Title of the paper 20/22 pts Arial
Authors’ full names and surnames14/16.8 pts Arial
1Affiliation(s) – use numbering in superscript for more than one affiliations, *mail address of the corresponding author (asterisk only if more than one author) 9/10.8 point Times New Roman Bold Italic
An abstract in English language is an obligatory part of each article. It should contain a concise description of the article’s principle ideas. Abstracts should be written after affiliation and contain 250÷300 words. Do not divide the text of the abstract into paragraphs. Below abstract a few key words should be placed. The content of the abstracts should be written with a Times New Roman 8/9,6 pts font. The instruction is for the Authors of the articles accepted for presentation at the AMT 2016 Conference. All the necessary information, concerning formatting a text and Tables and an appearance of Figures, can be found here. Organizers of the Conference do hope that the information will help the Authors in the process of their manuscripts preparation. Times New Roman 8/9.6 pts.
Key words: a few key words in English language.
1. INTRODUCTION Arial 11/12.5 pts
An article submitted for publication in “INŻYNIERIA MATERIAŁOWA, MATERIALS ENGINEERING” should be clear and compact. The text should be divided into chapters, each having its own title and number. Only those units that belong to the SI unit system must be used in the article.
The following margins should be used:
˗upper margin 1.3 cm,
˗lower margin 1.7 cm,
˗internal margin 1 cm,
˗external margin 1.5 cm.
A content of the article should be placed in two columns, each 9cm wide, with 0.5 cm free space between them. In order to combine a content of single column fragments of the article with its double-column content, division into sections are to be made.
2. TITLE OF THE PAPER Arial 11/12.5 pts
Title should be written with an Arial 20 pts font, line spacing 22 pts, with its text centered. Upper distance48 pts, lower0 pts.
After the title of the article full name(s) of the author(s) should be written. Author’s titles are not supposed to be used, neither are abbreviations of their surnames (John Brown - right; J. Brown - wrong).The headline should be written with Arial 14 pts font with line spacing 14.8 pts.
Affiliation(s) of the Author(s) is to be placed in next line. For more than one affiliations use numbering in superscript added after author’s surname and before affiliation. After affiliation (in the same paragraph) e-mail of corresponding author should be added.
Abstract should contain 250÷300 words.Below abstract a few key words should be placed. The content of the abstracts should be written with a Times New Roman 8 pts font with line spacing 9.6 pts, without dividing into paragraphs.
Headlines should be written with a bold Arial11 pts font with 12.5 pts line spacing, 10 pts distance before paragraph, 8 pts after. Text should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS and aligned with the left margin (without spacing).
5.1. Subheading
Subheadings should be formatted as headlines but written in normal (bold) letters.
The content of an article should be written with the Times New Roman 9.5 pts font with 10.6 pts line spacing, justified.The first line of each paragraph should be withdrawn by 0.4cm (with the exception of the first paragraph in the chapter).
Pointing should be made with the same font as the text with a dash making the mark. Its position should be set at 0 cm and withdrawnby 0.4 cm.
In the text do not use:
˗space to formatting of the text, two or more space are not allowed,
˗non-breaking space,
˗hard hyphens,
˗soft returns,
˗characters’ styles,
˗paragraph styles.
You should:
˗format all variables placed in the text in the mathematical manner, e.g. variables in italic, function regular etc.,
˗insert one space between value and unit (only % and ° (degree) without space),
˗use the degree symbol ° (Alt+0176), not “o” letter in superscript,
˗all Greek characters from Times New Roman font in Unicode.
Fig. 1. Put here a figure description in English language
Rys. 1. Tutaj umieścić opis rysunku w języku polskim
When an editor of mathematical equations is applied, the following font sizes are to be used:
˗normal: 9.5 points
˗subscript/superscript: 65% of base size,
˗secondary subscript/superscript: 45%,
˗symbol: 150%,
˗secondary symbol: 100%.
Times New Roman is recommended for all types of symbols (also Greek characters). Use Symbol font only if necessary. Formulas should be centered.
Subsequent formulas should be numbered with Arabic numerals placed in brackets (see example below). Each number should be aligned with the right margin.
Each quantity in a formula should have its own description. Descriptions are written with the same font as text, but with no withdrawal.
where:h denotes – description 1, R denotes – description 2, d denotes – description 3, etc. All symbols of variables in the text should be typed in italic, matrix in regular, bold.
All drawings, plots, schemes and photographs in the text should be named Figures and numbered with subsequent Arabic numerals. Descriptions within the Figures should be written with the same font as the normal text is. A maximum width of a Figure fit in a single column amounts to 9 cm, while that of a double column Figure equals 18.5 cm. Each Figure should be followed by both its English and Polish caption. Captions in English should be written with bold 8.5 pts Times New Roman font with 10.5 pts of line spacing,and Polish ones should be written in bold italic.When referring to the Figures in the text use full word „Figure 1” or the abbreviation (Fig. 1)placed in a bracket.
In plots, a recommended thickness of a line amounts to 0.5÷1.5 points.The Figures should not have any outside frames. In additon, it is required that the Figures are submitted as separate files (PDF, TIFF, JPG – only photo, EPS, AI). Please remember, that paper will be print in grey levels – lines in graphs should be diversified. This requirement is aimed at ensuring the highest quality of the Figures. At images of microstructure a magnification marker have to be placed.
Tables in the article are numbered with subsequent Arabic numerals. Text in the Tables should be written with Times New Roman 8 pts font (see example).Each Table should be preceded by both its English and Polish caption formatted as Figure captions.
Table 1. Put here a table description in English language
Tabela 1.Tutaj umieścić opis tabeli w języku polskim
SerialNo / Quantity No 1
g·cm-2 / Quantity No 2
kJ / Quantity No 3
kmol / Comments
1 / 23 / a / 3 / text
2 / 21 / b / 4 / text
Fig. 2. Put here a figure description in English language
Rys. 2. Tutaj umieścić opis rysunku w języku polskim
Each manuscript should be followed with a list of bibliographical positions (references), numbered in the same sequence, as they appear in the text.References are numbered with subsequent Arabic numerals placed in square brackets (automatic numbering is preferred). The list of the references is written with a Times New Roman 8 pts font. In addition, one should use 0.6 cm of a line withdrawal. Literature positions are formatted according to generally accepted rules and have to contain information about all authors (et al. is not allowed), and full titles of papers.References should be formatedas a pattern presented below:
[1]Sajek A. K., Sajek A.: A title of an article published in conference proceedings. A Title of the Conference, locality, June 20th-24th(2004) (date) 101÷105.
[2]Sajek A., Sajek A.: A title of an article published in a journal. Title of the Journal 3 (2003) 101÷105.
[3]Osterle W., Rooch H., Pyzalla A., Wang L.: Investigation of white etching layers on rails by light and electron microscopy, X-ray and synchrotron diffraction. Mat. Sci. and Eng. A303 (2001) 150÷157.
[4]Sajek A., Sajek A.: A title of a book. Publisher, locality (2002) (year of the edition).
[5]Bylica A., Sieniawski J.: Tytan i jego stopy. PWN, Warszawa (1985).