( 1 9 ) N a t u r a l i s m : C o r r u p t i o n o f t h e A m e r i c a n D r e a m

(Frank Norris, Theodore Dreiser, Upton Sinclair)

N a t u r a l i sm

[See Topic 17]

F r a n k N o r r i s ( 1 8 7 0 – 1 9 0 2)

-  a naturalist and critical realist

-  < E. Zola > his early determination to portray life with a photography-like fidelity

-  < Social Darwinism > his conviction individuals must be sacrificed to the ongoing inevitable human progress

Ø  M a st e r p i e c e s :

-  the masterpieces he failed to publ. in the 1890s

McTeague (1899):

-  an amateur San Francisco dentist experiences a sexual awakening and marries his patient x but: his wife becomes a greedy monster and he kills her in emotion

-  attempts to escape from his guilt and dies in a desert

-  the rather bombastic concl. contrib. to the success of a film version

-  greed, lust, rage, and envy = no longer sins x but: inherited traits

-  ð M. = a victim of determinism by heredity

Vandover and the Brute (1914):

-  a physical and mental decay of a man allowing for his brutish impulses to master him

Ø  P o p u l a r F i c t i o n :

-  the pieces to satisfy pop. taste and win audience for his next achievement

Moran of the Lady Letty (1898):

-  Moran = an ‘amazon’, comes to master the crew of her father’s ship after her his death

Blix (1899):

-  a partly autobiog. love-story

A Man's Woman (1900)

Ø  ‘ T h e E p i c o f t h e W h e a t ’ :

-  the unfinished trilogy ‘The Epic of the Wheat’

The Octopus (1901):

-  conc. with the production of grain

-  based on an actual issue: CA wheat farmers x the Southern Pacific Railroad

-  the author remains detached from the object of his study x but: incl. a symbolic incident – the wheat buries the entrepreneur who gained it by unsound methods when it is loaded by a machine on a ship

The Pit (1903):

-  conc. with the commercial marketing of grain

-  based on the speculation of the Chicago (IL) stock market

The Wolf:

-  would have been conc. with the world-wide distribution of grain

T h e o d o r e D r e i s e r ( 1 8 7 1 – 1 9 4 5 )

L i f e :

-  son of Ger. immigrants: his father a relig. fanatic, his mother kind but illiterate

-  grew up poor and unhappy

-  sought journalism as an escape from his childhood

-  worked with regional newsps > NY > Chicago

W o r k :

-  associated with the Chicago School of Realism and with the C. Renaissance

-  < his own difficult childhood and knowledge of the street life

-  < the contemp. figures whose stories were played out in the newsps

-  < C. Darwin’s and T. Huxley’s evolutionary theories of scientific and social determinism

-  conc. with the indifferent universe x but: sympathetic to his characters

-  ð made money, sex, and power the major themes of the 20th c. lit.

Sister Carrie (1900):

-  based on the elopement of one of his sisters and on the newsp reports on the embezzlement of company funds

-  made Carrie Meeber x George Hurstwood pass one another along the lines of their ascent x descent

-  combined naturalism and expressionism

-  received little attention x but: reissued (1907), won him the deserved attention, and infl. the turn of lit.

Jennie Gerhardt (1911):

-  based on his sister’s experience as a rich man’s mistress

“The Cowperwood Trilogy”:

-  incl. The Financier, The Titan, and The Stoic

-  dramatised the methods used by ruthless entrepreneurs to take control of the Am. system

An American Tragedy (1925):

-  based on an actual murder trial

-  the protagonist sentenced to death for the murder of one girl because of his longing for another and richer girl

-  exploited both the foolish dream of upward mobility and the foolish desire for perfect love

U p t o n Si n c l a i r ( 1 8 7 8 – 1 9 6 8 )

L i f e :

-  b. in a family destroyed by his father’s drinking x but: of rich relatives

-  his own experience of both the poor x the rich > a desire for social justice and improvement

W o r k :

-  earned for his college by writing humours stories and anecdotes for periodicals

The Journal of Arthur Stirling (1903):

-  raged against the materialistic society not supporting its geniuses

-  scorned the pop. writing he was forced to produce for his living

Ø  ‘ M u c kr a ke r ’ F i c t i o n :

-  used a detailed journalistic style

The Jungle (1906):

-  orig. a series of newsp reports based on his actual journalistic examination of the Chicago slaughterhouse conditions

-  depicted the exploitation of the workers in the slaughterhouse and offered socialism as a solution

-  shocked the President Roosevelt, made the government attend to the hygiene of the meat-producing industry x but: did not improve the conditions of workers

The Metropolis (1907) and The Moneychangers (1908):

-  conc. with the speculation of the stock market

Ø  I n t e r - w a r J o u r n a l i sm :

-  wrote journalistic articles against capitalism

Singing Jailbirds:

-  a didactic play, expressionistic in technique

Oil! (1927):

-  conc. with the government corruption and connection with the oil tycoons

Boston (1928):

-  conc. with the ‘miscarriage of justice’ sentencing 2 workers to death

Ø  P o st - W W I I F i c t i o n :

‘The Lanny Budd Series’:

-  incl. 11 novels conc. with the illegitimate son of a weapon producer entering in disguise the top political scene and infl. the world policies

-  ends up as an excuse for the Am. capitalism