How to complete an Asset Acquisition Form (AS001)

When to use this form

1.  When you purchase a new asset owned by UCT or GSB

2.  When you purchase a new asset not owned by UCT or GSB but funded from a UCT administered fund.


SECTION 1 (To be completed by the acquiring Department)


–  Enter the item name. This should be the generic description of the asset e.g. Balance, Fax Machine, Spectrometer, Freezer.

–  Enter any additional information other than the make or model e.g. with accessories, if a Balance – analytical, if a saxophone – alto or tenor, if a car – year of registration.

Please supply as much information as you have available.

–  Enter the MAKER’S NAME (Manufacturer)

–  Enter the MODEL name or description

–  SELECT ONE ASSET TYPE from the 6 types listed for which it is predominantly used.

–  Enter the SERIAL No. (if there is one, or the Car Licence Plate No. for a motor vehicle).

–  Enter the DEPARTMENT INVENTORY No. This will be your Department’s internal asset number for your records e.g. BZ000557

–  Enter the ASSET MAIN NUMBER. If the new asset is an accessory for an existing asset.


Attach supporting documention to this form e.g. quotation.


–  Enter the VENDOR NAME in full.

–  Enter the VENDOR NUMBER (if known)

–  Enter the FUND to be debited. Only one Fund may be entered.

–  Enter the COST CENTER (CO Pilots only).

1.3 Fill in the USER DETAILS

–  Enter your DEPARTMENT NAME in full.

–  Enter your Department ORG. CODE (if known).

–  Enter the name of the BUILDING WHERE the asset will be HOUSED.

–  Leave the BLDG CODE blank.

–  Enter the ROOM/LAB No. where the asset will be housed.

–  Enter the STAFF MEMBER’S NAME and PERSONNEL No. if the asset is to be housed at the Staff member’s home e.g. staff car.

–  Enter the OWNER’S NAME if the asset is not owned by UCT or GSB e.g. WRC, MRC, World Bank, CPA.


If the new asset is a replacement of another disposed asset, fill in the following details and complete an Asset Retirement Form. (AS004).

–  Enter your Department Inventory No. of the asset which is being replaced.

–  Enter the reason for the disposal in the HOW DISPOSED field and attach the Asset Retirement Form.

1.5 - 1.8 Complete the AUTHORISATIONS as appropriate depending on the value of the asset

–  Sign the form in the SIGNATURE field.

–  Enter the DATE.

–  Enter the name (in capitals) in the PRINT NAME field.

1.9 Fill in the FORM COMPLETED BY details

–  Sign the form in the SIGNATURE field.

–  Enter the DATE.

–  Enter your name (in capitals) in the PRINT NAME field.

–  Enter your POSITION.

–  Enter your E-MAIL ADDRESS.

–  Enter your PHONE number.


–  Either post the completed form and attached documents to the Assets Office, Bremner Building,

–  Or for urgent orders, e-mail the form as an attachment to the Assets Office and send the originals in the post to the Assets Office.

–  The Assets Office will create the purchase order, fax it to the vendor and communicate via email the details of the order (e.g. purchase order number) to you.

Refer to AST001 for policy details.

13 July 2010 Page 1 of 2 AS001HLP