Report on Global Compact activities in Serbia for 2009

The Global Compact Board of Directors – In 2009 the Board of Directors has held eight meeting and initiated and realized the following events (in chronological order):

·  Workshop on the preparation of the Development report, which was organized with help of Mrs. Elena Panova from Global Compact in Bulgaria;

·  Participation of the Global Compact delegation at the VII Annual general meeting of local networks in Istanbul, during which the achievements were presented as well as the scheme of network operation in Serbia

·  Presentation of Global Compact at the round table “How to stimulate philanthropy development and the development in the non-profit sector in Serbia by using tax relief” organized by the Balkan Community Initiative Fund and Civic initiatives in cooperation with the European Center for non-for-profit law and the Ekonomist Media group;

·  Design and launching of the Global Compact web site in Serbia;

·  Presentation of the Global Compact in Serbia in the Regional Chamber of Commerce Novi Sad

·  Presentation of the Global Compact in Serbia at the Regional conference „Maintainable development – Institutional challenges and implementation“ organized by the Government of Montenegro

·  Presentation of the Global Compact in Serbia at the Regional conference „Development of the corporate social responsibility – good practice examples” organized by the Center for development of non-profit organizations and the Foundation Open Society Institute – Representative office Podgorica Montenegro

·  Annual meeting of the Global Compact in Serbia

·  Presentation of the Global Compact in Serbia at the conference „Corporate social responsibility at the global and national level during crisis - EU experience and Development of Serbia“ organized by the European Commission and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce

Besides the above mentioned events the Global Compact in Serbia has supported events of its members as well as activities of other organizations, which are in accordance with ten principles of the Global Compact.

In 2009 the Board of Directors and the network office have started a cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and social policy, which is to be formalized soon.

The Social inclusion Working group and the Working group for people with disabilities – In 2009 The Social inclusion Working group and the Working group for people with disabilities has held six meetings and the achievement are as follows:

·  Presentation of the “Design for everybody” of the European Institute for Design and Disability related to the accessibility of public/business premises and areas;

·  Presentation of standards for web presentation adaptation;

·  Appeal through media with regard to the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, followed by the promotion of the principle “All different, all the same”.

·  Distribution of questionnaires on employment of people with disabilities composed by the International Labour organization, which shall serve as a base for the organization of related seminars.

·  Partnerships within the framework of the Working group

·  Creation of a facebook page for the Working group for the exchange of information;

·  Foundation of an Advisory Body for the accessibility analysis;

·  Cooperation with the Advisory body for Persons with Disabilities and the Mayor’s office of the City of Belgrade.

Working group on combating corruption – In 2009 the Working group on combating corruption has held five meetings. Based upon the previously defined concept and framework the Working group has:

·  Reviewed the following documents:

o  Implementation of ethical codes in companies and technical support to members during the implementation of ethical codes in their business operations;

o  Role of professional associations in combating corruption;

o  Prevention of corruption risks during the transfer of people from the public sector to the private sector – avoiding conflict of interest

·  Prepared the proposal of the Declaration on combating corruption for Global Compact members, which shall be submitted to members for review (upon approval by the Board of Directors);

·  Prepared the proposal for the Integrity agreement for participants in the public procurement and revised the integrity agreement implementation in cooperation with the Public Procurement Office;

·  Established a dialogue and coordination with public organizations and non-governmental organizations with regard to combating corruption

The Working group for corporate social responsibility in the banking and financial sector – In 2009 the Working group for corporate social responsibility in the banking and financial sector has held seven meetings and, in accordance with one of its main objectives, has initiated projects in the domain of financial education:

·  Cooperation with seven high schools from six cities with the bank employee profile. Within the cooperation with schools the following was achieved:

○  One-week’s/two-week’s practice for third/fourth grade students in branch offices of the banks – members of the Working group;

○  Visit to the National Bank of Serbia and the Institute for Manufacturing Banknotes and Coins;

○  Participation of representatives of banks-members of the Working group at the matriculation exam;

○  Elaboration of the cooperation plan with schools for the year 2009/2010.

·  Within the project Financial management for individuals – organization of free-of-charge workshops for citizens, after the proposal by members – participants has been adopted, this Working group has:

○  Created teams: for workshops, for the preparation of the communications strategy and lectures

○  Facilitated the exchange of experience from the project with colleagues from the Croatian Banking Association

○  Established the plan for pilot workshops.

Environmental issues Working group – After the foundation of the Environmental Issues Working group during the conference „„Corporate social responsibility and energy efficiency“, the Working group has held two more meetings and:

·  has established basic objectives of the Working group:

o  improvement of practice in companies - participants;

o  active participation in the dialogue and creation of public policies and programmes within the framework of joint actions/partner projects, which aim to increase the synergetic effect and give examples of good practice to the economy and society

o  Promotion of three principles of the Global Compact related to environmental issues.

Working group for support in the preparation of the corporate social responsibility strategy – In 2009 the Working group for support in the preparation of the corporate social responsibility strategy has held four meetings and one workshop. The need to create this Working group arose from the necessity to form a platform at the national level in order to enhance further development and improvement of the corporate social responsibility in Serbia. The Working group has:

·  analyzed national strategies for the stimulation of corporate social responsibility and provision of examples of good practice in seven countries;

·  initiated the preparation of the Strategy on the national level in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and social policy;

·  become an associate member of the Government Working group for the preparation of the Corporate social responsibility strategy draft;

·  conducted a survey and prepared a document, which was a basis for the Draft of the Corporate social responsibility strategy.

Contribution of some members – The functioning of the Global Compact network would not be possible without the dedication to the Global Compact principles of each member. Special contribution to the Global Compact network activities in 2009 was given by (alphabetically):

·  AmCham – co-presiding over the Working group for support in the preparation of the corporate social responsibility strategy;

·  Belgrade Business School – design and hosting of the Global Compact web-site;

·  The Center for monitoring and evaluation – organization of the conference „Corporate social responsibility and energy efficiency“ during which the Environmental Issues Working group was created;

·  Inclusive society development center – foundation of an Advisory body for accessibility issues in order to help the members to adjust their business premises to the needs of people with disabilities;

·  Coca-Cola Hellenic – management of the Environmental Issues Working group;

·  Deloitte – initiative and management of the Working group for support in the preparation of the corporate social responsibility strategy;

·  Erste Bank – translation and printing of the brochure Practical guide to development reports, design and printing of leaflets on Global Compact in Serbia, assistance in the contact with media, co-presiding over the Working group for support in the preparation of the corporate social responsibility strategy;

·  Eurobank EFG – presides over the Social inclusion working group and Working group for people with disabilities, holds meetings in its own building, provides assistance in the contact with media, provides assistance in the organization of the Annual meeting, provides support to all events;

·  Holcim Srbija – provides assistance in the organization of the Annual meeting;

·  The National Bank of Serbia – holds Global Compact meetings in its own building, the Global Compact network office in Serbia, presides over the Working group for corporative social responsibility in the banking and financial sector, organizes the Annual general meeting, provides support to all events, provided the translation of the brochure After signing (proofreading in progress, printing follows);

·  Serbian Chamber of Commerce – presides over the Working group on combating corruption, provides assistance in the presentation of the Global Compact in Serbia to the Chamber of Commerce Novi Sad and at the conference “Corporate social responsibility at the global and national level during crisis - EU experience and Development of Serbia“;

·  SMart kolektiv – provides assistance in the organization of the Annual general meeting.