Research Degree Supervision Agreement
Higher Degree Research Student and Supervisors
Candidate’s Details
Student Number:
Student Name: /
Principal Supervisor:
Co-Supervisor: /
Additional Supervisor’s: /
Preamble – The University Research Committee requires all Higher Degree Research students and their Supervisors to complete a supervisor agreement by the end of the first four weeks of candidature of the research component of any HDR program.
Candidates and Supervisors should discuss the matters outlined in the agreement, in order to have clarity and consistency of understanding regarding the conduct of the HDR candidate’s research project. The purpose of the agreement is to establish a strong and stable platform on which to construct a quality partnership and facilitate a successful outcome.
This agreement should be explored and the outcomes agreed upon with regard to the University’s policies and guidelines relating to HDR candidature and relevant School documents and information.
A copy of the completed and signed document is to be provided to each of the supervisors and to the student, with the original being forwarded to Research Services for inclusion on the student’s file.
This agreement must be completed within 4 weeks of the student commencing the research component of any HDR program.
HDR students must have a current supervision contract in place in order to confirm their candidature.
All sections of the agreement must be completed.
1.0.General Induction
(Please note some Schools will have their own inductions for students that will need to be undertaken in addition to this general induction).
1.1The student has been informed of the facilities available under the Minimum Facilities for Postgraduate Research Students Policyand Guidelines, and how these can be accessed. /
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1.2The student has been informed of any additional facilities available in the School above the minimum standards and how these can be accessed. /
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1.3The student has been shown the location of their office space and other facilities in the School (On Campus Students only) /
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1.4The student has been shown the location of their office space and other facililties in the School (On Campus Students only) /
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1.5The student has been advised of the arrangements for the student to attend any required training and OH&S courses, or the process for nominating for that training. /
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1.6The student has been advised of how to access the internet and the requirements of the University’sIT’s Policies, including download limits. /
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1.7The student has been advised how to access the library and library support / training including accessing Endnote, electronic journals and inter-library loans. /
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1.8The student has been advised of the expectations and procedures relating to the Confirmation of Candidature Procedure for doctoral students. /
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Comments Section:
2.0.Meetings and Contact
2.1The student has been supplied with the names and contact details of all supervisors /
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2.2The location, time, frequency and communication channel for meetings i.e. telephone, face to face, email, has been agreed between the principal supervisor, co-supervisors and the student /
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2.3There is an agreed process in place for recording the attendance at meetings by both parties; what takes place in the meetings, and the outcomes of these meetings. /
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Comments Section:
3.0.Roles / Responsibilities of the Student and Supervisors
The discussion in this section could include supervision style and expectations, e.g. supportive, directive. It could also include details regarding supervisor / student responsibilities and changes in supervision. The discussion in this section enables these provisions and related issues to be explored.
3.1Role and responsibilities of the Principal Supervisor.
3.2Role and responsibilities of any Co-supervisor.
3.3Role and responsibilities of the Candidate
Comments Section:
4.0.Project Planning and Milestone Setting
3.4The supervisor and the student have discussed a project plan and have in place a research timetable. The HDR Candidate has been advised and understands when agreed milestones are to be submitted to supervisors. /
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3.5For supervisors with students enrolled in the PhD.I a discussion of submission dates for the Learning Exercises of the PhD.I – Research Learning Program has been included in those milestones. /
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3.6The student has also been made aware of the confirmation of candidature process and requirements and when regular progress reports are to be submitted to supervisors. / ☐ ☐ ☐
3.7The student is aware of the requirement to undertake six-monthly HDR Progress Reporting, which open on the following dates:
  • Round 1, 2018 – Wednesday 9 May 2018
  • Round 2, 2018 – Wednesday 10 October 2018
  • Round 1, 2019 – Wednesday 8 May 2019
  • Round 2, 2019 – Wednesday 9 October 2019
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3.8The student and the principal supervisor are in agreement on any changes to be made to the project plan and research milestones, and when the research proposal will be finalised. /
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3.9In the case of students enrolled in the PhD.I the student and the principal supervisor are in agreement on any changes to be made to the Innovation project Portfolio plan and research milestones and when the Innovation project Portfolio Proposal will be finalised. /
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3.10Supervisor and student are in agreement on measures to be taken if the expectations in the research timetable are not met. /
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Comments Section:
5.0.Publications, Intellectual Property and Plagiarism
4.1A process has been set in place for determining authorship, ordering of authors in published papers, particularly for Journal Article Format theses (for those enrolled prior to 5 August 2015) or Thesis by Publication (for those enrolled after 5 August 2015). /
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4.2The student has been made aware of the UNE’s Intellectual Property Policy and the importance of intellectual property when publishing their material. /
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4.3Intellectual property has been identified in the project and registered with the University’s Intellectual Property Officer (the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research), if necessary. /
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4.4Where there are not specific IP agreements governing a project (in the case of industry or other partnerships) then the following default agreement can be applied.
  • Start date to end Year 1 - Supervisor 75%; Candidate 25%
  • Year 1 to end Year 2 - Supervisor 50%; Candidate 50%
  • Year 2 to end Year 3 - Supervisor 25%; Candidate 75%
  • Further extension - As for Year 3
  • Completion - As agreed in submission documentation
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4.5The student has been directed to the UNE’s policies for the conduct of HDR Research:
4.5.1Higher Degree Research Student Responsible Conduct of Research
4.5.2Code of Conduct for Research
4.5.3Research-Related Complaints and Allegations Procedure
4.5.4Higher Degree by Research Course Rules /
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4.6A process has been put in place for ensuring that the HDR Candidate understands the expectations of the conduct of research within a University context. /
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Comments Section:
6.0.Ethics Approval
5.1If the research project requires approval from one of the University’s Research Ethics Committees, the need to obtain ethics clearance prior to data collection has been discussed and the time-frame for seeking ethics approval has been agreed. /
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5.2The student has been made aware that any approvals, permits or permissions required from or by the University’s Research Ethics Committees need to be in place before the commencement of any fieldwork or data collection. /
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5.3The student has been directed to the relevant Research Ethics webpage for information on how to apply for Ethics Approval, if required. /
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Comments Section:
7.0.Seminar and Other Presentation Opportunities
6.1Arrangements have been put in place to facilitate publication or conference presentations by the student during the course of the students’ candidature. /

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6.2The student has been informed of the time when the seminar presentation to their relevant School is required. /
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6.3The student has been informed of the various sources of funding available within the University/School to support attendance at conferences or for other travel, and is aware of the Research Scholarships webpage. /
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6.4The student has been advised of the annual UNE Postgraduate Conference and the requirement to present at the conference at least once during their candidature. /
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Comments Section:
8.0.Research Data Management
7.1The student has been directed to the Research Data Management webpage for information on relevant services and requirements. /
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7.2It is confirmed that the student has access to Cloud.UNE and is aware of the requirement on them to store all project research data on this platform. /
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7.3The student has been informed of the University requirement to describe and deposit their research data with the Library, upon completion of their project. /
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7.4The student is aware of the support provided by the Library (mailto:) for research data management. /
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Student’s Signature: / Date:

Principal Supervisor’s Signature: / Date:

Co-Supervisor’s Signature: / Date:

Co-Supervisor’s Signature: / Date:

HDR Supervisor and Student Agreement Form Page 1 of 7