Anchor Assignment for English 013
Summary and Response
Please write a paragraph summarizing an article, story, or some other text that you have read for this class. A summary is an objective report, condensing all the key information into your own words. For a paragraph-length summary, you must cover all the material in no more than 15 sentences.
Then consider your own thoughts and opinions about the material that you have summarized. Please write a paragraph responding to the text that you read. A response is subjective, offering opinions, interpretations, or reflections from your own experience. What are your own thoughts and feelings about some aspect of the subject you’ve explored? Can you give examples of how it connects with your own experience? Why does this subject matter? For a paragraph-length response, please stay within 15 sentences.
At the end of your paper, please add a Work Cited section that shows where your text came from. Use standard MLA style. For example:
Work Cited
Lahiri, Jhumpa. “My Two Lives.” Newsweek. 6 Mar. 2006: 43.
Your instructor will guide you in selecting a text to work on and will help you limit yourself to an objective mode of writing for your summary paragraph. The instructor will also demonstrate the arrangement of Work Cited data.
Please give your paper a title that offers your reader a glimpse of the main point of your response paragraph. Then review your paper for clarity, organization and development of ideas, and for use of standard written English.
As you prepare your final draft, please follow these directions:
· Type, double-spaced, using a standard font no smaller than 11 and no larger than 14. Use left-margin justification, and show new paragraphs by indenting.
· Use the spell-checker and proofread. Save your work electronically.
· Print one copy of the paper to submit to your teacher for a grade.
· Then prepare an anonymous copy by removing your name wherever it appears. Print out the anonymous copy.
· Submit both copies to your teacher on the due date.
Your teacher will grade and return the copy with your name on it. Your anonymous copy will join a pool of papers from all sections of English 013. After the semester is over, papers from the pool will be selected for a committee to read. This second reading is not to evaluate either you or your teacher. It is simply to help the College to assess and improve the writing program.