Our Ref. No: KEBS/STA/TC 92/[1] Date: 2nd March 2012
RE: REPRESENTATION IN THE Solar and Wind Technical Sub-Committee
The Kenya Bureau of Standards is developing standards in the SOLAR AND WIND TECHNOLOGIES. We are therefore constituting a Solar and Wind Technical Sub-Committee to develop standards in this sector and we believe your expertise will add immense value to the process.
1. To prepare standards for systems of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and for all the elements in the entire photovoltaic energy system. In this context, the concept "photovoltaic energy system" includes the entire field from light input to a photovoltaic cell to and including the interface with the electrical system(s) to which energy is supplied.
2. To prepare international standards in the field of solar thermal electric plants at system and component levels, including measurement standards for performance tests.
3. To prepare standards for wind turbines that convert wind energy into electrical energy. These standards address design requirements, engineering integrity, measurement techniques and test procedures. Their purpose is to provide a basis for design, quality assurance and certification. The standards are concerned with all subsystems of wind turbines, such as mechanical and internal electrical systems, support structures and control and protection systems.
4. To prepare international standards regarding fuel cell (FC) technologies for all FC applications such as stationary FC power systems, FC for transportation such as propulsion systems and auxiliary power units, portable FC power systems, and micro FC power systems
The following are the principal responsibilities of the Technical Committee representative:
(i) Collection and analysis of technical information for the drafting of the relevant standard,
(ii) Attending and actively participating in Committee meetings,
(iii) Commenting on Public Review Drafts and balloting on Draft Kenya Standards,
(iv) Keeping their respective organizations/institutions well informed about current standards development projects and expressing their organization’s views,
(v) Participating in international standardization work by attending international meetings, commenting and voting on international draft standards.
Members of Technical committees have access to privileged information, and are expected to respect the confidentiality of this information, and to restrict the sharing of internal discussions and working documents, except for that which is necessary to the development of the publication concerned and to obtaining consensus on the content.
The constitution of the Technical Committees shall be reviewed every three years. The absence of any member in two consecutive meetings will automatically disqualify him/her membership.
Kindly nominate/reappoint your representative in the Committee and urgently forward the name of your choice to us.
Enclosed herewith, please find nomination form for you to complete and return to Kenya Bureau of Standards not later than 30th March 2012 for the attention of REUBEN GISORE.
Yours faithfully,
TC Secretary, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
For: Managing Director
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