so hard that we only have the energy to perform it once or a few times eg in weightlifting. This is the maximum dynamic muscle work.

Explosive strength / resilience

Sometimes we talk also about the explosive strength such as shot put, which is a form of maximum dynamic strength at high speed. Plyometrics is a word that is often used synonymously with explosive strength.

Static sustained muscular work

Sometimes you have to use to keep the same position for a long time, eg when you go downhill skiing, windsurfing or working overhead. This is what we call static sustained muscular work.

Static maximum muscle work

When you are not able to resist in a position longer than 6-8 seconds, eg with a heavy weight off the cuff or wrestling, we call it static maximum muscle work.

What affects muscle strength?

Muscular strength is proportional to muscle fiber thickness and number. The larger the muscle cross-section the greater the force the muscle can develop. Gender and age, leverage ratios, nerve function, exercise conditions are other factors of importance.

When you exercise, strength training, the following changes in the muscle:

- Both the individual muscle cells and connective tissue around them become stronger.

- The muscle becomes thicker. The larger cross section, the stronger muscle. However, you never more muscle fibers.

- The nerves in the muscle will gradually work better. By repeating an exercise you can activate more muscle fibers to co-operation. This allows the muscle to develop greater force.

Endurance Strength

If you train endurance strength (primarily aerobic work), the following also takes changes in muscle:

- Muscle tissue can be supplied more oxygen because the blood supply gets better.

- The combustion is more efficient. Prolonged labor is possible only if the muscle receives insufficient oxygen, which implies that the work is done dynamically.

Maximum strength

When you exercise maximum strength (mainly anaerobic work), it means that:

- Splitting (energy production without access to oxygen) becomes more efficient and more immediate energy.

Explosive strength is dependent on good maximal strength and rapid nerve-muscle function.

What kind of power do you need?

In everyday life you have the most use for endurance strength. You should still have a good maximum strength as a power reserve when eg must make an extra heavy lifting. A moderate and balanced strength training is justified from a health point of view. Such strength training should include the arm, leg, abdominal and back muscles, thus principally be of endurance character. The muscles in your legs will move us, often for a long time. They should be trained in dynamic endurance strength. The muscles in the back and abdomen has as its main task to stabilize the body. They have a latching function in everyday life and in sports. These muscle groups therefore need static training.

You should also be aware that a strong back is a good insurance policy for back pain, and back pain is the most common strain injury in our society. It is wise - and much easier - to prevent rather than being forced to repair. If you only have got a bad back, you must train yourself up again, but then the starting point is a completely different and much less pleasurable. Insufficient muscle capacity thus increasing the risk of damage or wear.

Strength training and gender

Maximum weight training works somewhat differently for boys and girls. In boys training usually results in a larger muscle volume, that is, thicker muscles. When the girls train strength muscles become too strong, but not very much stronger. This difference is due to the male sex hormones - testosterone - stimulates growth.

Summary - strength

• Strength is the ability of the muscles to contract, to develop the force or tension in a muscle or muscle group.

• We talk about dynamic and static muscular strength. They can then be divided into endurance strength and maximum strength.

• Explosive strength + speed = power.

• For everyday you have the most use for endurance strength.

• For good benefit regular and systematic training. Weight training and cardio are a fresh product that must be maintained. It is specific, i.e. to be good in that they train.

• The muscles in the back and stomach are the most important task to stabilize the body. They are therefore in need of static endurance strength.

• We train endurance strength with small load and many repetitions, and maximum strength with large load and reps.

• All weight training must start with heating.

• Work slowly in the beginning so that you learn the correct technique of movement. Do you use weights, it is even more important with the right technology.

• To make progress, we should work out three times a week for at least six weeks.

• Physical activity everyday is also an important part of an effective weight training.


What is mobility?

With mobility mean to exercises whose aim is to improve (maintain) the mobility of a joint. The maximum range of motion in the wrist is the measure of the mobility of joints. Mobility is one of the components of the term "agility", in which the other's muscle strength and coordination.

Why we train movement?

Flexibility training is both performance-enhancing - you can sometimes get more power if you can make a greater range of motion - and injury - muscle tears and injuries to tendons can be avoided by providing a longer way to slow down high forces.

- If you have good mobility work easier, faster and more functional.

- Good ability to stretch the joints is the foundation of good posture and relaxed muscles.

- Most activities require good mobility to achieve a well-developed technology. Coaches and athletes in several sports have become more and more aware of this. It is not without reason that example, football player started with elements of ballet and jazz gymnastics in their training.

