Honors Integrated Math 3

Course outline and Expectations

Fall 2017

Teacher: Eric Singley (email: )

Description: The content of this course integrates the topics of functions, statistics, trigonometry, probability, conics, and some algebra. The focus of Semester 1 is on transformations and translations of graphs and data, matricies, and trigonometry. The focus of semester 2 continues with trigonometry, probability, and conics. Students will apply these concepts to problem solve a variety of mathematical, scientific and technological situations. Technology will be emphasized throughout the course for work with graphing, analyzing data and simulating experiments.

Resources: You will utilize a variety of resources that emphasize a technology rich and problem solving based curricula. They include: text books from the University of Chicago Mathematics Project and the Core-Plus Mathematics Project, computers, graphing calculators, data collection devices, geometry software, spreadsheets, and other teacher created materials. I have a blog that will have all resources. Also, a daily post will summarize the day’s progress.

Materials Required: You will need to bring a pencil, a three-ring binder (with tabs to divide/organize your work), loose-leaf paper, guided notes available in ilearn/blog, and a TI-Nspire to class each day.

Class Participation and Homework: Your progress in mathematics will be evaluated on a daily/weekly basis. Class participation and completion of daily work is mandatory and critical to success in this course. It is very important to keep up with your assignments/tasks. Therefore, late assignments will not be accepted. This is a learning community and we all need to be involved and work together for the overall success of the class! A calendar will outline what we’ve done in the past and our plans for the future. All homework must be kept organized and properly labeled in your homework binder and will be checked by the teacher at various times throughout the semester.

It is important for you to understand that it is your responsibility to do the daily assigned practice problems to ensure your understanding of lesson covered in class. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about the previous night’s homework the day after the homework is assigned. After this, class time will not be used to address homework questions from a previous night’s homework lesson that you failed to do. Other questions should be addressed to the teacher via email or after class/after school.

It is a well-known fact that the most cited key behaviors of a successful math student is consistent, daily practice. It is your responsibility to use your many resources (iLearn, blog, notes, examples, homework, other students, etc.) to keep up. You have some flexibility of what work and when, but it is your responsibility to make sure you comprehend the material. Don’t ask about extra credit. You will be made aware IF the opportunity arises. Retakes are not given in this course.

Participation points: Every day I give a 10 point formative assignment for participation. I (mostly) don’t give points for finishing an assignment or turning something in. I give points for using time wisely, putting forth effort, and participating in your advancement. I do not want you to focus on finishing things and turning them in. This is not a focus on learning. I want you to focus on being invested in what you’re doing. Be on task during class, and spend what time you deem necessary at home. This grade will also give you some flexibility in how you work on ideas. I don’t care if you do 2 or 20 problems, spend 2 minutes or 2 hours, that choice is yours. Determine how much is necessary for you (that’s your job, not mine). For most of your work, it’s about what you do, not what is due. If you are out for some excused reason, your daily 10 will be dropped. If not, it will be a zero.


  • You can expect that a variety of summative assessments including quizzes, activities, projects and tests that constitute approximately 80% of your grade and formative assessments in the form of work and participationthat constitutes approximately 20% of the grade you earn in this course. Understanding of ALL homework is IMPERATIVE to support your summative grade!
  • Due to timing constraints, if you miss a quiz due to an absence, you will be excused from the quiz. It does not matter if the absence is due to illness, school related, funeral, etc….the quiz will be a drop. You will receive two drops per semester. The reason for this policy is to benefit the majority of students. In order for students to learn from their mistakes, I will correct and return quizzes as soon as possible. It is difficult to do so when students are absent and makeup dates stretch out due to scheduling conflicts. I will do everything in my power to schedule quiz dates to accommodate the majority of students. In other words, if you are aware of an upcoming absence, the sooner you tell me the better. I can make adjustments if given enough notice. Note that if I feel that you are abusing the absence quiz policy, I will first discuss the situation with you. If I do not see your behavior changing or if you are unwilling to communicate with me regarding this matter, then I will request a parent conference.
  • Some summative assessments (or parts) you will be expected to complete without a calculator
  • We will have quizzes on small groups of information, but may have a final or project when we are done with a large topic. You will know details when necessary.

Tests, Quizzes, Labs, and Projects: Major units will be broken into multiple quizzes. There may be projects on some ideas within a unit. A test or final will be given when appropriate (and you will be told ahead of time).

Attendance and Makeup: Regular attendance is essential to success in this class. Absence prior to a scheduled class activity (test, quiz, presentation, etc…) will NOT excuse you from participating on that day. Work due on the date of an absence must be handed in immediately following the absence. You will not be allowed to miss class time to make up missed assessments. If you miss a quiz, it is a drop. You are expected to ask other classmates if papers were returned and/or handed out, and obtain your copies on your own. If you lose your guided notes, you will be expected to print your own copy.

Dropped Grade Allowance: At the end of each semester, two quizzes (each 20 points) may be selected by the student and will be dropped from his/her grade sheet. HOWEVER, recall that if you are absent the day of a quiz, it is one of your drops.

Grading: Grades will follow the district formative/summative 80/20 system and based on the following scale:

100 – 92.5A92.4 – 89.5A-

89.4 – 86.5B+86.4 – 82.5B82.4 – 79.5B-

79.4 – 76.5C+76.4 – 72.5C72.4 – 69.5C-

69.4 – 66.5D+66.4 – 62.5D62.4 – 59.5D-59.4 and below is failing

All grades are posted in the Gradebook in a timely manner. It is recommended monitor the grades in Gradebook on a regular basis. Any discrepancies should be brought to my attention as soon as possible, along with the graded document for verification.

Note: Bonus (extra credit) points are given out on a limited basis at my discretion. They are not a guarantee and should not be expected. If an opportunity or need presents itself, I will inform you.

Class guidelines:

1)Be Punctual – Be in your assigned seat at the start of class ready to work.

2)Be Courteous – Be kind to classmates in speech and actions.

3)Be Dedicated – Take ownership of your learning and do your best.

4)Be Honest – Your work should always represent your own knowledge. (Cheating of any type will not be tolerated and you will receive no credit for the assignment in question)

5)Be Responsible with Your Technology – FYI…Cell Phones and Ipods/MP3 Players will not make you a better math student.

This is your classroom and all of the resources in it are here to enrich your learning experience. Please use them with care and respect.