Minutes of the Board of Directors

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6:00 p.m. – Greenhorn Fire Station

  1. Roll Call

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Greenhorn Creek Community

Services District was held on June 21, 2012, at the Greenhorn fire station.

Board members: Marlyn Jordan, David Schmid, and Candy Miller

Staff: Roy Carter and Susan Scarlett

Public: Kris Parton, Janice Bishop, Frank Madden, Dick Cahill, and

Carl McDonald

  1. Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes of Special Meeting of June 7, 2012 were approved. The motion

Was made by Candy and David seconded the motion.

  1. Public Comment Opportunity

Any member of the public may address the Board on matters that are within the jurisdiction of the Board. The Board is not allowed to comment or respond to publiccomments per the Brown Act. If you are addressing the Board regarding a matter listed on the agenda, you are requested to hold your comments until the Board takes up that matter. Please limit your comments to three minutes or less.

  1. Finance Report
  2. Review monthly financial reports.

We will have our annual audit on August 20 & 21 of this year. We can now close the

Construction ($13,124.36) account as the USDA project is completed. The money

was applied to Principle portion of our loan. Candy made a motion to approve the

monthly financial report. Marlynn seconded the motion. The motion passed. The

Board also voted to have the annual Road Association meetings and the CSD

Monthly meeting combined and meeting on August 16th at 6pm at the Firehall. Roy,

And Susan will be training on the billing and meter reading software in July.

  1. Update on small claims court activity.

Another 10 claims will be started. So far all of the rulings of the cases that have gone

to court have been in our favor. ,

  1. Discussion and direction to staff regarding policies for overdue accounts

The current direction of the Board concerning collections seems to be working well,

and so we will continue with it.

  1. Budget Discussions, Public Hearing, and Approval-Signature of Resolution

Susan was able to get the auditor to actually lower his price for this years audit.

There was not any changes to be made to the proposed budget, David made the

Motion to accept the 2012-2013 Budget as presented. Marlynn seconded. Motion

Passed. Susan will file the resolution with Plumas county, as this our past practice

for all of our resolutions.

  1. Susan Scarlett contract discussion/approval. Possible updating of her position description with an addition for web page information/posting

Susan’s contract is to be accepted, as presented with a possible increase of

after a trial period as the duties of updating the web page with agendas and minutes

was added to position description. The Board agreed that Susan’s work, advice, and

counsel are greatly appreciated. Candy made the motion to accept the contract.

David seconded the motion. The motion passed.

  1. Water Department
  2. Update on water system operations – including USDA Tank.

The water confidence report will go out in the July billing. As of these minutes

USDA Tank Loan can be taken off of the agenda as a standing agenda item.

  1. Discussion of current water policy and possible acceptance

Tabled to the July meeting.

  1. Discussion on Water Rate Study with Meters—Place Holder
  2. Utility Billing Software—

The billing software and the Phase 1 Project should all be one item, as once the

Billing software is being used, Phase 1 is complete.

  1. Discussion of Phase 1 Project

See d.

  1. Fire Department
  2. Update on Fire Department activity.

We are down to 6 firefighters and 1 Admin person. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. There

2 medical calls, 1 got cancelled. 1 Trash fire which was a mutual aid.

  1. Discussion and direction and/or update to staff regarding updates to fire fuels ordinance.

Our Fire Chief volunteered his last 2 months of weekends to the Quincy Fire

Academy. Defensible Space for the Elderly and Disabled is still being revised, so

nothing will be done this year as they are rolling the money over to next year to use

for this program. Through this program we have gotten new radios and pagers.

On Memorial Day weekend, the Fire Department went to the Greenhorn Ranch

Open House. One of their projects was to raise money by doing a bake sale. David

our Fire Chief, has accomplished his Level 3 ccertification. Now he can train other,

firefighters which helps the surrounding communities besides just ours. The white

fire truck has been sold. The Quincy volunteer fire department re-programmed

our pagers and radios.

  1. Fire Safe Council update

Defensible Space for the Elderly and Disabled is still being revised, so

nothing will be done this year as they are rolling the money over to next year to use

for this program. Through this program we have gotten new radios and pagers.

  1. Firewise Community Update

Jerry Hurley will be at our July 19th meeting to give a presentation.

  1. Road Department

a. Update on Road Department activity

Roy is recommending that the roads be watered on a daily basis. He came to this conclusion after doing a cost comparison of the dust coat cost and maintenance and then the cost of daily watering. The topic of the access road that runs parallel to part of the paved portion of Greenhorn Ranch Road, came up as a safety concern and as needing maintenance. Roy is going to work on the maintenance of the road, and reminded people that there is some metal pole support in the middle of the road that is a safety concern also.

  1. Adjournment

Next meeting is July 19th.

Agenda items

Chipper –renting or leasing to community