Easter Sunday, 20th April 2014.

Recent Death:

Sr. Rose Anthony Dineen, Swindon, England (formerly Kathleen Dineen, Coole, Annascaul)


John Paul O’Brien, Flemingstown - Camp 8.30pm Easter Vigil, Sat. 19th Apr.

Kate(Kathleen) Lyons, (nee Pierce), Ballingarry, Co. Limerick & Anagap –

Annascaul 9pm Easter Vigil, Sat. 19th April.

Mike Hanafin, Caheracruttera – Inch 10.45am Mass, Easter Sun. 20th April.

Euge Finn, Lougher - Camp 12noon Mass, Easter Sun. 20th April.

Patrick Kennedy, Anagap - Annascaul 8pm Mass, Wed. 23rd April.

Maurice & Kathleen Dineen, Derrygorman –Annascaul 7pm Vigil Mass, Sat. 26th Apr.

Jim & Maureen Finn, Glentanes – Inch 10.45am Mass, Sun. 27thApril

Maureen O’Driscoll, Camp - Camp 12noon Mass, Sun. 27th April.

Linda O’Brien, Lougher.

Alex O’Neill, Ballyknockane, Camp.


  1. Mass at New Cemetery, Camp on Tuesday at 7pm. (If weather is unkind this Mass will be in Camp Church).
  2. Masses this week:Oceanview N.H., Camp: Wed. at 10.30am; Annascaul Church: Wed. at 8pm
  3. Parish Community Masses begin on Friday next with the first one at Brackloon Estateat 7.30pm for Brackloon Estate, Lios na gCraobh, Meelin, & Houses from Church to Maum Cross. (If weather is unkind this Mass will be in Annascaul Church.)

4. Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament: Inch Church: Thursday 3-4pm; Camp Church: Thursday 7-8pm; Annascaul Church: Fri. 7-8pm.

5. Buíochas leat for your contribution to the €1,097 offered at the Masses in the parish last weekend.

  1. Please return the Easter Offering envelopes at your convenience; spare envelopes available in the 3 Churches.
  2. Trocaire Lenten Campaign: Heavenly Father, we gather with open hearts and empty buckets to draw from the well of love and knowledge that you have given us. We thirst for salvation and a sense of belonging in your Kingdom. Teach us to recognise the same Christ suffering in people across the world and inspire us to become advocates of truth and justice on their behalf.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.(Trocaire Parish Lent Resource 2014.)

Please return your Trocaire Box at your convenience.

  1. Vocations:”Christ is risen,Alleluia!”. Called to be a Priest? Contact Vocations Director: Fr. Liam Lovell, 087 1640967, email:
  2. New Jerusalem Bible, Readers Editionfor Sale, €20 each, contact Parish Office.
  3. Newsletter for next weekend will be printed on Thursday; items for inclusion to be in Presbytery by 12noon on Thursday please.

Congratulations to the following who were confirmed

by Bishop Ray Browne recently:

Ellen Ashe, Laura Barrett,Edel Campion, Lisa Flannery, Amy Finn, Síomha Hanafin Eimear O’Connor, Niamh O’Connor, Rachel O’Connor,Úna O’Donnell,Emma McCarthy, Eileen McGovern,Nell Percival, Katelyn Reid, David Barrett, Emmet Brosnan,Mikey Brosnan, Dean Casey, Killian Falvey, Tadhg Ferriter, Maurice Flahive, Kevin Griffin, Mike Griffin, Tony Hoare, Seán Kennedy, Séamus Knightly,Colm Moriarty, Jack Moriarty, Paul Reid,David Smith, Dara Hickson Spillane,( Annascaul), Patrick May, (Dingle), Pádraig Crean & Dáire Kennelly.(Tralee)


ANNASCAUL. Readers Ministers of Eucharist Altar Servers

Vigil-7pm John HanafinPeggy Flahive J. Moriarty, D. Barrett

Sheila Kennedy & L. Barrett


10.45am Eileen O’ConnellPádraig Ó Fóghlú Tony Hoare


12noon Martin Quirke Cian Griffin

Marcella Finn Donal Crean

If you cannot attend as above, please arrange a substitute to take your place.


  1. Coffee Morning and Cake Sale in aid of Scoil Bhreac Chluain in Annascaul Community Centre, after 9.30am Mass on Easter Sunday.This is a vital fundraiser in aid of Scoil Bhreac Chluain, your support is greatly appreciated.
  2. Annascaul Senior Citizens & Friends – Lunch at Community Centre on Thurs., 24th April at 1pm; all welcome
  3. Famine History Lectures in Tralee Library presented by Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society on Tuesday 22nd April at 7.30pm.
  4. Migraine Assoc. of Ireland – Information Day on Thurs. 24th April at Sam McCauley Chemists, Tralee from 10am-4pm followed by an informal support group meeting in Carlton Hotel, Tralee at 7pm; Free & all welcome. Info.: 086 8073937.