- Untrained leads quickly becomes stiff. Already at a young age can therefore be stiff if you do not "entertain" the joints.

What restricts movement?

The trail's natural movement ability is determined by its structure, but as a rule also of the muscles around the joint. These stabilizes and prevents it from extending too deeply in the outer position. It is the connective tissue of muscles and holding back that tends to be shortened by prolonged inactivity. Therefore, we must continuously engage in mobility training, especially after long and hard muscle work.

Movement is restricted by:

- Heredity, and age.

- Type of ranks; a ball joint is e.g. movable in all directions compared with a hinge.

- Type of exercise - heavy weight training leads eg to reduced mobility.

- Outside conditions Type temperature, degree of heating etc.

- Reflex system; the sudden movement triggers muscle and sense coils a stretch reflex, whose purpose is to protect the joint from outer positions.

- Psychiatric conditions such as tension before a competition.

Rules for effective mobility training

- The muscles must be heated before the movement begins to exercise.

- The muscles should be as relaxed as possible and slowly "lured" to the front position.

- Work smoothly

- Work concentrated and with a joint at a time. Please use the support.

- Remember that flexibility training is very individual. Individual needs can be diagnosed through tests.

- At least 8-10 minutes should be allocated for the mobility exercise per training session.

- Combines flexibility training and relaxation exercises by alternately tensing and relaxing the body part at a time.

- Please use the music for a more relaxed and rhythmic approach. Incorrectly selected music, however, can have the opposite effect. Tall people have eg hard to reach out to the outer position at too fast working.

Active and passive approaches

You can strain the muscles and joints by using your own muscle power. Think of how the cat stretches! We call for the active stretching.

You can also stretch with the help of a companion, a tool or by using your own body weight. We call that passive stretching.

There is always some risk when working several pieces together. At any flexibility training stretches to the muscles, but there are different methods to train movement: contraction-relaxation-stretching, stretching and stretching.


Stretching, which is an elongation of pure static character, means for extensibility remains in the outer position and hold there for 10-30 seconds. The greater the muscle group, the longer the time.


Stretching involves a repetitive strain softly goes out to the trail's outer position and then immediately back again.

Movements that stretch

You can also successfully carry mobility training by "ordinary" gymnastic movements of the character:

- Runner with high knees

- Runner High hälspark back

- Swap or swinging your arms, bend your knees happy

- Roll your shoulders

- Stand on one leg and turn the other in the hip (with knee bent)

Systematic training

Strains as you do at the end of a heating program (softening), perform low intensity and in the form of active stretching. A program that has as main objective to improve the range of motion at a joint should be limited to the individual ranks and carried up to the pain threshold.

When we work with extension exercises in which we hold in the front position, the duration to be at least 10 seconds, but remember that all forms of mobility training is better than none at all! Experiments have shown that we can successfully hold the front position as long as 2 minutes. When we work with stretches should be performed in the form of soft, attractive movements and repeated 2-8 times in each direction. The quest can be to increase the motion response for each warp. Total should be a mobility scheme to be between 10-30 minutes. We should train movement at least 3 times a week and we should always stretch for strength and fitness training or other strenuous activity. Mobility training becomes more and more important over the years.

Training advice

Each person should gradually get an individually designed dice programs.

- Customize the program's own ability. Elongation not lead where you already have good mobility.

- Make sure you are completely healthy, especially after the damage in the joints or muscles.

- Make sure to warm up properly and relax the muscles.

- Start with active strains.

- When you've trained enough to start with passive strains need to know exactly how large loads can tolerate. Take no chances. Your caregiver needs to be aware of how hard he or she can take in. You can sign on to talk about when the load is large enough.

Relaxation and mobility

There is always a certain tension in the muscles - muscle tone. It varies from person to person and situation that we find ourselves in. For efficient mobility training, it is important to have low tension in the muscles. In a way, it is good to engage in relaxation as part of the mobility exercise. If you are tense or have been training hard, it may be appropriate to initiate movement training to relax and unwind. Stretch your muscles that are too tight will increase the risk of injury. The full benefits of flexibility training, you get only when your muscles are warm and elastic. Take your time, loosening the muscles.

Summary - mobility

- Mobility The training aims to increase the range of motion in the joints. The exercises are called strains.

- It is necessary to have good mobility to use the body correctly, both in work in sports.

- Incorrect extension exercises can lead to overload and damage.

- Training methods:

• Active

• Passive

• Static

• Dynamic

• Stretching

• Stretch